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Releases: cbpowell/MarqueeLabel

v4.5.0: visionOS Support

17 Feb 20:19
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  • Adds visionOS support (thanks @eric!)
  • Bumps minimum deployment target to 12.0, to keep Xcode happy

Note that MarqueeLabel probably still supports older iOS versions than 12.0, but you might have do some manually import the library instead of using Cocoapods (or do some trickery with your own project Podfile).

What's Changed

  • Add VisionOS deployment target by @eric in #297

New Contributors

  • @eric made their first contribution in #297

Full Changelog: 4.4.0...4.5.0

v4.4.0: Content Size, Privacy, and You

22 Oct 00:19
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v4.3.2: Min deployment bump

29 Sep 15:04
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  • Bumps minimum deployment target to iOS 11.0 to keep Xcode happy (thanks @ale-gen!)

v4.3.1: Fix overriding hold

18 Jul 05:10
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  • Thanks to @yujinakayama for correcting an issue where using triggerScrollStart wouldn't override a holdScrolling condition (PR #289)

v4.3.0: Coordinate conversion to scrolling text and animation position

09 Aug 18:56
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  • Adds the textCoordForFramePoint function, which converts a point in a MarqueeLabel's frame coordinate system to a point in the scrolling label's coordinate system. It could be useful for determining the word or character under a user tap point, as now demonstrated in the demo project here. (thanks to @LucaGaspa for the feature request!)
  • Adds an animationPosition property that describes the position of the scroll animation (can be queried while the animation is in-progress). (thanks to @alexandre-odet for the suggestion!)

v4.1.1: Better "returned to home" notification

09 Aug 18:38
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v4.2.1: Better "returned to home" notification

09 Aug 18:37
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  • Fixes an issue where the labelReturnedToHome() function was not being called in some cases, particularly if the scroll animation was interrupted by a frame resize (thanks to @alexandre-odet for helping to bring it to my attention!)

v4.2.0: Forced Scrolling

21 Jul 03:46
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  • MarqueeLabel will now allow you to set a forcedScrolling property to trigger the scrolling animation, even if the label text is shorter than the specified frame. Note - there may be weird edge cases when using this! (thanks @hariseldon78 for PR #148….merged after 5 years!)

v4.1.0: Support font scaling

16 Jun 19:33
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  • Adds the capability to set adjustsFontSizeToWidth and minimumScaleFactor and avoid scrolling by shrinking the font size instead. (down to the scale you specify!). See the Special Note here. Thanks @vladkorotnev!

v4.0.5 - Fix erroneous higher deployment targets

06 Oct 05:01
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  • Reverts 1028e99, which erroneously set some project deployment targets to iOS 12 (thanks @chickdan!)