1 | 1 | # Habitat Cookbook CHANGELOG
2 | 2 |
3 | 3 | This file is used to list changes made in each version of the habitat cookbook.
4 |
| - |
5 |
| -## 2.0.1 (2020-04-21) |
6 |
| - |
7 |
| -- correct package name for the windows zip file being used. also added a step to create c:\habitat directory since powershell was failing on that step. placeholder for upgrade enhancement - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
8 |
| -- [BUG_FIX] Issue #199 fixeed install on Windows - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
9 |
| -- removing unwanted tests - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
10 |
| -- fixed bad syntax in install resource - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
11 |
| -- Remove a bogus platform_family? check - [@tas50](https://github.com/tas50) |
12 |
| -- Remove old Foodcritic comments - [@tas50](https://github.com/tas50) |
13 |
| -- Add testing with Github Actions - [@tas50](https://github.com/tas50) |
14 |
| -- Update systems we test on in Test Kitchen - [@tas50](https://github.com/tas50) |
15 |
| -- Allow versions in the specs to float a bit - [@tas50](https://github.com/tas50) |
16 |
| -- Remove the .foodcritic file - [@tas50](https://github.com/tas50) |
17 |
| -- Update the boxes in Kitchen and the Travis config - [@tas50](https://github.com/tas50) |
18 |
| -- Remove github actions for now - [@tas50](https://github.com/tas50) |
19 |
| -- Use public windows boxes and fix travis failures - [@tas50](https://github.com/tas50) |
20 |
| -- Run delivery in Github Actions - [@tas50](https://github.com/tas50) |
21 |
| -- Disable cookstyle for old spec - [@tas50](https://github.com/tas50) |
22 |
| -- Update CHANGELOG.md with details from pull request #189 |
23 |
| -- removed bad unit test - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
24 |
| -- fixing delivery errors (#6) - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
25 |
| -- [BUG FIX] Windows install to correct issue #199 (#202) - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
26 |
| -- Update CHANGELOG.md with details from pull request #202 |
27 |
| -- Release 1.15.2 - [@jonlives](https://github.com/jonlives) |
28 |
| -- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:chef-cookbooks/habitat - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
29 |
| -- correction to systemd template - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
30 |
| -- corrected the broken unit test for sup_spec.rb to match the new systemd template - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
31 |
| -- fixed broken syntax in resourece/service.rb line 236-237 - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
32 |
| -- extended the delay on a few service tests to allow more time to load - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
33 |
| -- bumped hab version to newest stable - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
34 |
| -- reverted back to 1.5.0 and removed 2 settings from systemd - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
35 |
| -- removed unwanted systemd test - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
36 |
| -- changing kernel detection syntax to to_i rather then to_f - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
37 |
| -- corrected integers in the install and hab_packaged provider resources for the kernel version check - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
38 |
| -- Update CHANGELOG.md with details from pull request #203 |
39 |
| -- Releasing 1.5.3 - [@jonlives](https://github.com/jonlives) |
40 |
| -- adding delay loop to the load function in the service resouce - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
41 |
| -- Update CHANGELOG.md with details from pull request #204 |
42 |
| -- release 1.5.4 - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
43 |
| -- Extending Windows chef-client compatibility (#205) - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
44 |
| -- Update CHANGELOG.md with details from pull request #205 |
45 |
| -- release 1.5.5 - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
46 |
| -- corrections to changelog.md - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
47 |
| -- Update README.md - [@jonlives](https://github.com/jonlives) |
48 |
| -- Move Dokken testing to github actions - [@Xorima](https://github.com/Xorima) |
49 |
| -- Example Windows github actions - [@Xorima](https://github.com/Xorima) |
50 |
| -- ubuntu is 1604 not 16.04 - [@Xorima](https://github.com/Xorima) |
51 |
| -- Bye bye Travis - [@Xorima](https://github.com/Xorima) |
52 |
