we will traverse left and right subtrees of the root with the same type of traversal.
we compare the value of left with right or value of right with left , if they are not equal we return false.
we recurse for left's left with right's right and left's right with right's left.
class Solution {
bool isSymmetric (TreeNode* root) {
return root==NULL || isSymmetricHelp (root->left ,root->right );
bool isSymmetricHelp (TreeNode* left,TreeNode* right){
if (left==NULL || right==NULL ) return left==right;
if (left->val !=right->val ) return false ;
return isSymmetricHelp (left->left ,right->right )&&isSymmetricHelp (left->right ,right->left );
O(N) Time, using 2 queue, iterative solution
Same recursive solution can be converted to iterative solution by using queue.
Remember while using 2 queue we push left->left,left->right
in 1st queue and right->right,right->left
in 2nd queue.
class Solution {
bool isSymmetric (TreeNode *root){
if (!root) return true ;
TreeNode *left, *right;
queue<TreeNode *> q1, q2;
q1.push (root->left );
q2.push (root->right );
while (!q1.empty () && !q2.empty ()){
left = q1.front ();
q1.pop ();
right = q2.front ();
q2.pop ();
if (left == NULL && right == NULL ) continue ;
if (left == NULL || right == NULL ) return false ;
if (left->val != right->val ) return false ;
q1.push (left->left );
q1.push (left->right );
q2.push (right->right );
q2.push (right->left );
return true ;
O(N) Time, using 1 queue, iterative solution
We can use 1 queue instead of 2.
remember that while using 1 queue we do left->left,right->right,left->right,right->left.
class Solution {
bool isSymmetric (TreeNode *root){
TreeNode *left, *right;
if (!root) return true ;
queue<TreeNode *> q;
q.push (root->left );
q.push (root->right );
while (!q.empty ()){
left = q.front ();
q.pop ();
right = q.front ();
q.pop ();
if (left == NULL && right == NULL ) continue ;
if (left == NULL || right == NULL ) return false ;
if (left->val != right->val ) return false ;
q.push (left->left );
q.push (right->right );
q.push (left->right );
q.push (right->left );
return true ;