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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog (modification: no type change headlines) and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

5.0.0 - 2022-09-06

Final release - tada 🎉 - of a wider breaking release round on the EthereumJS monorepo libraries, see the Beta 1 release notes for the main long change set description as well as the Beta 2, Beta 3 and Release Candidate (RC) 1 release notes for notes on some additional changes (CHANGELOG).


  • Internal refactor: removed ambiguous boolean checks within conditional clauses, PR #2254

5.0.0-rc.1 - 2022-08-29

Release candidate 1 for the upcoming breaking release round on the EthereumJS monorepo libraries, see the Beta 1 release notes for the main long change set description as well as the Beta 2 and 3 release notes for notes on some additional changes (CHANGELOG).

Fixed Mainnet Merge HF Default

Since this bug was so severe it gets its own section: mainnet in the underlying @ethereumjs/common library (Chain.Mainnet) was accidentally not updated yet to default to the merge HF (Hardfork.Merge) by an undiscovered overwrite back to london.

This has been fixed in PR #2206 and mainnet now default to the merge as well.

Maintenance Updates

  • Added engine field to package.json limiting Node versions to v14 or higher, PR #2164
  • Replaced nyc (code coverage) configurations with c8 configurations, PR #2192
  • Code formats improvements by adding various new linting rules, see Issue #1935

5.0.0-beta.3 - 2022-08-10

Beta 3 release for the upcoming breaking release round on the EthereumJS monorepo libraries, see the Beta 1 release notes for the main long change set description as well as the Beta 2 release notes for notes on some additional changes (CHANGELOG).

Merge Hardfork Default

Since the Merge HF is getting close we have decided to directly jump on the Merge HF (before: Istanbul) as default in the underlying @ethereumjs/common library and skip the London default HF as we initially intended to set (see Beta 1 CHANGELOG), see PR #2087.

This change should not directly affect this library but might be relevant since it is not recommended to use different Common library versions between the different EthereumJS libraries.

5.0.0-beta.2 - 2022-07-15

Beta 2 release for the upcoming breaking release round on the EthereumJS monorepo libraries, see the Beta 1 release notes (CHANGELOG) for the main change set description.

Removed Default Exports

The change with the biggest effect on UX since the last Beta 1 releases is for sure that we have removed default exports all accross the monorepo, see PR #2018, we even now added a new linting rule that completely disallows using.

Default exports were a common source of error and confusion when using our libraries in a CommonJS context, leading to issues like Issue #978.

Now every import is a named import and we think the long term benefits will very much outweigh the one-time hassle of some import adoptions.

Common Library Import Updates

Since our @ethereumjs/common library is used all accross our libraries for chain and HF instantiation this will likely be the one being the most prevalent regarding the need for some import updates.

So Common import and usage is changing from:

import Common, { Chain, Hardfork } from '@ethereumjs/common'

const common = new Common({ chain: Chain.Mainnet, hardfork: Hardfork.Merge })


import { Common, Chain, Hardfork } from '@ethereumjs/common'

const common = new Common({ chain: Chain.Mainnet, hardfork: Hardfork.Merge })

SNAP Protocol Support

Ethereum Snapshot Protocol (SNAP) support has been added in PR #1883. This allows to run the SNAP protocol as a side-protocol to the ETH protocol for exchanging state snapshots between peers.

Other Changes

  • Added ESLint strict boolean expressions linting rule, PR #2030

5.0.0-beta.1 - 2022-06-30

This release is part of a larger breaking release round where all EthereumJS monorepo libraries (VM, Tx, Trie, other) get major version upgrades. This round of releases has been prepared for a long time and we are really pleased with and proud of the result, thanks to all team members and contributors who worked so hard and made this possible! 🙂 ❤️

We have gotten rid of a lot of technical debt and inconsistencies and removed unused functionality, renamed methods, improved on the API and on TypeScript typing, to name a few of the more local type of refactoring changes. There are also broader structural changes like a full transition to native JavaScript BigInt values as well as various somewhat deep-reaching refactorings, both within a single package as well as some reaching beyond the scope of a single package. Also two completely new packages - @ethereumjs/evm (in addition to the existing @ethereumjs/vm package) and @ethereumjs/statemanager - have been created, leading to a more modular Ethereum JavaScript VM.

