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Helm chart for Shared Keycloak Instance

Version: 4.0.0 Type: application AppVersion: 25.0.6

This helm chart installs the Helm chart for Shared Keycloak Instance.

For further information please refer to the technical documentation.

The referenced container images are for demonstration purposes only.


To install the chart with the release name sharedidp:

$ helm repo add tractusx-dev
$ helm install sharedidp tractusx-dev/sharedidp

To install the helm chart into your cluster with your values:

$ helm install -f your-values.yaml sharedidp tractusx-dev/sharedidp

To use the helm chart as a dependency:

  - name: sharedidp
    version: 4.0.0


Repository Name Version keycloak 23.0.0


Key Type Default Description
keycloak.auth.adminUser string "admin"
keycloak.auth.adminPassword string "" sharedidp Keycloak administrator password.
keycloak.auth.existingSecret string "" Secret containing the password for admin username 'admin'.
keycloak.production bool false Run Keycloak in production mode. TLS configuration is required except when using proxy=edge.
keycloak.httpRelativePath string "/auth/" Setting the path relative to '/' for serving resources: as we're migrating from 16.1.1 version which was using the trailing 'auth', we're setting it to '/auth/'. ref:
keycloak.replicaCount int 1
keycloak.extraVolumes[0].name string "themes-catenax-shared"
keycloak.extraVolumes[0].emptyDir object {}
keycloak.extraVolumes[1].name string "themes-catenax-shared-portal"
keycloak.extraVolumes[1].emptyDir object {}
keycloak.extraVolumeMounts[0].name string "themes-catenax-shared"
keycloak.extraVolumeMounts[0].mountPath string "/opt/bitnami/keycloak/themes/catenax-shared"
keycloak.extraVolumeMounts[1].name string "themes-catenax-shared-portal"
keycloak.extraVolumeMounts[1].mountPath string "/opt/bitnami/keycloak/themes/catenax-shared-portal"
keycloak.initContainers[0].name string "import"
keycloak.initContainers[0].image string ""
keycloak.initContainers[0].imagePullPolicy string "IfNotPresent"
keycloak.initContainers[0].command[0] string "sh"
keycloak.initContainers[0].args[0] string "-c"
keycloak.initContainers[0].args[1] string "echo \"Copying themes-catenax-shared...\"\ncp -R /import/themes/catenax-shared/* /themes-catenax-shared\necho \"Copying themes-catenax-shared-portal...\"\ncp -R /import/themes/catenax-shared-portal/* /themes-catenax-shared-portal\n"
keycloak.initContainers[0].volumeMounts[0].name string "themes-catenax-shared"
keycloak.initContainers[0].volumeMounts[0].mountPath string "/themes-catenax-shared"
keycloak.initContainers[0].volumeMounts[1].name string "themes-catenax-shared-portal"
keycloak.initContainers[0].volumeMounts[1].mountPath string "/themes-catenax-shared-portal"
keycloak.service.sessionAffinity string "ClientIP"
keycloak.ingress.enabled bool false Enable ingress record generation
keycloak.ingress.ingressClassName string ""
keycloak.ingress.hostname string "" Provide default path for the ingress record.
keycloak.ingress.annotations object {} Optional annotations when using the nginx ingress class; Enable TLS configuration for the host defined at ingress.hostname parameter; TLS certificates will be retrieved from a TLS secret with name: {{- printf "%s-tls" .Values.ingress.hostname }}; Provide the name of ClusterIssuer to acquire the certificate required for this Ingress.
keycloak.ingress.tls bool false
keycloak.rbac.create bool true
keycloak.rbac.rules[0].apiGroups[0] string ""
keycloak.rbac.rules[0].resources[0] string "pods"
keycloak.rbac.rules[0].verbs[0] string "get"
keycloak.rbac.rules[0].verbs[1] string "list"
keycloak.postgresql.enabled bool true PostgreSQL chart configuration (recommended for demonstration purposes only); default configurations: host: "sharedidp-postgresql", port: 5432; Switch to enable or disable the PostgreSQL helm chart.
keycloak.postgresql.image object {"tag":"15-debian-11"} Setting to Postgres version 15 as that is the aligned version, Keycloak helm-chart from Bitnami has moved on to version 16.
keycloak.postgresql.commonLabels."" string "15"
keycloak.postgresql.auth.username string "kcshared" Non-root username.
keycloak.postgresql.auth.password string "" Non-root user password.
keycloak.postgresql.auth.postgresPassword string "" Root user password.
