Process of Non Standard Expense entry in CRM without this bot
- Prepare an excel file which contains call details, expense details ( daily / weekly)
- send this excel file to DEO
- DEO will copy paste this details into crm and create expense ID for each call
- Average time for each expense is 60 - 120 seconds
problem with above process is copy and paste of each expense details will be very hectic, also it will take around 40 - 60 seconds for each expense complete.
For example if we have 30 expense to be created , each expense takes 60 seconds for to be created by DEO, total process will take 30 mins, but human cannot perform same task with same intrest, same effort every time. Due to lack of diligence, it may take 45mins - 1 Hour to complete this task by human (DEO)
Process of Non Standard Expense entry in CRM using this bot
- Prepare an excel file which contains call details, expense details ( daily / weekly)
- RUN this BOT give excel file as an input
- BOT will do data entry of expense details into crm and create expense ID for each call
- Average time for each expense is 18 - 30 seconds
Simply run BOT in PIP Mode and give excel file as an input , bot will automatically create expense in CRM.