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+++ b/README.md
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-# refugee-analyze
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index 3cd0ec7..0000000
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- {
- "Year": 1951,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 2116011,
- "Asylum-seekers": 0,
- "Returned refugees": 0,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 0,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1952,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 1952928,
- "Asylum-seekers": 0,
- "Returned refugees": 0,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 0,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1953,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 1847304,
- "Asylum-seekers": 0,
- "Returned refugees": 0,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 0,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1954,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 1749628,
- "Asylum-seekers": 0,
- "Returned refugees": 0,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 0,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1955,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 1717966,
- "Asylum-seekers": 0,
- "Returned refugees": 0,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 0,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1956,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 1767975,
- "Asylum-seekers": 0,
- "Returned refugees": 0,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 0,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1957,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 1742514,
- "Asylum-seekers": 0,
- "Returned refugees": 0,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 0,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1958,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 1698310,
- "Asylum-seekers": 0,
- "Returned refugees": 0,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 0,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1959,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 1674185,
- "Asylum-seekers": 0,
- "Returned refugees": 0,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 0,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1960,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 1656664,
- "Asylum-seekers": 0,
- "Returned refugees": 0,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 0,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1961,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 1789067,
- "Asylum-seekers": 0,
- "Returned refugees": 0,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 0,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1962,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 1765622,
- "Asylum-seekers": 0,
- "Returned refugees": 0,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 0,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1963,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 1682403,
- "Asylum-seekers": 0,
- "Returned refugees": 0,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 0,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1964,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 3079949,
- "Asylum-seekers": 0,
- "Returned refugees": 0,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 0,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1965,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 3531615,
- "Asylum-seekers": 0,
- "Returned refugees": 38100,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 0,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1966,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 3501013,
- "Asylum-seekers": 0,
- "Returned refugees": 29090,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 0,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1967,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 2356991,
- "Asylum-seekers": 0,
- "Returned refugees": 7620,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 0,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1968,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 2463736,
- "Asylum-seekers": 0,
- "Returned refugees": 21850,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 0,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1969,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 2531177,
- "Asylum-seekers": 0,
- "Returned refugees": 31700,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 0,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1970,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 2464730,
- "Asylum-seekers": 0,
- "Returned refugees": 13870,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 0,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1971,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 3279710,
- "Asylum-seekers": 0,
- "Returned refugees": 2058300,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 0,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1972,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 3251850,
- "Asylum-seekers": 0,
- "Returned refugees": 9913600,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 0,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1973,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 2901335,
- "Asylum-seekers": 0,
- "Returned refugees": 120900,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 0,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1974,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 2994463,
- "Asylum-seekers": 0,
- "Returned refugees": 127650,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 0,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1975,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 3529434,
- "Asylum-seekers": 0,
- "Returned refugees": 89120,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 0,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1976,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 4270631,
- "Asylum-seekers": 0,
- "Returned refugees": 13260,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 0,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1977,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 4518659,
- "Asylum-seekers": 0,
- "Returned refugees": 1780,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 0,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1978,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 5065844,
- "Asylum-seekers": 0,
- "Returned refugees": 262250,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 0,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1979,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 6279912,
- "Asylum-seekers": 0,
- "Returned refugees": 571240,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 0,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1980,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 8454917,
- "Asylum-seekers": 0,
- "Returned refugees": 774810,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 0,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1981,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 9714297,
- "Asylum-seekers": 0,
- "Returned refugees": 237150,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 0,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1982,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 10319353,
- "Asylum-seekers": 0,
- "Returned refugees": 396170,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 0,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1983,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 10620784,
