Before submitting an issue ensure you've done the following:
- Read through our documentation making sure you understand the tasks you're using.
- Read through our groovydocs for a more detailed explanation of how things work.
Here are a few things you can try to help diagnose the problem yourself:
- Can you reproduce the issue outside of the plugin?
- Have you looked at the bitbucket program logs themselves (i.e. systemctl status bitbucket) to see if anything popped?
If you've made it this far then the assumption is that you've read through our documentation and tried troubleshooting the problem but to no avail.
First check to see if your issue has been previously reported on.
Because we build on top of the bitbucket-rest library check also to see if your issue has been reported on with that project as well.
If neither of the above then please submit an ISSUE in the following format:
plugin-version: 0.0.1
gradle-version: 2.14
bitbucket-version: 5.0
platform: ubuntu linux
description: terse explanation of the problem
file: copy/paste build.gradle file which can reproduce the problem