- Setup AWS CLI (only needed if you don't already have AWS CLI installed on your machine)
- Install Terraform on your machine (if you don't already have it)
- Download / clone the
Github repo
The variables to be defined are:
- node-key
- priv-validator-key
- genesis
base64 genesis.json
Once you set the 3 variables in the AWS Secrets Manager you will be able to continue.
env = environment value of your project. Example: 'prod'
projectname = name of your project. Example: 'cheqd'
docker_image_url = url of the current docker image.
Run this command in your console:
terraform init
Run this command in your console:
terraform plan
The application will ask to fill the following variables:
cidr_block = of your vpc. Example: ''
region = region of your project in aws. Example: 'eu-west-1'
genesis = base64 genesis variable.
node_key = base64 node_key variable.
priv_validator_key = base64 priv_validator_key variable.
genesis_seed = base64 genesis variable for the seed node.
node_key_seed = base64 node_key variable for the seed node.
priv_validator_seed = base64 priv_validator_key variable for the seed node.
Run this command in your console:
terraform apply
The application will ask to fill the following variables:
cidr_block = of your vpc. Example: ''
region = region of your project in aws. Example: 'eu-west-1'
generis = base64 genesis variable.
node_key = base64 node_key variable.
priv_validator_key = base64 priv_validator_key variable.
generis_seed = base64 genesis variable for the seed node.
node_key_seed = base64 node_key variable for the seed node.
priv_validator_seed = base64 priv_validator_key variable for the seed node.
Check the services in ECS, if you can see the cluster, the service and the task running.