Category: Reverse Engineering, 20 points
I wonder what this really is... enc ''.join([chr((ord(flag[i]) << 8) + ord(flag[i + 1])) for i in range(0, len(flag), 2)])
The given code snippet shows how the encoded string was created. We noticed a few things:
- The encoded string contains Chinese characters.
- The encoding was done taking 2 bytes at a time
- The 1st byte is taken and shifted 8 bits to the left and then added to the 2nd byte to get that character representation
First assumption was to do the reverse operation with the given encoded string.
- Take 2 bytes a time
- Get the first character as Unicode string and AND'ing it with a 0xFF00 mask (so that we get the first byte) and then shift it to the right 8 positions, then convert it to char again. Append this character to the string.
- Get the second byte as unicode code string by AND'ing it with a 0x00FF mask (since this wasn't shifted), convert it to char again. Append this character to the string
This particular CTF made me read quite a bit about Unicode (a standard), character encodings (e.g: UTF-8, UTF-16, ASCII, etc...), Chinese language in different character encodings, and string representations in Python (stored using Unicode UTF-8).