holds between any two entities that directly or indirectly interact with each other
NamedThing -> 0..* NamedThing
- is_a: related to
- RNAProduct
- RNAProductIsoform
- ActivityAndBehavior
- AdministrativeEntity
- AnatomicalEntity
- Attribute
- BiologicalEntity
- BiologicalProcess
- BiologicalProcessOrActivity
- BiologicalSex
- Carbohydrate
- Case
- Cell
- CellLine
- CellularComponent
- ChemicalSubstance
- ClinicalEntity
- ClinicalIntervention
- ClinicalModifier
- ClinicalTrial
- CodingSequence
- ConfidenceLevel
- DataFile
- DataSet
- DataSetSummary
- DataSetVersion
- Device
- Disease
- DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature
- DistributionLevel
- Drug
- DrugExposure
- Environment
- EnvironmentalFeature
- EnvironmentalProcess
- EvidenceType
- Exon
- FrequencyValue
- Gene
- GeneFamily
- GeneOntologyClass
- GeneOrGeneProduct
- GeneProduct
- GeneProductIsoform
- Genome
- GenomicEntity
- Genotype
- GenotypicSex
- GeographicLocation
- GeographicLocationAtTime
- GrossAnatomicalStructure
- Haplotype
- IndividualOrganism
- InformationContentEntity
- LifeStage
- MacromolecularComplex
- MacromolecularMachine
- MaterialSample
- Metabolite
- MicroRNA
- MolecularActivity
- MolecularEntity
- NamedThing
- NoncodingRNAProduct
- Occurrent
- Onset
- OntologyClass
- OrganismTaxon
- OrganismalEntity
- Pathway
- Phenomenon
- PhenotypicFeature
- PhenotypicSex
- PhysicalEntity
- PhysiologicalProcess
- PlanetaryEntity
- PopulationOfIndividualOrganisms
- Procedure
- Protein
- ProteinIsoform
- Provider
- Publication
- RelationshipType
- SequenceVariant
- SeverityValue
- SourceFile
- Transcript
- Treatment
- Zygosity