LeetCode Records - Question 690 Employee Importance Attempt 1: Use a HashMap to store id and employee key-value pairs /* // Definition for Employee. class Employee { public int id; public int importance; public List<Integer> subordinates; }; */ class Solution { public int getImportance(List<Employee> employees, int id) { Map<Integer, Employee> map = new HashMap<>(); for (Employee employee : employees) { map.put(employee.id, employee); } Employee target = map.get(id); return getImportanceRecursion(map, target); } private int getImportanceRecursion(Map<Integer, Employee> map, Employee root) { int sum = root.importance; for (int id : root.subordinates) { sum += getImportanceRecursion(map, map.get(id)); } return sum; } } Runtime: 4 ms (Beats: 99.37%) Memory: 46.28 MB (Beats: 44.99%)