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342 lines (217 loc) · 10.5 KB

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342 lines (217 loc) · 10.5 KB

Casper Association Portal API

This is the backend API repo of the portal. To see the frontend webapp repo, visit

It is a Laravel 8.0 application, with a MySQL database.



  • Nginx (tested on 1.22 successfully)
  • Mysql DB (tested on 8.0.26 successfully)
  • PHP 8.1 (tested on 8.1.0 successfully)
    • gd, zip, mysqli, sqlite3, gmp and bcmath extensions
  • Composer 2.5+
  • Casper Client CLI utility (tested on 1.5.0 successfully)

Testing has been done on AWS EC2 medium instance running Ubuntu 20.


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y php8.1
sudo apt-get install -y php8.1-{bcmath,bz2,intl,gd,mbstring,mysql,sqlite3,zip,common,curl,xml,gmp}


Install composer v2.5.0

curl -sS | php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer --version=2.5.0


  • Install it:

    sudo apt-get install nginx=1.22.1-1ubuntu1
  • Copy default.conf to /etc/nginx/sites-available/default (You can change the /app folder if you want to use a different path)

    sudo cp default.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
  • Remove /var/www/html directory Do not do this if you are using that path for other sites

    sudo rm -rf /var/www/html
  • Create the app directory with the correct permissions

    sudo mkdir -p /app
    sudo chown -R nginx:nginx /app
  • Copy the repo to the app directory

    sudo cp -r /path/to/cloned/repo /app

ENV setup

cp .env.example .env

Edit the variables inside .env to your specs.

Database setup

  • Run the scritps/dev_db_init.sql script to create the database with example data

    mysql -u root -p < scripts/dev_db_init.sql

Install cronjob

A single job added to your crontab manages all the others in the system. The cron script is located in crontab directory. Example absolute path might look like /app/crontab/cron.php.

crontab -e

Then add:

* * * * * php /app/crontab/cron.php


cd /app
composer install --optimize-autoloader --no-interaction --no-progress --no-ansi

Final steps

You should now restart NGINX:

sudo systemctl restart nginx



Install Docker v >= 20.10.21


docker build -t casper-portal-api .


You can run the docker image specifying the environment variables in the .env.example file in this way:

docker run -e APP_NAME=[app_name] -e CORS_SITE=[cors_site] .. .. -p 80:80 casper-portal-api

Or you can create a .env file and run the docker image with the .env file:

docker run --env-file .env -p 80:80 casper-portal-api


There are unit tests, and integration tests built in, maintained to cover at least 80% of the entire codebase.

To run unit tests:

composer run-script test-unit

To run integration tests:

composer run-script test-integration

To run all tests:

composer run-script test

Generate documention using Phpdoc with:

composer run-script generate-docs

The last command creates the docs/ directory with static documentation html.


GitHub Actions

There are two workflows in the .github/workflows directory:

  • dependecy_check.yml. This workflow runs on every push and pull request. It checks for security vulnerabilities in the dependencies and reports them in PRs, failing on vulnerabilities of severity high or higher.

  • laravel.yml. This workflow runs on every push and pull request. It runs unit, integration, and system tests. It generates coverage reports for SonarCloud.


SonarCloud is a code quality and security analysis tool. The SonarCloud page for this repo can be found here


Harness is a Continuous Delivery-as-a-Service (CDaaS) platform that simplifies the process of deploying, managing, and scaling applications. It provides a user-friendly interface and powerful features to manage deployments and reduce the risks associated with software delivery.

In this project, we are using Harness to deploy and manage a Kubernetes-based application. The provided files contain Kubernetes manifests and configuration files needed for deploying the application in different environments (staging, production, etc.). The files are organized as follows:



This directory contains the Kubernetes manifests used for deploying the application.

  • config-map.yaml: A ConfigMap containing the environment variables and application configuration data.
  • deployment.yaml: A Deployment manifest that specifies the desired state of the application, including the number of replicas and container image.
  • ingress.yaml: An Ingress manifest that configures the routing rules and TLS certificates for the application's external access.
  • namespace.yaml: A Namespace manifest that defines the isolated environment where the application components will be deployed.
  • service.yaml: A Service manifest that exposes the application internally within the Kubernetes cluster.