| -- Minor readme fixes - [@Xorima](https://github.com/Xorima) |
53 |
| -- Cookstyle fixes - [@Xorima](https://github.com/Xorima) |
54 |
| -- opensuse requires gzip to be installer for hab install script - [@Xorima](https://github.com/Xorima) |
55 |
| -- Update CHANGELOG.md with details from pull request #207 |
56 |
| -- fix readme - [@Xorima](https://github.com/Xorima) |
57 |
| -- Delete Merged Branches - [@Xorima](https://github.com/Xorima) |
58 |
| -- Update CHANGELOG.md with details from pull request #208 |
59 |
| -- Update CHANGELOG.md with details from pull request #209 |
60 |
| -- updated hab sup resource to include new Application Dashboard options (#206) - [@danielcbright](https://github.com/danielcbright) |
61 |
| -- Update CHANGELOG.md with details from pull request #206 |
62 |
| -- release 1.5.6 - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
63 |
| -- changing version in the VERSION file - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
64 |
| -- Hab version (#210) - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
65 |
| -- Update CHANGELOG.md with details from pull request #210 |
66 |
| -- release 1.5.7 - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
67 |
| -- fixing idempotence on hab_sup_systemd. (#211) - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
68 |
| -- Update CHANGELOG.md with details from pull request #211 |
69 |
| -- release 1.5.8 - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
70 |
| -- updates to be backwards compatible with 12.20.3+ (#214) - [@collinmcneese](https://github.com/collinmcneese) |
71 |
| -- Update CHANGELOG.md with details from pull request #214 |
72 |
| -- release 1.5.9 - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
73 |
| -- Versioning (#215) - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
74 |
| -- Update CHANGELOG.md with details from pull request #215 |
75 |
| -- release v1.5.10 - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
76 |
| -- adding --update-condition funtionality that was added in habitat 1.5.71 (#217) - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
77 |
| -- Update CHANGELOG.md with details from pull request #217 |
78 |
| -- release vl.6.0 - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
79 |
| -- correcting a breaking issue in install resource (#219) - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
80 |
| -- Update CHANGELOG.md with details from pull request #219 |
81 |
| -- release v1.6.1 - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
82 |
| -- removing update-confition defaults and tests (#221) - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
83 |
| -- Update CHANGELOG.md with details from pull request #221 |
84 |
| -- release v1.6.2 - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
85 |
| -- changing the windows service cofig to better reflect newer functional… (#223) - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
86 |
| -- Update CHANGELOG.md with details from pull request #223 |
87 |
| -- release v1.7.0 - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
88 |
| -- Issue/eventstream (#7) - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
89 |
| -- adds windows Github Actions testing for issue #193 (#224) - [@collinmcneese](https://github.com/collinmcneese) |
90 |
| -- Update CHANGELOG.md with details from pull request #224 |
91 |
| -- master merge - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
92 |
| -- Cookstyle 6.2.9 Fixes - [@xorimabot](https://github.com/xorimabot) |
93 |
| -- Update CHANGELOG.md with details from pull request #225 |
94 |
| -- merging cookstyle changes - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
95 |
| -- correcting issues - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
96 |
| -- Standardise files with files in chef-cookbooks/repo-management - [@xorimabot](https://github.com/xorimabot) |
97 |
| -- Standardise files with files in chef-cookbooks/repo-management - [@xorimabot](https://github.com/xorimabot) |
98 |
| -- Update CHANGELOG.md with details from pull request #226 |
99 |
| -- merging cookstyle changes - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
100 |
| -- merge with master again to get all of bot changes - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
101 |
| -- merge with master again to correct local branch - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
102 |
| -- Update/overhaul (#10) - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
103 |
| -- Standardise files with files in chef-cookbooks/repo-management (#229) - [@xorimabot](https://github.com/xorimabot) |
104 |
