22.20.1 (2023-12-27)
- Limit-InstalledModule removed latest version (ffbaf3b)
22.20.0 (2023-11-06)
- update to PSresourceGet (0f06a5c)
22.19.5 (2023-10-07)
- Updated Get-TeamsUVC to enumerate PhoneSystem Status correctly (a957c94)
22.19.4 (2023-08-15)
- CallQueue: Adding EnableTranscription & EnableSystemPromptSuppression (5b6880b)
22.19.3 (2023-07-26)
- TfErrorLog: Fixing Alignment & lines written per error (1) (a1da025)
22.19.2 (2023-07-18)
- AzureAdGroup: Fixed lookup for Identity (copy/paste error) (881e613)
- TeamsUserVoiceConfig: Fixing Warning Message (b147d89)
22.19.1 (2023-05-20)
- TFErrorlog: Test Path now for both options (fa5d07a)
22.19.0 (2023-05-20)
- CallQueue: Added options to remove Agents (8c5b9e1)
- CallQueue: Handling of TO SVM TTS prompt not consistent with OF (ee837f6)
- CommonAreaPhone: Correcting issue preventing assignment (54422bb)
- Licensing: Adding skip for duplicate SkuPartNumbers to Get-AzureAdLicense (a3b618a)
- Licensing: Adding Try/Catch for Get-TeamsTenantLicense to quieten processing (71f6ce5)
- PhoneNumber: Apply number if no SIP Address found (799c66c)
- ResourceAccount: Allowing NULL for OVP values (b48e419)
- ResourceAccount: Get did not enumerate PhoneNumber correctly (952db5d)
- ResourceAccount: Refactored NEW to remove PhoneNumber and add LicenseGroup instead (1c1413a)
- ResourceAccount: Refactored SET to allow License add LicenseGroup (9c4c91f)
- ResourceAccount: Replacing ParameterSets with manual validation (9e81882)
- VoiceConfig: Adapting Voice Config to v5 behaviour for search (f168b5a)
- VoiceConfig: SIP Address detection (bd5f721)
- VoiceConfig: Typo in last commit (9626b94)
- VoiceRoutingChain: Added remainder of String to Description (13724ba)
- VoiceRoutingChain: Removed warning when no country provided on NEW (35ea702)
- VoiceRoutingChain: Tidy up (c063c29)
- VoiceConfig: Adding AdTelephoneNumber to Level 3 Output (9a93dcf)
- VoiceConfig: Updated SET to allow configuration without License (except for phonenumber assignments) (9f46126)
- VoiceRoutingChain: Updating Description (138f8b4)
22.18.0 (2023-01-24)
- AutoAttendant: Artifact merging (393d9dc)
- AutoAttendant: Calls to MenuOption failed (64839c9)
- AutoAttendant: Update Holiday with Call Flow now properly updates Call Targets and Menus (d7e209c)
- CallableEntity: Fixed a call determining Team & Channel from input (ef19bf8)
- CallableEntity: Updated CE (5489f28)
- CallQueue: Adding WelcomeTextToSpeechPrompt (5d46e0c)
- CallQueue: Distribution Group for TeamAndChannel fixed to Team (36acb8a)
- CallQueue: Updated Set-TeamsCallQueue to allow use of SharedVoicemail parameters without specifying any other Voicemail parameters (81f57f4)
- InstalledModule: Update if Module loaded is not the most recent and fixing another bug (d3551b5)
- TeamAndChannel: Addressing lookup for TeamAndChannel (775af90)
- TeamAndChannel: Discovery of Teams Channel in different ID format corrected (489b3b9)
- TeamAndChannel: Updated Tests (be157ec)
- TeamAndChannel: Updated Tests (538daa1)
- TeamAndChannel: Updated Tests (6c9af0a)
- TeamAndChannel: Updated Tests (c61d86a)
- VoiceConfig: PhoneNumberType corrected (f728405)
- workflow: Recreated workflow to be in line with Orbit (e0b7c7e)
- AutoAttendant: Added Parameter EnableSharedVoicemailSystemPromptSuppression (d3de1bf)
- AutoAttendant: Added TimeZoneId for Update-TeamsAA (88a37a4)
- AutoAttendant: Merge Artifacts now bodged to spec (1d2ebd9)
- AutoAttendant: TimeZoneId added to New-TeamsAA (f1bfca0)
- CallQueue: Updated to support WelcomeTextToSpeechPrompt (d7b855d)
- Module: Fixing Workflow issue (AzureAd missing) (2041398)
- Module: Publishing Module (badeaba)
- Module: Re-instating removed functions (f00645a)
- Workflow: Release (e1c6030)
- Workflow: Release2 (c984550)
- Workflow: Release3 (ca70678)