From official tutorial
The code of the tutorial is at
> vi $GIT_ROOT/sorrentum_sandbox/devops/airflow_data/dags/airflow_tutorial.py
Start the Sorrentum container with Airflow inside
> cd $GIT_ROOT/sorrentum_sandbox/devops > docker-compose up
In Airflow web-server navigate to http://localhost:8091/tree?dag_id=tutorial
Lots of the Airflow commands can be executed through the CLI or the web interface
Make sure that the pipeline is parsed successfully
> docker_exec.sh docker> python /opt/airflow/dags/airflow_tutorial.py
Print the list of active DAGs
docker> airflow dags list dag_id | filepath | owner | paused ==============================================================+==================================================================+=========+======= download_periodic_5min_mongo_posts_reddit | download_periodic_5min_mongo_posts_reddit.py | airflow | True download_periodic_1min_postgres_ohlcv_binance | download_periodic_1min_postgres_ohlcv_binance.py | airflow | True tutorial | airflow_tutorial.py | airflow | False validate_and_extract_features_periodic_5min_mongo_posts_reddit | validate_and_extract_features_periodic_5min_mongo_posts_reddit.py | airflow | True validate_and_resample_periodic_1min_postgres_ohlcv_binance | validate_and_resample_periodic_1min_postgres_ohlcv_binance.py | airflow | True
Print the list of tasks in the "tutorial" DAG
docker> airflow tasks list tutorial print_date sleep templated
Print the hierarchy of tasks in the "tutorial" DAG.
docker> airflow tasks list tutorial --tree <Task(BashOperator): print_date> <Task(BashOperator): sleep> <Task(BashOperator): templated>
task by executing with a logical / execution date in the past:docker> airflow tasks test tutorial print_date 2015-06-01 [2023-01-23 10:15:34,862] {dagbag.py:500} INFO - Filling up the DagBag from /opt/airflow/dags [2023-01-23 10:15:34,949] {taskinstance.py:1035} INFO - Dependencies all met for <TaskInstance: tutorial.print_date None [None]> [2023-01-23 10:15:34,961] {taskinstance.py:1241} INFO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2023-01-23 10:15:34,961] {taskinstance.py:1242} INFO - Starting attempt 1 of 2 [2023-01-23 10:15:34,962] {taskinstance.py:1243} INFO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2023-01-23 10:15:34,965] {taskinstance.py:1262} INFO - Executing <Task(BashOperator): print_date> on 2015-06-01T00:00:00+00:00 ... [2023-01-23 10:15:35,061] {subprocess.py:74} INFO - Running command: ['bash', '-c', 'date'] [2023-01-23 10:15:35,071] {subprocess.py:85} INFO - Output: [2023-01-23 10:15:35,076] {subprocess.py:89} INFO - Mon Jan 23 10:15:35 UTC 2023 [2023-01-23 10:15:35,076] {subprocess.py:93} INFO - Command exited with return code 0 [2023-01-23 10:15:35,092] {taskinstance.py:1280} INFO - Marking task as SUCCESS. dag_id=tutorial, task_id=print_date, execution_date=20150601T000000, start_date=20230123T101534, end_date=20230123T101535
taskdocker> airflow tasks test tutorial sleep 2015-06-01 [2023-01-23 10:16:01,653] {dagbag.py:500} INFO - Filling up the DagBag from /opt/airflow/dags [2023-01-23 10:16:01,731] {taskinstance.py:1035} INFO - Dependencies all met for <TaskInstance: tutorial.sleep None [None]> [2023-01-23 10:16:01,739] {taskinstance.py:1241} INFO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2023-01-23 10:16:01,739] {taskinstance.py:1242} INFO - Starting attempt 1 of 4 [2023-01-23 10:16:01,739] {taskinstance.py:1243} INFO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2023-01-23 10:16:01,741] {taskinstance.py:1262} INFO - Executing <Task(BashOperator): sleep> on 2015-06-01T00:00:00+00:00 ... [2023-01-23 10:16:01,817] {subprocess.py:74} INFO - Running command: ['bash', '-c', 'sleep 5'] [2023-01-23 10:16:01,825] {subprocess.py:85} INFO - Output: [2023-01-23 10:16:06,833] {subprocess.py:93} INFO - Command exited with return code 0 [2023-01-23 10:16:06,860] {taskinstance.py:1280} INFO - Marking task as SUCCESS. dag_id=tutorial, task_id=sleep, execution_date=20150601T000000, start_date=20230123T101601, end_date=20230123T101606
Let's run a backfill for a week:
docker> airflow dags backfill tutorial \ --start-date 2015-06-01 \ --end-date 2015-06-07 [2023-01-23 10:22:52,258] {base_executor.py:82} INFO - Adding to queue: ['airflow', 'tasks', 'run', 'tutorial', 'print_date', 'backfill__2015-06-01T00:00:00+00:00', '--ignore-depends-on-past', '--local', '--pool', 'default_pool', '--subdir', 'DAGS_FOLDER/airflow_tutorial.py', '--cfg-path', '/tmp/tmpw702ubqo'] [2023-01-23 10:22:52,302] {base_executor.py:82} INFO - Adding to queue: ['airflow', 'tasks', 'run', 'tutorial', 'print_date', 'backfill__2015-06-02T00:00:00+00:00', '--local', '--pool', 'default_pool', '--subdir', 'DAGS_FOLDER/airflow_tutorial.py', '--cfg-path', '/tmp/tmpff926sgr'] [2023-01-23 10:22:52,358] {base_executor.py:82} INFO - Adding to queue: ['airflow', 'tasks', 'run', 'tutorial', 'print_date', 'backfill__2015-06-03T00:00:00+00:00', '--local', '--pool', 'default_pool', '--subdir', 'DAGS_FOLDER/airflow_tutorial.py', '--cfg-path', '/tmp/tmp9otpet70'] [2023-01-23 10:22:52,408] {base_executor.py:82} INFO - Adding to queue: ['airflow', 'tasks', 'run', 'tutorial', 'print_date', 'backfill__2015-06-04T00:00:00+00:00', '--local', '--pool', 'default_pool', '--subdir', 'DAGS_FOLDER/airflow_tutorial.py', '--cfg-path', '/tmp/tmptq82tgu9']
Backfilling will respect dependencies, emit logs, update DB to record status
On the web-server you can see that all the DAG executions completed successfully