| -- Update CHANGELOG.md with details from pull request #229 |
105 |
| -- Update/overhaul (#11) - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
106 |
| -- Merge branch 'master' into master - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
107 |
| -- requested PR corrections - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
108 |
| -- needed to uncomment pipeline files - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
109 |
| -- removing old code from install resource - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
110 |
| -- adding instal tests back to pipeline - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
111 |
| -- fixes comment line in kitchen.yml throwing errors - [@collinmcneese](https://github.com/collinmcneese) |
112 |
| -- fixes suite names for newly added suites with dokken - [@collinmcneese](https://github.com/collinmcneese) |
113 |
| -- fixed bad syntax in kitchen.yml - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
114 |
| -- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:sam1el/habitat - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
115 |
| -- made changes to the hab_sup_windows resource to ensure it functions as expected - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
116 |
| -- correcting cookstyle issue - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
117 |
| - |
118 |
| -## 2.0.0 (2020-04-21) |
119 |
| - |
120 |
| -- correct package name for the windows zip file being used. also added a step to create c:\habitat directory since powershell was failing on that step. placeholder for upgrade enhancement - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
121 |
| -- [BUG_FIX] Issue #199 fixeed install on Windows - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
122 |
| -- removing unwanted tests - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
123 |
| -- fixed bad syntax in install resource - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
124 |
| -- Remove a bogus platform_family? check - [@tas50](https://github.com/tas50) |
125 |
| -- Remove old Foodcritic comments - [@tas50](https://github.com/tas50) |
126 |
| -- Add testing with Github Actions - [@tas50](https://github.com/tas50) |
127 |
| -- Update systems we test on in Test Kitchen - [@tas50](https://github.com/tas50) |
128 |
| -- Allow versions in the specs to float a bit - [@tas50](https://github.com/tas50) |
129 |
| -- Remove the .foodcritic file - [@tas50](https://github.com/tas50) |
130 |
| -- Update the boxes in Kitchen and the Travis config - [@tas50](https://github.com/tas50) |
131 |
| -- Remove github actions for now - [@tas50](https://github.com/tas50) |
132 |
| -- Use public windows boxes and fix travis failures - [@tas50](https://github.com/tas50) |
133 |
| -- Run delivery in Github Actions - [@tas50](https://github.com/tas50) |
134 |
| -- Disable cookstyle for old spec - [@tas50](https://github.com/tas50) |
135 |
| -- Update CHANGELOG.md with details from pull request #189 |
136 |
| -- removed bad unit test - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
137 |
| -- fixing delivery errors (#6) - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
138 |
| -- [BUG FIX] Windows install to correct issue #199 (#202) - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
139 |
| -- Update CHANGELOG.md with details from pull request #202 |
140 |
| -- Release 1.15.2 - [@jonlives](https://github.com/jonlives) |
141 |
| -- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:chef-cookbooks/habitat - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
142 |
| -- correction to systemd template - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
143 |
| -- corrected the broken unit test for sup_spec.rb to match the new systemd template - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
144 |
| -- fixed broken syntax in resourece/service.rb line 236-237 - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
145 |
| -- extended the delay on a few service tests to allow more time to load - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
146 |
| -- bumped hab version to newest stable - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
147 |
| -- reverted back to 1.5.0 and removed 2 settings from systemd - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
148 |
| -- removed unwanted systemd test - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
149 |
| -- changing kernel detection syntax to to_i rather then to_f - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
150 |
| -- corrected integers in the install and hab_packaged provider resources for the kernel version check - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