- "Asylum-seekers": 0,
- "Returned refugees": 103145,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 0,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1984,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 10728307,
- "Asylum-seekers": 0,
- "Returned refugees": 367753,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 0,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1985,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 11864046,
- "Asylum-seekers": 0,
- "Returned refugees": 393645,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 0,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1986,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 12633964,
- "Asylum-seekers": 0,
- "Returned refugees": 327060,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 0,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1987,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 13128334,
- "Asylum-seekers": 0,
- "Returned refugees": 240680,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 0,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1988,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 14347031,
- "Asylum-seekers": 0,
- "Returned refugees": 234640,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 0,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1989,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 14732885,
- "Asylum-seekers": 0,
- "Returned refugees": 207186,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 0,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1990,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 17395914,
- "Asylum-seekers": 0,
- "Returned refugees": 139120,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 0,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1991,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 16854762,
- "Asylum-seekers": 0,
- "Returned refugees": 2184724,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 0,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1992,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 17838020,
- "Asylum-seekers": 0,
- "Returned refugees": 2243039,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 0,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1993,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 16325299,
- "Asylum-seekers": 743601,
- "Returned refugees": 861034,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 4198400,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1994,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 15753494,
- "Asylum-seekers": 644640,
- "Returned refugees": 3036966,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 5322990,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1995,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 14895916,
- "Asylum-seekers": 986458,
- "Returned refugees": 1173670,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 4286690,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1996,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 13356861,
- "Asylum-seekers": 977087,
- "Returned refugees": 2076538,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 4853712,
- "Returned IDPss": 0,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 0,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1997,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 12014967,
- "Asylum-seekers": 1028200,
- "Returned refugees": 926564,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 4573112,
- "Returned IDPss": 100282,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 1404100,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1998,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 11480438,
- "Asylum-seekers": 977800,
- "Returned refugees": 1016319,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 5063880,
- "Returned IDPss": 207242,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 1378527,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 1999,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 11686760,
- "Asylum-seekers": 1027400,
- "Returned refugees": 1599105,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 3968648,
- "Returned IDPss": 1048387,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 1491142,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 2000,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 12129079,
- "Asylum-seekers": 947294,
- "Returned refugees": 767383,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 5998501,
- "Returned IDPss": 369055,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 1653841,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 2001,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 12116301,
- "Asylum-seekers": 943339,
- "Returned refugees": 462396,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 5096502,
- "Returned IDPss": 240950,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 1039510,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 2002,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 10593526,
- "Asylum-seekers": 1093037,
- "Returned refugees": 2426009,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 4646641,
- "Returned IDPss": 1179038,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 953319,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 2003,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 9592247,
- "Asylum-seekers": 995478,
- "Returned refugees": 1094889,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 4181701,
- "Returned IDPss": 237798,
- "Stateless persons": 0,
- "Others of concern": 905344,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 2004,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 9572719,
- "Asylum-seekers": 884204,
- "Returned refugees": 1434190,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 5426539,
- "Returned IDPss": 146516,
- "Stateless persons": 1455861,
- "Others of concern": 597042,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 2005,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 8661293,
- "Asylum-seekers": 801041,
- "Returned refugees": 1105477,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 6616791,
- "Returned IDPss": 519430,
- "Stateless persons": 2383651,
- "Others of concern": 960359,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 2006,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 9876924,
- "Asylum-seekers": 740171,
- "Returned refugees": 733557,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 12794268,
- "Returned IDPss": 1864171,
- "Stateless persons": 5805941,
- "Others of concern": 1045409,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 2007,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 11390108,
- "Asylum-seekers": 739894,
- "Returned refugees": 730573,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 13740317,
- "Returned IDPss": 2070118,
- "Stateless persons": 2938538,
- "Others of concern": 68615,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 2008,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 10488934,
- "Asylum-seekers": 823922,
- "Returned refugees": 603884,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 14442227,
- "Returned IDPss": 1361436,
- "Stateless persons": 6573465,
- "Others of concern": 166860,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 2009,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 10395724,
- "Asylum-seekers": 987875,
- "Returned refugees": 251413,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 15628057,