We are very much confident that users of the libraries will greatly benefit from the changes being introduced. However - along the upgrade process - these releases require some extra attention and care since the changeset is both so big and deep reaching. We highly recommend to closely read the release notes, we have done our best to create a full picture on the changes with some special emphasis on delicate code and API parts and give some explicit guidance on how to upgrade and where problems might arise!

So, enjoy the releases (this is a first round of Beta releases, with final releases following a couple of weeks after if things go well)! 🎉

The EthereumJS Team

BigInt Introduction / ES2020 Build Target

With this round of breaking releases the whole EthereumJS library stack removes the BN.js library and switches to use native JavaScript BigInt values for large-number operations and interactions.

This makes the libraries more secure and robust (no more BN.js v4 vs v5 incompatibilities) and generally comes with substantial performance gains for the large-number-arithmetic-intense parts of the libraries (particularly the VM).

To allow for BigInt support our build target has been updated to ES2020. We feel that some still remaining browser compatibility issues on the edges (old Safari versions e.g.) are justified by the substantial gains this step brings along.

See #1671 and #1771 for the core BigInt transition PRs.

Disabled esModuleInterop and allowSyntheticDefaultImports TypeScript Compiler Options

The above TypeScript options provide some semantic sugar like allowing to write an import like import React from "react" instead of import * as React from "react", see esModuleInterop and allowSyntheticDefaultImports docs for some details.

While this is convenient, it deviates from the ESM specification and forces downstream users into using these options, which might not be desirable, see this TypeScript Semver docs section for some more detailed argumentation.

Along with the breaking releases we have therefore deactivated both of these options and you might therefore need to adapt some import statements accordingly. Note that you still can activate these options in your bundle and/or transpilation pipeline (but now you also have the option not to, which you didn't have before).

Other Changes

  • Removed Node.js specific assert usage, PR #1924
  • Deduplicated keccak and secp256k1 library usage in favor of ethereum-cryptography, Noble crypto library uses, PR #1947
  • Replaced hi-base32 dependency with @scure/base from @paulmillr (Noble crypto library author), PR #1947

4.2.2 - 2022-04-29

  • Solved memory leak "DPT discovers nodes when open_slots = 0", PR #1816
  • Fixed per-message debug logging, PR #1776
  • ETH-LES class refactor, PR #1600

4.2.1 - 2022-02-01

  • Dependencies: deduplicated RLP import, PR #1549
  • Fixed duplicated debug messages (DEBUG logger, see README), PR #1643

4.2.0 - 2021-09-24

EIP-706 Snappy Compression (RLPx v5)

This release adds support for RLPx v5 allowing for the compression of RLPx messages with the Snappy compression algorithm as defined in EIP-706. If the connecting peer doesn't support v5, the connection falls back to v4 and does the communication without compressing the payload.

See: PRs #1399, #1442 and #1484

Improved Per-Message Debugging

Per-message debugging with the debug package has been substantially expanded and allow for a much more targeted debugging experience.

There are new debug loggers added to:

  • Debug per specific ETH or LES message (e.g. devp2p:eth:GET_BLOCK_HEADERS)
  • Debug per disconnect reason (e.g. devp2p:rlpx:peer:DISCONNECT:TOO_MANY_PEERS)
  • Debug per peer IP address (e.g. devp2p:
  • Debug per first connected peer (DEBUG=devp2p:FIRST_PEER)

See: PR #1449

4.1.0 - 2021-07-15

Finalized London HF Support

This release integrates a Common library version which provides the london HF blocks for all networks including mainnet and is therefore the first release with finalized London HF support. For the devp2p library this particularly means that the fork hashes for the london HF will be correct when using eth/64 or higher.

Support for eth/66 and les/4

PR #1331 added support for eth/66 and #1324 for les/4. Be sure to check out the updated peer communication examples.

