diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 6780a784..dc1d9f39 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file | [runner\_worker\_docker\_autoscaler](#input\_runner\_worker\_docker\_autoscaler) | fleeting\_plugin\_version = The version of aws fleeting plugin
connector\_config\_user = User to connect to worker machine
key\_pair\_name = The name of the key pair used by the Runner to connect to the docker-machine Runner Workers. This variable is only supported when `enables` is set to `true`.
max\_use\_count = Max job number that can run on a worker
update\_interval = The interval to check with the fleeting plugin for instance updates.
update\_interval\_when\_expecting = The interval to check with the fleeting plugin for instance updates when expecting a state change. |
fleeting_plugin_version = optional(string, "1.0.0")
connector_config_user = optional(string, "ec2-user")
key_pair_name = optional(string, "runner-worker-key")
max_use_count = optional(number, 100)
update_interval = optional(string, "1m")
update_interval_when_expecting = optional(string, "2s")
| `{}` | no | | [runner\_worker\_docker\_autoscaler\_ami\_filter](#input\_runner\_worker\_docker\_autoscaler\_ami\_filter) | List of maps used to create the AMI filter for the Runner Worker. | `map(list(string))` |
"name": [
| no | | [runner\_worker\_docker\_autoscaler\_ami\_owners](#input\_runner\_worker\_docker\_autoscaler\_ami\_owners) | The list of owners used to select the AMI of the Runner Worker. | `list(string)` |
| no | -| [runner\_worker\_docker\_autoscaler\_asg](#input\_runner\_worker\_docker\_autoscaler\_asg) | enable\_mixed\_instances\_policy = Make use of autoscaling-group mixed\_instances\_policy capacities to leverage pools and spot instances.
health\_check\_grace\_period = Time (in seconds) after instance comes into service before checking health
health\_check\_type = Controls how health checking is done. Values are - EC2 and ELB
instance\_refresh\_min\_healthy\_percentage = The amount of capacity in the Auto Scaling group that must remain healthy during an instance refresh to allow the operation to continue, as a percentage of the desired capacity of the Auto Scaling group.
instance\_refresh\_triggers = Set of additional property names that will trigger an Instance Refresh. A refresh will always be triggered by a change in any of launch\_configuration, launch\_template, or mixed\_instances\_policy.
max\_growth\_rate = The maximum number of machines that can be added to the runner in parallel.
on\_demand\_base\_capacity = Absolute minimum amount of desired capacity that must be fulfilled by on-demand instances.
on\_demand\_percentage\_above\_base\_capacity = Percentage split between on-demand and Spot instances above the base on-demand capacity.
override\_instance\_types = List to override the instance type in the Launch Template. Allow to spread spot instances on several types, to reduce interruptions
profile\_name = profile\_name = Name of the IAM profile to attach to the Runner Workers.
sg\_ingresses = Extra security group rule for workers
spot\_allocation\_strategy = How to allocate capacity across the Spot pools. 'lowest-price' to optimize cost, 'capacity-optimized' to reduce interruptions
spot\_instance\_pools = Number of Spot pools per availability zone to allocate capacity. EC2 Auto Scaling selects the cheapest Spot pools and evenly allocates Spot capacity across the number of Spot pools that you specify.
subnet\_ids = The list of subnet IDs to use for the Runner Worker when the fleet mode is enabled.
types = The type of instance to use for the Runner Worker. In case of fleet mode, multiple instance types are supported.
upgrade\_strategy = Auto deploy new instances when launch template changes. Can be either 'bluegreen', 'rolling' or 'off' |
enable_mixed_instances_policy = optional(bool, false)
health_check_grace_period = optional(number, 300)
health_check_type = optional(string, "EC2")
instance_refresh_min_healthy_percentage = optional(number, 90)
instance_refresh_triggers = optional(list(string), [])
max_growth_rate = optional(number, 0)
on_demand_base_capacity = optional(number, 0)
on_demand_percentage_above_base_capacity = optional(number, 100)
profile_name = optional(string, "")
spot_allocation_strategy = optional(string, "lowest-price")
spot_instance_pools = optional(number, 2)
subnet_ids = optional(list(string), [])
types = optional(list(string), ["m5.large"])
upgrade_strategy = optional(string, "rolling")
sg_ingresses = optional(list(object({
description = string
from_port = number
to_port = number
protocol = string
cidr_blocks = list(string)
})), [])
| `{}` | no | +| [runner\_worker\_docker\_autoscaler\_asg](#input\_runner\_worker\_docker\_autoscaler\_asg) | enable\_mixed\_instances\_policy = Make use of autoscaling-group mixed\_instances\_policy capacities to leverage pools and spot instances.
health\_check\_grace\_period = Time (in seconds) after instance comes into service before checking health
health\_check\_type = Controls how health checking is done. Values are - EC2 and ELB
instance\_refresh\_min\_healthy\_percentage = The amount of capacity in the Auto Scaling group that must remain healthy during an instance refresh to allow the operation to continue, as a percentage of the desired capacity of the Auto Scaling group.
