Attempt 1: Check every word
class Solution {
public int numMatchingSubseq (String s , String [] words ) {
char [] arr = s .toCharArray ();
int count = 0 ;
for (String word : words ) {
if (isMatched (arr , word .toCharArray ())) {
count ++;
return count ;
private boolean isMatched (char [] arr1 , char [] arr2 ) {
if (arr2 .length > arr1 .length ) {
return false ;
int index1 = 0 ;
int index2 = 0 ;
while (index1 < arr1 .length && index2 < arr2 .length ) {
if (arr1 [index1 ] == arr2 [index2 ]) {
index1 ++;
index2 ++;
} else {
index1 ++;
return index2 == arr2 .length ;
Runtime: 2355 ms (Beats: 5.02%)
Memory: 45.87 MB (Beats: 58.09%)
Attempt 2: Use a HashMap to store the string counts
class Solution {
public int numMatchingSubseq (String s , String [] words ) {
Map <String , Integer > map = new HashMap <>();
for (String word : words ) {
map .merge (word , 1 , Integer ::sum );
char [] arr = s .toCharArray ();
int count = 0 ;
for (Map .Entry <String , Integer > entry : map .entrySet ()) {
if (isMatched (arr , entry .getKey ().toCharArray ())) {
count += entry .getValue ();
return count ;
private boolean isMatched (char [] arr1 , char [] arr2 ) {
if (arr2 .length > arr1 .length ) {
return false ;
int index1 = 0 ;
int index2 = 0 ;
while (index1 < arr1 .length && index2 < arr2 .length ) {
if (arr1 [index1 ] == arr2 [index2 ]) {
index1 ++;
index2 ++;
} else {
index1 ++;
return index2 == arr2 .length ;
Runtime: 38 ms (Beats: 80.05%)
Memory: 45.50 MB (Beats: 83.81%)