keycloak.postgresql.auth.database string "iamsharedidp" Database name.
keycloak.postgresql.auth.existingSecret string "" Secret containing the passwords for root usernames postgres and non-root username kcshared.
keycloak.postgresql.architecture string "standalone" string "" External PostgreSQL configuration IMPORTANT: non-root db user needs needs to be created beforehand on external database.
keycloak.externalDatabase.port int 5432 Database port number.
keycloak.externalDatabase.user string "" Non-root username.
keycloak.externalDatabase.database string "" Database name.
keycloak.externalDatabase.password string "" Password for the non-root username.
keycloak.externalDatabase.existingSecret string "" Secret containing the database credentials.
keycloak.externalDatabase.existingSecretHostKey string ""
keycloak.externalDatabase.existingSecretPortKey string ""
keycloak.externalDatabase.existingSecretUserKey string ""
keycloak.externalDatabase.existingSecretDatabaseKey string ""
keycloak.externalDatabase.existingSecretPasswordKey string ""
realmSeeding object {"enabled":true,"image":{"name":"","pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent"},"initContainer":{"image":{"name":"","pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent"}},"keycloakServicePort":80,"keycloakServiceTls":false,"portContainer":8080,"realms":{"cxOperator":{"centralidp":"","existingSecret":"","initialUser":{"eMail":"","firstName":"Operator","lastName":"CX Admin","password":"","username":""},"mailing":{"from":"","host":"","password":"","port":"123","replyTo":"","username":"smtp-user"},"sslRequired":"external"},"master":{"existingSecret":"","serviceAccounts":{"provisioning":{"clientSecret":""},"saCxOperator":{"clientSecret":""}}}},"resources":{"limits":{"cpu":"750m","ephemeral-storage":"1024Mi","memory":"700M"},"requests":{"cpu":"250m","ephemeral-storage":"50Mi","memory":"700M"}}} Seeding job to create and update the CX-Operator and master realms: besides creating those realm, the job can be used to update the configuration of the realms when upgrading to a new version; Please refer to /docs/admin/technical-documentation/14. Realm for more details. Please also refer to the 'Post-Upgrade Configuration' section in the for configuration possibly not covered by the seeding job.
realmSeeding.realms.cxOperator.centralidp string "" Set centralidp address for the connection to the CX-Central realm.
realmSeeding.realms.cxOperator.initialUser object {"eMail":"","firstName":"Operator","lastName":"CX Admin","password":"","username":""} Configure initial user in CX-Operator realm.
realmSeeding.realms.cxOperator.initialUser.username string "" SET username for all non-testing and non-local purposes.
realmSeeding.realms.cxOperator.initialUser.password string "" SET password for all non-testing and non-local purposes, default value is "!3changemeTractus-X".
realmSeeding.realms.cxOperator.mailing object {"from":"","host":"","password":"","port":"123","replyTo":"","username":"smtp-user"} Set mailing configuration for CX-Operator realm.
realmSeeding.realms.cxOperator.existingSecret string "" Option to provide an existingSecret for initial user and mailing configuration.
realmSeeding.realms.master.serviceAccounts.provisioning object {"clientSecret":""} Set clients secret for the service account which enables the portal to provision new realms.
realmSeeding.realms.master.serviceAccounts.provisioning.clientSecret string "" SET client secret for all non-testing and non-local purposes, default value is autogenerated.
realmSeeding.realms.master.serviceAccounts.saCxOperator object {"clientSecret":""} Set clients secret for the service account which enables the portal to manage the CX-Operator realm.
realmSeeding.realms.master.serviceAccounts.saCxOperator.clientSecret string "" SET client secret for all non-testing and non-local purposes, default value is autogenerated.
realmSeeding.realms.master.existingSecret string "" Option to provide an existingSecret for clients secrets with clientId as key and clientSecret as value.
realmSeeding.resources object {"limits":{"cpu":"750m","ephemeral-storage":"1024Mi","memory":"700M"},"requests":{"cpu":"250m","ephemeral-storage":"50Mi","memory":"700M"}} We recommend to review the default resource limits as this should a conscious choice.

