- Purposes: Append 1 year as default
- Purposes: Remove behaviortwin
- Purposes: Add legal definition for:
- cx.core.digitalTwinRegistry:1
- cx.dcm.base:1
- cx.quality.base:1
- cx.pcf.base:1
- FrameworkAgreement: Deprecated UC Frameworks and new Governance Framework with 'valid from' and 'valid until' dates Add new DataExchangeGovernance.
- Purposes: cx.core.legalRequirementForThirdparty:1 clarified
- Purposes: Update to latest official legal description. The previous version from the docs wasn't final.
- Update credential names to match standardized credential types. Instead of lower-casing the first letter, only 'Credential' is removed from the end and vice versa. Example: CircularEconomy (policy) -> CircularEconomyCredential (credential type)