Magento client implemented in Unity3D
Git clone this project and export it as a unity package, then import the package into your own project. The sample code can be found in the folder MageClientSample/MagentoServiceSample.cs
Before calling any magento api, the base url of the magento site must be initialized:
The sample code below shows how to download the categories from the magento site:
StartCoroutine(MagentoService.Instance.DownloadRootCategory(rootCategory =>
List<Category> categories = rootCategory.children_data;
foreach (Category c in categories)
Debug.Log("Downloaded category: " + + " (id: " + + ")");
// do something else with each category here.
The sample code below shows how to download list all product summaries under a particular category
long categoryId = 10;
StartCoroutine(MagentoService.Instance.DownloadProductsInCategory(categoryId, (catId, products) => {
for(int i=0; i < 6 && i < products.Count; ++i)
CategoryProduct categoryProduct = products[i];
Debug.Log("Download products in category " + categoryId + ": " + categoryProduct.sku);
// use the sku to retrieve the product detail here
The sample code below shows to download the product detail associated with a particular sku
string sku = "product_dynamic_17";
StartCoroutine(MagentoService.Instance.DownloadProductDetail(sku, (product) => {
Debug.Log("Name for sku " + product.sku + ": " +;
Debug.Log("Price for sku " + product.sku + ": " + product.price);
Debug.Log("Weight for sku " + product.sku + ": " + product.weight);
The sample code below shows how to download the media list under a product using its sku
StartCoroutine(MagentoService.Instance.DownloadProductMediaList(sku, (mediaList) => {
foreach(ProductMedia media in mediaList){
Debug.Log("type: " + media.media_type + "\tfilename: " + media.file);
If you prefer to get the list of image urls instead of the ProductMedia List as given by the above api call, the sample code below shows how to obtains urls of all images associated with a product using its sku
StartCoroutine(MagentoService.Instance.DownloadProductImageUrlList(sku, (urls) =>
foreach(string url in urls){
The sample code below shows how to download all the image byte arrays under a product using its sku
string sku = "product_dynamic_17";
StartCoroutine(MagentoService.Instance.DownloadProductImages(sku, (bytes) => {
Debug.Log("Bytes for product " + sku + " is " + bytes.Length);
The sample code below shows how to download all the image textures under a product using its sku
string sku = "product_dynamic_17";
StartCoroutine(MagentoService.Instance.DownloadProductTextures(sku, (texture) => {
Debug.Log("texture for product " + sku + " is " + (texture != null));