This directory contains the environment-specific values that are used to configure the application for different environments (staging, production, etc.).

  • prod.yaml: Configuration values for the production environment.
  • staging.yaml: Configuration values for the staging environment.

This file contains the default configuration values that are shared across all environments. It also includes placeholders for Harness-specific variables, which will be replaced during the deployment process.

Harness and the provided files

Harness uses these files to deploy the application to different environments using a declarative approach. By providing environment-specific values, Harness can customize the deployment process and ensure that the application is correctly configured for each environment. The Kubernetes manifests define the desired state of the application, and Harness takes care of applying these manifests to the target Kubernetes cluster.

The Harness platform streamlines the deployment process, making it easy to manage and scale applications while reducing the risk of errors and downtime. The provided files are an integral part of this process, ensuring that the application is correctly deployed and configured in each environment.



pip install pre-commit


pre-commit install --hook-type pre-commit --hook-type pre-push

From now on, the pre-commit hooks will be run on every commit and push.

If you want to run the hooks manually, you can do so by running:

pre-commit run --all-files

Good to know

  • If you want to skip the hooks, you can do so by adding the --no-verify flag to your commit or push command.
  • If you want some markdownlint rules to be ignored, you can add them to the .markdownlintignore file. A PR would be appreciated if you find any rules that should be ignored.

Check out the pre-commit tool for more information.

This pre-commit configuration file contains a set of hooks that help to maintain code quality, enforce code standards, and automate formatting and validation processes for a variety of languages and tools. The hooks are organized into different sections based on their purpose.

pre-commit hooks

These hooks are run on every commit. They are used to validate and format code, and to detect security vulnerabilities.

If any of these hooks fail, the commit will be aborted, and the user will be prompted to fix the issues before committing again.

  • Semantic Commits: Enforces conventional commit message patterns.

    • conventional-pre-commit
  • Docker: Lints Dockerfiles using Hadolint with some specific rules ignored.

    • hadolint
  • NGINX: Validates and formats NGINX config using a custom script.

    • custom-nginx-validate-hook
  • Python, JSON, YAML, and Generic: Applies various pre-commit hooks from the official pre-commit-hooks repository for Python, JSON, YAML, and other generic code checks.

    • check-ast
    • check-docstring-first
    • debug-statements
    • check-builtin-literals
    • double-quote-string-fixer
    • check-shebang-scripts-are-executable
    • check-symlinks
    • requirements-txt-fixer
    • check-added-large-files
    • check-case-conflict
    • check-merge-conflict
    • destroyed-symlinks
    • end-of-file-fixer
    • mixed-line-ending
    • trailing-whitespace
    • detect-aws-credentials
    • detect-private-key
    • check-json
    • check-yaml
  • Security: Detects AWS credentials and private keys in the codebase.

    • detect-aws-credentials
    • detect-private-key
  • Markdown: Lints and auto-formats Markdown files using markdownlint and mdformat.

    • markdownlint
    • mdformat
  • Python - Security and Dependencies: Checks Python dependencies for security vulnerabilities using the python-safety-dependencies-check hook.

    • python-safety-dependencies-check
  • Python - Lint and Autoformat: Lints Python files with Flake8 and auto-formats them using Black.

    • flake8
    • black
  • GitHub Actions: Validates GitHub workflows using check-jsonschema.

    • check-github-workflows
  • PHP: Validates, lints, and runs static analysis on PHP code.

    • php-lint-all
    • php-unit
    • php-cs
    • php-stan
  • Kubernetes: Validates and lints Kubernetes manifests using kube-linter.

  • HTML: Validates HTML files and enforces specific rules.

    • validate-html
    • forbid-html-img-without-alt-text
    • forbid-non-std-html-attributes
    • detect-missing-css-classes
  • Various - Autoformat: Auto-formats various file types using prettier with additional plugins for NGINX, properties, and shell files.

pre-push hooks

These hooks are run during the push stage of the git workflow. If any of these hooks fail, the push is rejected.

  • Docker Build: Builds Docker images using a custom script during the push stage: docker-build

Please refer to the individual hook repositories and documentation for more information on the specific checks and formatting rules applied by each hook.