This document describes the common software requirements that a Linux machine requires in order to connect to Greybus devices.
The recommended Linux distribution for evaluating Greybus is Ubuntu Focal Fossa (as of December, 2020) primarily because it already includes most of the required Linux kernel modules and configuration.
If running Ubuntu natively is not an option, an alternative solution is to run it inside of a virtual machine such as Qemu or VirtualBox.
First, the main Greybus kernel modules will need to be added to the running Linux kernel.
MODULES=$(ls /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/staging/greybus)
for m in ${MODULES//.ko/}; do
sudo modprobe $m
Next, clone and build Greybus, and
insert the gb-netlink
kernel module into the running Linux kernel.
git clone -b gb_netlink
cd gb-netlink
make -j$(nproc --all)
sudo insmod gb-netlink.ko
The final component required is Gbridge so clone and build that.
This step assumes that the gb-netlink
directory is in the present working directory.
git clone
cd gbridge
autoreconf -vfi
GBDIR="$PWD/../gb-netlink" ./configure --disable-bluetooth --enable-tcpip --enable-uart --enable-netlink --disable-gbsim
make -j$(nproc --all)
Finally, start gbridge
to begin using Greybus!