instance\_refresh\_triggers = Set of additional property names that will trigger an Instance Refresh. A refresh will always be triggered by a change in any of launch\_configuration, launch\_template, or mixed\_instances\_policy.
max\_growth\_rate = The maximum number of machines that can be added to the runner in parallel.
on\_demand\_base\_capacity = Absolute minimum amount of desired capacity that must be fulfilled by on-demand instances.
on\_demand\_percentage\_above\_base\_capacity = Percentage split between on-demand and Spot instances above the base on-demand capacity.
override\_instance\_types = List to override the instance type in the Launch Template. Allow to spread spot instances on several types, to reduce interruptions
profile\_name = profile\_name = Name of the IAM profile to attach to the Runner Workers.
sg\_ingresses = Extra security group rule for workers
spot\_allocation\_strategy = How to allocate capacity across the Spot pools. 'lowest-price' to optimize cost, 'capacity-optimized' to reduce interruptions
spot\_instance\_pools = Number of Spot pools per availability zone to allocate capacity. EC2 Auto Scaling selects the cheapest Spot pools and evenly allocates Spot capacity across the number of Spot pools that you specify.
subnet\_ids = The list of subnet IDs to use for the Runner Worker when the fleet mode is enabled.
types = The type of instance to use for the Runner Worker. In case of fleet mode, multiple instance types are supported.
upgrade\_strategy = Auto deploy new instances when launch template changes. Can be either 'bluegreen', 'rolling' or 'off'
enabled\_metrics = List of metrics to collect. |
enable_mixed_instances_policy = optional(bool, false)
health_check_grace_period = optional(number, 300)
health_check_type = optional(string, "EC2")
instance_refresh_min_healthy_percentage = optional(number, 90)
instance_refresh_triggers = optional(list(string), [])
max_growth_rate = optional(number, 0)
on_demand_base_capacity = optional(number, 0)
on_demand_percentage_above_base_capacity = optional(number, 100)
profile_name = optional(string, "")
spot_allocation_strategy = optional(string, "lowest-price")
spot_instance_pools = optional(number, 2)
subnet_ids = optional(list(string), [])
types = optional(list(string), ["m5.large"])
upgrade_strategy = optional(string, "rolling")
enabled_metrics = optional(list(string), [])
sg_ingresses = optional(list(object({
description = string
from_port = number
to_port = number
protocol = string
cidr_blocks = list(string)
})), [])
| `{}` | no | | [runner\_worker\_docker\_autoscaler\_autoscaling\_options](#input\_runner\_worker\_docker\_autoscaler\_autoscaling\_options) | Set autoscaling parameters based on periods, see https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/configuration/advanced-configuration.html#the-runnersautoscalerpolicy-sections |
periods = list(string)
timezone = optional(string, "UTC")
idle_count = optional(number)
idle_time = optional(string)
scale_factor = optional(number)
scale_factor_limit = optional(number, 0)
| `[]` | no | | [runner\_worker\_docker\_autoscaler\_instance](#input\_runner\_worker\_docker\_autoscaler\_instance) | ebs\_optimized = Enable EBS optimization for the Runner Worker.
http\_tokens = Whether or not the metadata service requires session tokens
http\_put\_response\_hop\_limit = The desired HTTP PUT response hop limit for instance metadata requests. The larger the number, the further instance metadata requests can travel.
monitoring = Enable detailed monitoring for the Runner Worker.
private\_address\_only = Restrict Runner Worker to the use of a private IP address. If `runner_instance.use_private_address_only` is set to `true` (default),
root\_device\_name = The name of the root volume for the Runner Worker.
root\_size = The size of the root volume for the Runner Worker.
start\_script = Cloud-init user data that will be passed to the Runner Worker. Should not be base64 encrypted.
volume\_type = The type of volume to use for the Runner Worker. `gp2`, `gp3`, `io1` or `io2` are supported
volume\_iops = Guaranteed IOPS for the volume. Only supported when using `gp3`, `io1` or `io2` as `volume_type`.
volume\_throughput = Throughput in MB/s for the volume. Only supported when using `gp3` as `volume_type`. |
ebs_optimized = optional(bool, true)
http_tokens = optional(string, "required")
http_put_response_hop_limit = optional(number, 2)
monitoring = optional(bool, false)
private_address_only = optional(bool, true)
root_device_name = optional(string, "/dev/sda1")
root_size = optional(number, 8)
start_script = optional(string, "")
volume_type = optional(string, "gp2")
volume_throughput = optional(number, 125)
volume_iops = optional(number, 3000)
| `{}` | no | | [runner\_worker\_docker\_autoscaler\_role](#input\_runner\_worker\_docker\_autoscaler\_role) | additional\_tags = Map of tags that will be added to the Runner Worker.
assume\_role\_policy\_json = Assume role policy for the Runner Worker.
policy\_arns = List of ARNs of IAM policies to attach to the Runner Workers.
profile\_name = Name of the IAM profile to attach to the Runner Workers. |
additional_tags = optional(map(string), {})
assume_role_policy_json = optional(string, "")
policy_arns = optional(list(string), [])
profile_name = optional(string, "")
| `{}` | no |