Minimal, performant, type-safe monorepo project template. Bun/Elysia backend, React frontend, Socket.IO bridging the gap.
Scalar documentation for API routes is served on /reference. OpenAPI Specification raw .json data is served on /reference/json.
The client implements PWA standards for a native app-like experience and boasts a near-perfect PageSpeed Insights score out of the box. It instantly rebuilds when a client-side source file is saved, and the browser will automatically refresh, optionally with persisted state via the usePersistedState hook.
Includes a Dockerfile, fly.toml, and GitHub workflow for deploying to on pushes to the
- Install Bun
- Install package dependencies:
bun i
- Start app:
bun dev
- The client will be served on localhost:3000 unless overridden in a .env file (see .env.example for all environment variable options)
- Bun (server runtime, bundler, package manager, script runner)
- Elysia (web framework)
- React (user interface)
- TanStack Query (async state management)
- Socket.IO (real-time server/client communication)
- TypeScript, ESLint, Prettier (code quality/style)