151 |
| -- Update CHANGELOG.md with details from pull request #203 |
152 |
| -- Releasing 1.5.3 - [@jonlives](https://github.com/jonlives) |
153 |
| -- adding delay loop to the load function in the service resouce - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
154 |
| -- Update CHANGELOG.md with details from pull request #204 |
155 |
| -- release 1.5.4 - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
156 |
| -- Extending Windows chef-client compatibility (#205) - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
157 |
| -- Update CHANGELOG.md with details from pull request #205 |
158 |
| -- release 1.5.5 - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
159 |
| -- corrections to changelog.md - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
160 |
| -- Update README.md - [@jonlives](https://github.com/jonlives) |
161 |
| -- Move Dokken testing to github actions - [@Xorima](https://github.com/Xorima) |
162 |
| -- Example Windows github actions - [@Xorima](https://github.com/Xorima) |
163 |
| -- ubuntu is 1604 not 16.04 - [@Xorima](https://github.com/Xorima) |
164 |
| -- Bye bye Travis - [@Xorima](https://github.com/Xorima) |
165 |
| -- Minor readme fixes - [@Xorima](https://github.com/Xorima) |
166 |
| -- Cookstyle fixes - [@Xorima](https://github.com/Xorima) |
167 |
| -- opensuse requires gzip to be installer for hab install script - [@Xorima](https://github.com/Xorima) |
168 |
| -- Update CHANGELOG.md with details from pull request #207 |
169 |
| -- fix readme - [@Xorima](https://github.com/Xorima) |
170 |
| -- Delete Merged Branches - [@Xorima](https://github.com/Xorima) |
171 |
| -- Update CHANGELOG.md with details from pull request #208 |
172 |
| -- Update CHANGELOG.md with details from pull request #209 |
173 |
| -- updated hab sup resource to include new Application Dashboard options (#206) - [@danielcbright](https://github.com/danielcbright) |
174 |
| -- Update CHANGELOG.md with details from pull request #206 |
175 |
| -- release 1.5.6 - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
176 |
| -- changing version in the VERSION file - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
177 |
| -- Hab version (#210) - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
178 |
| -- Update CHANGELOG.md with details from pull request #210 |
179 |
| -- release 1.5.7 - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
180 |
| -- fixing idempotence on hab_sup_systemd. (#211) - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
181 |
| -- Update CHANGELOG.md with details from pull request #211 |
182 |
| -- release 1.5.8 - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
183 |
| -- updates to be backwards compatible with 12.20.3+ (#214) - [@collinmcneese](https://github.com/collinmcneese) |
184 |
| -- Update CHANGELOG.md with details from pull request #214 |
185 |
| -- release 1.5.9 - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
186 |
| -- Versioning (#215) - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
187 |
| -- Update CHANGELOG.md with details from pull request #215 |
188 |
| -- release v1.5.10 - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
189 |
| -- adding --update-condition funtionality that was added in habitat 1.5.71 (#217) - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
190 |
| -- Update CHANGELOG.md with details from pull request #217 |
191 |
| -- release vl.6.0 - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
192 |
| -- correcting a breaking issue in install resource (#219) - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
193 |
| -- Update CHANGELOG.md with details from pull request #219 |
194 |
| -- release v1.6.1 - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
195 |
| -- removing update-confition defaults and tests (#221) - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
196 |
| -- Update CHANGELOG.md with details from pull request #221 |
197 |
| -- release v1.6.2 - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
198 |
| -- changing the windows service cofig to better reflect newer functional… (#223) - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
199 |
| -- Update CHANGELOG.md with details from pull request #223 |
200 |
| -- release v1.7.0 - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
201 |
| -- Issue/eventstream (#7) - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
202 |
| -- adds windows Github Actions testing for issue #193 (#224) - [@collinmcneese](https://github.com/collinmcneese) |
203 |