Included Source Files

Source files from the src folder are now included in the distribution build, see PR #1301. This allows for a better debugging experience in debug tools like Chrome DevTools by having working source map references to the original sources available for inspection.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed zero Buffer forkhash bug in case no future fork known, PR #1148 commit afd00a8

4.0.0 - 2021-04-22

Attention! This new version is part of a series of EthereumJS releases all moving to a new scoped package name format. In this case the library is renamed as follows:

  • ethereumjs-devp2p -> @ethereumjs/devp2p

Please update your library references accordingly or install with:

npm i @ethereumjs/devp2p

This is the first-production ready release of this library. During our work on the EthereumJS Client we were finally able to battle-test this library in a real-world environment (so: towards mainnet, the main official testnets like goerli or rinkeby as well as ephemeral testnets like yolov3). We fixed a myriad of partly critical bugs along the way (which are extremely hard to reproduce just in a test environment) and can now fully recommend to use this library for ETH protocol integrations up to version ETH/65 in a production setup. Note that the LES support in the library is still outdated (but working), an update is planned (let us know if you have demand).

ETH/64 and ETH/65 Support

The ETH protocol support has been updated to now also support versions 64 and 65. Biggest protocol update here is ETH/64 introduced with PR #82 which adds support for selecting peers by fork ID (see associated EIP-2124). This allows for a much more differentiated chain selection and avoids connecting to peers which are on a different chain but having a shared chain history with the same blocks and the same block hashes.

ETH/65 implemented in PR #1159 adds three new message types NewPooledTransactionHashes (0x08), GetPooledTransactions (0x09) and PooledTransactions (0x0a) for a more efficient exchange on txs from the tx pool (EIP-2464).

DNS Discovery Support

Node discovery via DNS has been added to quickly acquire testnet (or mainnet) peers from the DNS ENR tree per EIP-1459, see PRs #1070, #1097 and #1149. This allows for easier peer discovery especially on the testnets. Peer search is randomized as being recommended in the EIP and the implementation avoids to download the entire DNS tree at once.

DNS discovery can be activated in the DPT module with the shouldGetDnsPeers option, in addition there is a new shouldFindNeighbours option allowing to deactivate the classical v4 discovery process. Both discovery methods can be used in conjunction though. DNS Peer discovery can be customized/configured with additional constructor options dnsRefreshQuantity, dnsNetworks and dnsAddress. See API section in the README for a description.

Other Features / Changes

  • Updated goerli bootnodes, PR #1031
  • maxPeers, dpt, and listenPort are now optional in RLPxOptions, PR #1019
  • New DPTOptions interface, DPT type improvements, PR #1029
  • Improved RLPx disconnect reason debug output, PR #1031
  • LES: unifiy ETH and LES sendMessage() signature by somewhat change payload semantics and pass in reqId along, PR #1087
  • RLPx: limit connection refill debug logging to a restarted interval log message to not bloat logging too much, PR #1087

Connection Reliability / Bug Fixes

  • Subdivided interval calls to refill RLPx peer connections to improve networking distribution and connection reliability, PR #1036
  • Fixed an error in DPT not properly banning old peers and replacing with a new peer on KBucket ping, PR #1036
  • Connection reliability: distribute network traffic on DPT additions of new neighbour peers, PR #1036
  • Fixed a critical peer data processing bug, PR #1064
  • Added socket destroyed checks on peer message sending to safeguard against stream-was-destroyed error, PR #1075
  • DPT: fixed undefined array access in ETH._getStatusString() on malformed ETH/64 status msgs, PR #1029

Maintenance / Testing / CI

  • Added dedicated browser build published to dist.browser to package.json, PR #1184
  • Updated rlp-encoding dependency to the EthereumJS rlp library, PR #94
  • RLPx type improvements, PR #1036
  • Switched to Codecov, PR #92
  • Upgraded dev deps (config 2.0, monorepo betas, typedoc), PR #93

3.0.3 - 2020-09-29

  • Moved TypeScript type packages for lru-cache and bl from devDependencies to dependencies, PR #90

3.0.2 - 2020-09-28

  • Fixed TypeScript import issue causing problems when integrating the library in a TypeScript project, PR #88
  • Updated k-bucket library to v5, added types from new @types/k-bucket package from @tomonari-t, PR #88

