We consider an alphabet
- defined over
$∑^* \times ∑^*$ - into a semiring
$S = ( K, \oplus, \otimes, 0, 1)$ $K$ is the domain$0$ is the neutral element for$\oplus$ , absorbing for$\otimes$ $1$ is the neutral element for$\otimes$ .
algebraic definition of edit-distance of Mohri, in
Mehryar Mohri Edit-distance of weighted automata: General definitions and algorithms International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 14.06 (2003): 957-982.
and let
An alignment between 2 strings
We assume a base cost function
Then for
e.g. Levenstein edit-distance:
Complexity for computation of
- classical :
$O(|s| . |t|)$ [Wagner, Fisher 1974] assuming$\Sigma$ fixed and finite. - improved
$O(|s| + |t| + d^2)$ [Ukonnen 1985] - subquadratic
for alphabet
rem: we need to define infinite sums with
$d(L_1, L_2)$ computable in TIME$O(| A_1| . | A_2 |)$ (resp. sizes of automata) for$L_1, L_2$ regular.
Mehryar Mohri , Fernando Pereira, and Michael Riley The design principles of a weighted finite-state transducer library Theoretical Computer Science 231.1 (2000): 17-32 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0304397599000146
Cyril Allauzen, , Michael Riley, Johan Schalkwyk, Wojciech Skut, and Mehryar Mohri OpenFst: A general and efficient weighted finite-state transducer library In International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata, pp. 11-23, 2007. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-76336-9_3
$d(L_1, L_2)$ computable in linear space for$L_1$ singleton,$L_2$ regular.
Cyril Allauzen, Mehryar Mohri Linear-space computation of the edit-distance between a string and a finite automaton 2009 https://arxiv.org/abs/0904.4686
see also
Jorge Calvo-Zaragoza, Jose Oncina and Colin de la Higuera Computing the Expected Edit Distance from a String to a Probabilistic Finite-State Automaton International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science Vol. 28, No. 05, pp. 603-621 (2017) Special Issue: 21st International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata (CIAA 2016) https://doi.org/10.1142/S0129054117400093Cited by:2
$d(L_1, L_2)$ not computable for$L_1, L_2$ CF.
reduction of non-emptiness of the intersection of 2 CF languages.
$d(L_1, L_2)$ computable for$L_1$ regular and$L_2$ CF- PTIME algorithm based on unary homomorphisms
- optimal alignment in worst case exponential in size of grammar automaton.
Han, Yo-Sub, Sang-Ki Ko, and Kai Salomaa The edit-distance between a regular language and a context-free language International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 24.07 (2013): 1067-1082. https://doi.org/10.1142/S0129054113400315
$d(L_1, L_2)$ computable for$L_1, L_2$ VPA ? (ref. ?)
rem: the unweighted definition is a particular case of Boolean semiring (
- for
$A_1$ ,$A_2$ defined by weighted automata,$d(A_1, A_2)$ is computated by the weighted transducer$A_2 \circ T \circ A_1$ where$T$ computed the distance$d$ between words, by- composition and
$\epsilon$ -removal of Weighted Transducers - determinizartion of WA
- synchronization of Weighted Transducers w. bounded delays
- for general E.D. that can be represented by finite weighted transducers
- on-the-fly transducer's composition & pruning.
- composition and
it is presented in the following paper:
Mehryar Mohri Edit-distance of weighted automata: General definitions and algorithms International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 14.06 (2003): 957-982.
infinite set of symbols
ex. [alphabet]
timestamped events (onsets, offsets),
ex. [sequences] see distance-performance-score.
- a music performance is a sequence of timestamped events ~ unquantified MIDI / piano roll.
- a score (music sheet) is also a sequence of timestamped events (with quantified timestamped)
- quantified ("score") MIDI
- structured with additional markups (parentheses): XML (MEI etc)
for infinte alphabet
Dynamic Time Warping (for temporal sequences) see DTW.
ex. distance between a performance and a score, using the above representations. with the possibility of missing notes (?) If the score contains markups, it is possible to ignore them in the computation, with appropriate deletion primitive values. see distance-performance-score.
ex. semiring containing as components:
- cumulated time-shifts
- a tempo curve
languages defined by automata over infinite alphabet
Register automata
Michael Kaminski and Nissim Francez Finite-Memory Automata Theor. Comput. Sci., 134(2):329–363, 1994.
Weighted case
Mikołaj Bojanczyk, Bartek Klin, Joshua Moerman Orbit-Finite-Dimensional Vector Spaces and Weighted Register Automata https://arxiv.org/abs/2104.02438
Symbolic Automata framework (unweighted)
Margus Veanes Applications of symbolic finite automata International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata, 2013.
$d(L_1, L_2)$ computable for$L_1, L_2$ Symbolic Automata (SA) languages? (ref.?) -
and for Symbolic Visibly Pushdown Automata ?
Loris D’Antoni and Rajeev Alur Symbolic visibly pushdown automata International Conference on Computer Aided Verification. Springer, 2014.
definition of
$A_1$ is an automaton for prior score language. The value in$S$ returned by is a measure of notational complexity of a score. Note that for markups, the language is not regular ($A_1$ is a VPA then). -
$A_2$ is a singleton automaton for a performance given$s_2$ . - the distance is then
$\bigoplus_{s ∈ \Sigma^*} A_1(s_1) \otimes d(s_1, s_2)$ , i.e. the combination of 2 criteria to optimise. The best$s_1$ is a music score inferred for$s_2$ (transcription of$s_2$ ).