| -- Update CHANGELOG.md with details from pull request #224 |
204 |
| -- master merge - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
205 |
| -- Cookstyle 6.2.9 Fixes - [@xorimabot](https://github.com/xorimabot) |
206 |
| -- Update CHANGELOG.md with details from pull request #225 |
207 |
| -- merging cookstyle changes - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
208 |
| -- correcting issues - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
209 |
| -- Standardise files with files in chef-cookbooks/repo-management - [@xorimabot](https://github.com/xorimabot) |
210 |
| -- Standardise files with files in chef-cookbooks/repo-management - [@xorimabot](https://github.com/xorimabot) |
211 |
| -- Update CHANGELOG.md with details from pull request #226 |
212 |
| -- merging cookstyle changes - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
213 |
| -- merge with master again to get all of bot changes - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
214 |
| -- merge with master again to correct local branch - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
215 |
| -- Update/overhaul (#10) - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
216 |
| -- Standardise files with files in chef-cookbooks/repo-management (#229) - [@xorimabot](https://github.com/xorimabot) |
217 |
| -- Update CHANGELOG.md with details from pull request #229 |
218 |
| -- Update/overhaul (#11) - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
219 |
| -- Merge branch 'master' into master - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
220 |
| -- requested PR corrections - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
221 |
| -- needed to uncomment pipeline files - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
222 |
| -- removing old code from install resource - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
223 |
| -- adding instal tests back to pipeline - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
224 |
| -- fixes comment line in kitchen.yml throwing errors - [@collinmcneese](https://github.com/collinmcneese) |
225 |
| -- fixes suite names for newly added suites with dokken - [@collinmcneese](https://github.com/collinmcneese) |
226 |
| -- fixed bad syntax in kitchen.yml - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
227 |
| -- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:sam1el/habitat - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
228 |
| -- made changes to the hab_sup_windows resource to ensure it functions as expected - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
229 |
| -- correcting cookstyle issue - [@sam1el](https://github.com/sam1el) |
230 | 4 | <!-- latest_release unreleased -->
231 |
| -## Unreleased |
| 5 | + |
| 6 | + |
| 7 | +<!-- latest_release --> |
| 8 | +## 2.0.2 (2020-04-08) |
| 9 | + |
| 10 | +- Able to unintall packages using the `hab_package` resource. This includes the `--no-deps` and the `--keep-latest`. Keep latest is only available on habitat 1.5.86+ |
| 11 | +- Able to select the version of habitat installed as wells as, supervisor, launcher and, windows-servcie |
| 12 | +- All current `--event-stream` functions are now available to habitat versions 1.5.86 and up for the `hab_sup` resource |
| 13 | +- `windows-service` Can now be configured properly with `--event-stream` as well has your `HAB_AUTH_TOKEN` `HAB_BLDR_URL` and, `HAB_AUTH_GATEWAY_TOKEN` |
| 14 | + |
| 15 | +***See README.MD for usage of all new functions** |
| 16 | + |
| 17 | + |
| 18 | +#### Merged Pull Requests |
232 | 19 |
233 | 20 | - Automated PR: Standardising Files [#229](https://github.com/chef-cookbooks/habitat/pull/229) ([xorimabot](https://github.com/xorimabot))
| 21 | +- Overhaul to testing and cookbook resources [#228](https://github.com/chef-cookbooks/habitat/pull/228) |
234 | 22 | - Automated PR: Standardising Files [#226](https://github.com/chef-cookbooks/habitat/pull/226) ([xorimabot](https://github.com/xorimabot))
235 | 23 | - Automated PR: Cookstyle Changes [#225](https://github.com/chef-cookbooks/habitat/pull/225) ([xorimabot](https://github.com/xorimabot))
236 | 24 | - resolved cookstyle error: libraries/provider_hab_package.rb:174:13 convention: `Style/RedundantReturn`
237 | 25 | - resolved cookstyle error: libraries/provider_hab_package.rb:176:13 convention: `Style/RedundantReturn`
238 | 26 |
239 |
| -<!-- latest_release --> |
240 | 27 | ## 1.7.0 (2020-04-08)
241 | 28 |
242 | 29 | - adds windows Github Actions testing for issue #193 [#224](https://github.com/chef-cookbooks/habitat/pull/224) ([collinmcneese](https://github.com/collinmcneese))
0 commit comments