3.0.1 - 2020-06-10

This release focuses on improving the debugging capabilities of the library. PR #72 reduces the verbosity of the log output to cut on noise on everyday debugging. There is a new verbose logger to retain the more verbose output (e.g. with full message bodies) which can be used like this:

DEBUG=devp2p:*,verbose node -r ts-node/register ./examples/peer-communication.ts

Other Logging Improvements

Relevant PRs #75 and #73:

  • Added number of peers to refillConnections() debug message
  • Replaced try/catch logic for EIP-8 auth check to avoid side-effects and get rid of misleading wrong-ecies-header debug output
  • Moved debug output in BanList.add() after the set operation to get the correct size output
  • Added debug message for DISCONNECT reason from peer (this was always some constant re-debug reason, and at the end it's mostly TOO_MANY_PEERS)
  • Internalize detached logger output from the devp2p:util logger

Other Changes

  • Refactored Peer class for better code readability, PR #77

There has also been a new high-level diagram added to the README which can be used to get an overview on the structure, available loggers and the event flow of the library (PR #76).

3.0.0 - 2020-05-25

First TypeScript release of the library, see PR #56 for all the changes and associated discussion.

All source parts of the library have been ported to TypeScript and working with the library should now therefore be much more reliable due to the additional type safety features provided by the TypeScript language. The API of the library remains unchanged in a JavaScript context.

Noteworthy Changes from PR #56:

  • Type additions for all method signatures and class members of all protocol components (dpt, eth, les, rlpx)
  • Addition of various structuring interfaces (like PeerInfo for DPT message input) and enum constructs (like MESSAGE_CODES from the ETH protocol)
  • Port of the examples to TypeScript
  • Port of all the test cases to TypeScript
  • Integration of the library into the common ethereumjs-config EthereumJS configuration setup (standard -> TSLint linting, docs with TypeDoc, TypeScript compilation, Prettier formatting rules)
  • Lots of code cleanups and code part modernizations

Thanks @dryajov for all the great work on this! ❤

Other Updates:

  • Added Node 12,13 support, upgrade from Travis to GitHub actions, PR #57
  • Updated ethereumjs-common dependency to v1.5.1 for a bootnode update, PR #67
  • Removed Node 6, 8 support, updated secp256k1 dependency to from v3.1.0 to v4.0.1, PR #68
  • Updated keccak dependency to v3.0.0, PR #64
  • Some dependency cleanup, PRs #62, #65, #58

2.5.1 - 2018-12-12

  • Fix connection error by ignoring RLPX peers with missing tcp port, PR #45

2.5.0 - 2018-03-22

  • Light client protocol (LES/2) implementation, PR #21
  • LES/2 usage example, see: examples/peer-communication-les.js
  • Better test coverage for upper-layer protocols (ETH, LES/2), PR #34

2.4.0 - 2018-02-28

  • First release providing a reliable ETH connection
  • Fix Parity DPT ping echo hash bug preventing the library to connect to Parity clients, PR #32
  • Fixed a bug not setting weHello in peer after sent HELLO msg

2.3.0 - 2018-02-27

  • Fix critical RLPX bug leading to not processing incoming EIP-8 Auth or Ack messages, PR #26
  • Fix bug not forwarding k-bucket remove event through DPT (so peer:removed from DPT was not working), PR #27
  • Fix updating ingressMac with wrong Auth msg leading to diverging Mac hashes, PR #29
  • Fix bug not let first ETH status message emit a message event, PR #30
  • Large rework of the test setup, additional DPT, RLPX and ETH simulator tests, improving test coverage from 48% to 84%, PR #25

2.2.0 - 2017-12-07

  • EIP-8 compatibility
  • Improved debug messages
  • Fixes a bug on DPT ping timeout being triggered even if pong message is received
  • Only send connect event after both HELLO msgs are exchanged (fixes unreliable upper-protocol communication start)
  • Connection reliability improvements for peer-communication example
  • API documentation

2.1.3 - 2017-11-09

  • Dependency updates
  • Improved README documentation

Older releases: