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@vertigo17 vertigo17 released this 25 Jan 21:21
· 8 commits to master since this release

Bug fixes

  • [ENGINE] Fixed NPE when making a control on non successful service answer.
  • [GUI] Fixed an issue when adding an environment to an existing application.
  • [GUI] Environments with empty system, country or environment can be deleted.
  • [GUI] Error when creating datalib with file upload.

Improvements / New features

  • [ENGINE] [QUEUE] test case dependency engine now allow to define a delay between the end of an execution and the start of the next one. That allow to execute a campaign with some testcases on day 1 and release the rest of the testcases on day 2 (after some end of day treatments has been executed)
  • [ENGINE] [QUEUE] Disable dependency when testcase is not part of campaign execution. Dependency is still displayed but in IGNORED status.
  • [ENGINE] [QUEUE] test case dependency engine now allow to link 2 testcases even if the previous one is not OK.
  • [ENGINE] [QUEUE] from campaign execution page, when restarting an execution that has a dependency the latest previous execution is now picked in stead of original one,
  • [ENGINE] [API] When callService that is attached to an application, host and contextroot of the corresponding application is used (if country env of the application does not exist on the test case application, search is also made on linked environments).
  • [ENGINE] [API] Added Service REST Authorization support (Basic, API Key and Bearer).
  • [GUI] [API] Added service call simulation feature. When editing a service, you can make calls outside a testcase context in order to control and tune the definition of the call.
  • [ENGINE] [VARIABLE] New variable for system.dates. You can now for example do %system.DAY-13-d% that will return the day of month (d) of 13 days ago (DAY-13). (locale of country invariant is used)
  • [ENGINE] [VARIABLE] New reserved keyword %datalib.DATALIBNAME.value% and %datalib.DATALIBNAME.base64%. Allowing managing upload/download file by uploading files on Cerberus with no more limitation on its size.
  • [ENGINE] [DATALIB] Added CSV ignoreFirstLine boolean at datalib level.
  • [ENGINE] [TESTCASE] Every application environment now can have 2 secrets data that can be used for password of apikey (with %system.APP_SECRET1% and %system.APP_SECRET2%). Once application is updated with its secret data, you can't access it and data is protected during execution.
  • [ENGINE] [CAMPAIGN] Submit execution from campaign, only if application environment exist. (that avoid unnecessary Errors in queue).
  • [ENGINE] [CAMPAIGN] You can now disable an environment at the application level thanks to the new active checkbox available.
  • [ENGINE] [GUI] Drag and drop now report error on Drop element and not drag when necessary.
  • [ENGINE] [GUI] Timeout overwrite option now also overwrite pageLoadTimeout and setScriptTimeout.
  • [ENGINE] [GUI] Added actions lockDevice, unlockDevice and rotateDevice for iOS and Android application
  • [ENGINE] [GUI] when interact with an element, Cerberus report the number of elements found in order to better understand why an action could fail to provide the correct result
  • [ENGINE] [GUI] switchToWindow action now have a better and detail message will all possible context to switch to.
  • [ENGINE] [GUI] scrollToElement action now finish when element is at the middle of the screen for iOS and Android application. It's also possible to define an offset.
  • [GUI] [GENERAL] Save datatable layout on pages no longer save the current page position.
  • [GUI] [GENERAL] Optimization of datatable loading time on execution list and queue list.
  • [GUI] [GENERAL] new refresh button on pages with datatable on order to refresh the data content without a full reload of the page.
  • [GUI] [GENERAL] new reset button on pages with datatable in order to put back the default layout view.
  • [GUI] [TESTCASE] Improved autocompletion adding boolean, flags and contextual element for select and switchWindow actions.
  • [GUI] [TESTCASE] Testcase environment selection combo has been replaced by checkbox.
  • [GUI] [TESTCASE] Improved TestCaseScript page so that in case of change, the rerun button allow to save the change before rerun the testcase. (testcase can be saved and rerun in 1 click)
  • [GUI] [TESTCASE] New Impact analysis tool. You can search any text (ex: xpath or variable) across all testcases.
  • [GUI] [TESTCASE] Improved property definition on testcase script.
  • [GUI] [TESTCASE] New Test case import available for Test Link xml files.
  • [GUI] [CAMPAIGN] Improved navigation on campaign execution screen. Adding CTA on top of the screen and toggle buttons for reporting details hidden by default.
  • [GUI] [CAMPAIGN] Both campaign and execution reporting over time now include an availability KPI based on nb and time of OK.
  • [GUI] [CAMPAIGN] Campaign execution and testcase execution can now be declared as false Negative. That can be used when the non OK result should be considered as OK because the used was on the testcase. That declaration will force the execution to be considered as OK on Availability KPI.
  • [GUI] [CAMPAIGN] direct access to Both campaign and execution reporting over time from campaign execution and test case execution screen.
  • [GUI] [CAMPAIGN] new parameter in order to tune the nb of row above which the report by tag will auto hide the unnecessary lines cerberus_reportbytag_nblinestotriggerautohide_int (default to 50).
  • [GUI] [CAMPAIGN] New 'Application Edit' button from testcase header, execution and campaign execution pages.
  • [GUI] [CAMPAIGN] Report over time can now be filtered by result status (in order to focus and isolate non OK result for example)
  • [GUI] [CAMPAIGN] Report over time display spot with bigger radius when comment or description has been entered. False Negative are surrounded with green.
  • [GUI] [HP] Homepage now display also upcoming campaign execution from scheduler (nb can be tuned by 'cerberus_homepage_nbdisplayedscheduledtag' parameter).
  • [GUI] [HP] Homepage display Nb of Execution Running and in queue are displayed with direct access to execution running.
  • [GUI] [BUGTRACKER] Testcase can be Linked to JIRA Issue. That will display the associated label with URL on execution page.
  • [GUI] [BUGTRACKER] Automatic issue creation with Github and Jira connector. Any non OK execution can now create an issue and link it to the Testcase. Please check the documentation for further details.
  • [GUI] [BUGTRACKER] Issue creation can be done server to server directly from Cerberus.

Warning to be considered before applying the version (deprecated features)

  • [ENGINE] Datalib no longer support direct definition of SOAP Calls. You need to replace them by SOAP services.
  • [ENGINE] %SYS_YESTERDAY*, %SYS_TODAY*, %SYS_TOMORROW* are no longer supported, please change to %system.YESTERDAY*, %system.TODAY*, %system.TOMORROW*
  • [ENGINE] %system.TODAY.doy*, %system.TOMORROW.doy*, %system.YESTERDAY.doy* should be replaced by %system..D.
  • [GUI] Test Folder screen has been removed from menu (Folder creation are possible directly at testcase level and activation flag at Folder level can be replaced by activation at testcase level).
  • [GUI] SQL Library screen has been removed from menu (SQL Can be triggered either from Datalib screen or stored inside datalib and used from properties if necessary).
  • [KAFKA] Moved client library from 2.6.3 to 3.7.2