- "Returned IDPss": 2229540,
- "Stateless persons": 6559572,
- "Others of concern": 411691,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 2010,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 10548848,
- "Asylum-seekers": 835871,
- "Returned refugees": 197579,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 14697804,
- "Returned IDPss": 2923233,
- "Stateless persons": 3463073,
- "Others of concern": 1255578,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 2011,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 10403951,
- "Asylum-seekers": 895604,
- "Returned refugees": 531868,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 15473378,
- "Returned IDPss": 3245804,
- "Stateless persons": 3477100,
- "Others of concern": 1411844,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 2012,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 10497028,
- "Asylum-seekers": 941455,
- "Returned refugees": 525902,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 17670368,
- "Returned IDPss": 1545486,
- "Stateless persons": 3335772,
- "Others of concern": 1329600,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 2013,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 11698238,
- "Asylum-seekers": 1162819,
- "Returned refugees": 414479,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 23925555,
- "Returned IDPss": 1356182,
- "Stateless persons": 3469268,
- "Others of concern": 836073,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 2014,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 14384302,
- "Asylum-seekers": 1794615,
- "Returned refugees": 126767,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 32274619,
- "Returned IDPss": 1822591,
- "Stateless persons": 3492255,
- "Others of concern": 1052746,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 2015,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 16110280,
- "Asylum-seekers": 3223302,
- "Returned refugees": 201387,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 37494172,
- "Returned IDPss": 2317314,
- "Stateless persons": 3687759,
- "Others of concern": 870688,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 2016,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 17184291,
- "Asylum-seekers": 2729357,
- "Returned refugees": 552219,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 36627127,
- "Returned IDPss": 6511144,
- "Stateless persons": 3242206,
- "Others of concern": 803084,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 2017,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 19940568,
- "Asylum-seekers": 3089378,
- "Returned refugees": 384887,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 39118516,
- "Returned IDPss": 4228971,
- "Stateless persons": 3853982,
- "Others of concern": 1596125,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": ""
- },
- {
- "Year": 2018,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 20359556,
- "Asylum-seekers": 3501521,
- "Returned refugees": 593782,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 41425168,
- "Returned IDPss": 2312926,
- "Stateless persons": 3851981,
- "Others of concern": 1182756,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": 2592947
- },
- {
- "Year": 2019,
- "Country of origin": "-",
- "Country of origin (ISO)": "-",
- "Country of asylum": "-",
- "Country of asylum (ISO)": "-",
- "Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate": 20444819,
- "Asylum-seekers": 4148010,
- "Returned refugees": 317181,
- "IDPs of concern to UNHCR": 43503362,
- "Returned IDPss": 5343793,
- "Stateless persons": 4161980,
- "Others of concern": 6140622,
- "Venezuelans displaced abroad": 3582202
- }
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Refuge Analyze
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- 11:20 pm
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- sodales at.
- 11:30 pm
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
- 11:31 pm
Checkout my new admin dashboard template in CSS3
- 11:20 pm
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur bibendum ornare dolor, quis ullamcorper ligula
- sodales at.
- 11:30 pm
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
- 11:31 pm
Checkout my new admin dashboard template in CSS3
- 49m ago
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ipsa veniam delectus, ea voluptatum vero mollitia,
- magni voluptatem sapiente amet quidem, nemo aliquid qui minus iusto asperiores dolorem autem placeat iste!
- 28m ago
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ipsa veniam delectus, ea voluptatum vero mollitia
- 23m ago
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ipsa veniam delectus, ea voluptatum vero mollitia,
- magni voluptatem sapiente amet quidem, nemo aliquid qui minus iusto asperiores dolorem autem placeat iste!
- 13m ago
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ipsa veniam delectus, ea voluptatum vero mollitia,
- magni voluptatem sapiente amet quidem, nemo aliquid qui minus iusto asperiores dolorem autem placeat iste!.
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ipsa veniam delectus, ea voluptatum vero mollitia,
- magni voluptatem sapiente amet quidem, nemo aliquid qui minus iusto asperiores dolorem autem placeat iste!
- 13m ago
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ipsa veniam delectus, ea voluptatum vero mollitia
- 7m ago
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ipsa veniam delectus, ea voluptatum vero mollitia,
- magni voluptatem sapiente amet quidem, nemo aliquid qui minus iusto asperiores dolorem autem placeat iste!.
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ipsa veniam delectus, ea voluptatum vero mollitia,
- magni voluptatem sapiente amet quidem, nemo aliquid qui minus iusto asperiores dolorem autem placeat iste!
- 7m ago
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ipsa veniam delectus, ea voluptatum vero mollitia,
- magni voluptatem sapiente amet quidem, nemo aliquid qui minus iusto asperiores dolorem autem placeat iste!
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+ ☰
| Refugee Analyze (Planet With People challenge )
Refugee capacity, circulation and asylum are the 3 core issues of the cerebro team. We have created an existing refugee map to analyze statistical data such as the current refugee capacity of the countries, the regular and irregular migration of refugees and the distribution of these migrations by population.While doing the refugee analysis, we performed an up-to-date data analysis using The Un Refugee Agency (UNHRC) data.
github : https://github.com/cerebrov
+ While the task and project management processes in the team were provided by Enes Karpuz, he took up the tasks of creating the world refugee map and its integration into the web page.\n Web page prepared by Ali Hizmetci. At this stage, methodology tab was created based on nasa spaceapps challenge and technical information about the project was presented. Then the about Cerebro tab, which contains details about the group, and the contact tab for those who want to get information about the project details.The subject and content of the project was determined by Ali Guzel. At this point, the refugee issue, which is a global problem, has been discussed and its effects on the population have been considered. While carrying out the project, various documentation was prepared in detail and the personal goal was achieved.Arif Gunduz prepared a presentation while dealing with the necessary infrastructure for API.
Ali Hizmetci
Arif Gunduz
Enes Karpuz
Ali Guzel