Attempt 1: Use an ArrayList to store the item with the start index and its number of consecutive 1's
class Solution {
public int findMaxConsecutiveOnes (int [] nums ) {
List <int []> list = new ArrayList <>();
int startIndex = 0 ;
int oneCount = 0 ;
for (int i = 0 ; i < nums .length ; i ++) {
if (nums [i ] == 1 ) {
if (oneCount == 0 ) {
startIndex = i ;
oneCount ++;
} else if (oneCount > 0 ) {
list .add (new int []{ startIndex , oneCount });
oneCount = 0 ;
if (oneCount > 0 ) {
list .add (new int []{ startIndex , oneCount });
int size = list .size ();
if (size == 0 ) {
return 1 ;
} else if (size == 1 ) {
int count = list .get (0 )[1 ];
return count == nums .length ? count : count + 1 ;
int maxCount = list .get (0 )[1 ] + 1 ;
for (int i = 1 ; i < size ; i ++) {
int [] first = list .get (i - 1 );
int [] second = list .get (i );
if (first [0 ] + first [1 ] + 1 == second [0 ]) {
maxCount = Math .max (maxCount , first [1 ] + second [1 ] + 1 );
} else {
maxCount = Math .max (maxCount , second [1 ] + 1 );
return maxCount ;
Runtime: 2 ms (Beats: 98.18%)
Memory: 45.58 MB (Beats: 57.23%)