Autogenerated with helm docs


Please see notes at Values.seeding for upgrading the configuration of the CX-Operator and master realm.

To 4.0.0

This major changes from the Keycloak version from 23.0.7 to 25.0.6.

Please be aware that proxy parameter was deprecated and therefore removed. When enabling the production mode, it is to be expected to encounter the following error at install if none of the conditions listed here are met:

Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: execution error at (sharedidp/charts/keycloak/templates/NOTES.txt:100:4): VALUES VALIDATION: keycloak: production In order to enable Production mode, you also need to enable HTTPS/TLS using the value 'tls.enabled' and providing an existing secret containing the Keystore and Trustore.

No major issues are expected during the upgrade. Nonetheless, a blue-green deployment approach - as outlined for previous major version upgrades - is recommended.

To 3.0.1

No major issues are expected during the upgrade.

To 3.0.0

This major changes from the Keycloak version from 22.0.3 to 23.0.7 and bumps the PostgresSQL version of the subchart from 15.4.0 to the latest available version of 15.

No major issues are expected during the upgrade.

To 2.1.0

No specific upgrade notes.

To 2.0.0

This major changes from the Keycloak version from 16.1.1 to version 22.0.3.

Please have a look at the CHANGELOG for a more detailed description.

We also recommend checking out the Keycloak Upgrading Guide.

To be explicitly mentioned: this major adds the production mode with default value false and the reverse proxy mode with default value passthrough. Please check the description of those parameters and decide if they're suitable for you.

Upgrade approach

For the overall process of migrating from version 16.1.1 to version 22.0.3., we recommend to follow a blue-green deployment approach. In the following, you find a rough outline of the necessary steps:

  1. Scale down current the Keycloak services (blue deployment)
  2. Backup the current data
  3. Deploy the new Keycloak instance (green deployment e.g: -green, -kc22, ...) in another namespace than the blue instance
  4. Restore the data of the blue instance to the green instance
  5. Start the new Keycloak services
  6. Once the new/green instance is validated, switch the user traffic to it

Upgrade PostgreSQL

Please be aware that this major changes the version of the PostgreSQL subchart by Bitnami from 14.x.x to 15.x.x (subchart updated from version 11.x.x to 12.x.x).

In case you are using an external PostgreSQL instance and would like to upgrade to 15.x, please follow the official instructions.

In case you would like to upgrade the PostgreSQL subchart from Bitnami, we recommend blue-green deployment approach, like described above. For restoring the data of the blue instance to the green instance (step 4), execute the following statement using pg-dumpall:

On the cluster:

 kubectl exec -it green-postgresql-primary-0 -n green-namespace -- /opt/bitnami/scripts/postgresql/ /bin/bash -c 'export PGPASSWORD=""; echo "local all postgres trust" > /opt/bitnami/postgresql/conf/pg_hba.conf; pg_ctl reload; time pg_dumpall -c -h -U postgres | psql -U postgres'

Or on the primary pod of the new/green PostgreSQL instance:

/opt/bitnami/scripts/postgresql/ /bin/bash -c 'export PGPASSWORD=""; echo "local all postgres trust" > /opt/bitnami/postgresql/conf/pg_hba.conf; pg_ctl reload; time pg_dumpall -c -h -U postgres | psql -U postgres'

Where '10-123-45-67' is the cluster IP of the old/blue PostgreSQL instance.