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File metadata and controls

180 lines (133 loc) · 7.12 KB

Building and packaging pyfda

This document needs to be updated. Building is now performed by the following github actions:

  • publish_pypi.yml: Build and publish a release on the PyPI Archive. Triggered by pushing a proper version tag v*.
  • build_pyinstaller.yml: Build self-extracting executables for Windows and MacOS using pyinstaller and publish as "latest" release. Triggered by every push to the main branch.
  • build_pyinstaller_version.yml: Build self-extracting executables for Windows and MacOS using pyinstaller and publish as a versioned release. Triggered by pushing a proper version tag v*.
  • build_flatpak.yml: This Action is currently defunct and hence disabled!! Build a flatpak archive and publish it either as "latest" or a "versioned" release. Triggered by a push to the main branch or by pushing a proper version tag v* . For a versioned tag, the archive is also published on Flathub.

Creating a versioned release requires a workflow like

  • update, PyPI version number is created from this
  • merge develop and main, push develop (default branch)
git tag v0.4.5           # create new local tag (adapt version number says Capt. Obvious)
git push origin v0.4.5   # push only tag to origin
git push                 # push all matching repos to origin, creating a 'push' event
  • draft a (pre)release on Github from tag, creating a 'release' event

Tags can be deleted with:

git tag -d <tag_name>
git push --delete origin <tag_name>

pip and PyPI

Pip packages (source only) are created using the setuptools flow:

> python clean
> python bdist_wheel sdist

which creates a dist directory containing a python wheel pyfda-<VERSION>.whl and the source archive pyfda-<VERSION>.tar.gz. Creating a source archive (and hence the sdist option) is optional, wheels are the standard format for distributing python modules.

Non-python files to be included in the package have to be declared in, see

Beware of an old bug where updates to the file are ignored.

As a workaround, delete the directory pyfda.egg-info containing SOURCES.txt after each change to the file structure or It seems that an existing file SOURCES.txt is not updated.

Check the integrity of this package and upload it to using twine by

> twine check dist/*
> twine upload dist/pyfda-<VERSION>-py3-none-any.whl


pyInstaller can build executables with the help of a *.spec file that is provided in the directory ressource. Hopefully, this works out of the box across operating systems with

> pyinstaller pyfdax.spec


It is only possible to build flatpaks under Linux. In addition to flatpak itself, you need to install flatpak-builder to build your own flatpaks:

> sudo apt install flatpak flatpak-builder

The first steps are described in "Building your first Flatpak" and w.r.t. python.

Next, you need a manifest file org.flatpak.pyfda.json or ...yaml with information and build instructions for the app.

This file also contains the dependencies which can be collected for pip / PyPI projects with the python helper file flatpak-pip-generator from by running

> python flatpak-pip-generator pyfda 

generating the file python3-pyfda.json

You can also get the dependencies from pip's requirements.txt:

> python flatpak-pip-generator --requirements-file=requirements.txt

The created file python3-pyfda.json or python3-requirements.json has to be included in the manifest (JSON or YaML) file as

"modules": [
    "name": "other-modules"

resp. for a YaML manifest

  - python3-requirements.json
  # (other modules go here)

The manifest also specifies which of the three available runtimes (Freedesktop, Gnome or KDE) will be used. As pyfda builds upon (py)Qt, the KDE runtime is selected.

Runtime and SDK need to be installed first to your local computer using (omit the version number for a command line selection)

> flatpak install flathub org.kde.Platform//5.15
> flatpak install flathub org.kde.Sdk//5.15

which adds another 1.5 GB to your hard disk ...

This information is compiled in org.flatpak.pyfda.json:

  "app-id": "org.flatpak.pyfda",
  "runtime": "org.kde.Platform",
  "runtime-version": "5.15",
  "sdk": "org.kde.Sdk",
  "command": "pyfdax",
  "finish-args": [
    "--filesystem=xdg-run/dconf", "--filesystem=~/.config/dconf:ro",
    "--talk-name=ca.desrt.dconf", "--env=DCONF_USER_CONFIG_DIR=.config/dconf",
    "rename-icon":"pyfda_icon", /*Image will renamed to match the app-id konvention*/
    "rename-appdata-file": "pyfda.appdata.xml",
    "modules": [
        "name": "other-modules"

resp. in org.flatpak.pyfda.yaml:

app-id: org.flatpak.pyfda
runtime: org.kde.Platform
runtime-version: '5.15'
sdk: org.kde.Sdk
command: pyfdax
  - --share=ipc
  - --socket=x11
  - --socket=wayland
  - --filesystem=host
  - --device=dri
  - --own-name=org.flatpak.pyfda
  - --filesystem=home # which part of the file system can be accessed by the app
  # I don't know what the following arguments do
  - --filesystem=xdg-run/dconf
  - --filesystem=~/.config/dconf:ro
  - --talk-name=ca.desrt.dconf
  - --env=DCONF_USER_CONFIG_DIR=.config/dconf
  - python3-requests.json
rename-icon:pyfda_icon # Image will renamed to match the app-id konvention
rename-appdata-file: pyfda.appdata.xml
rename-desktop-file: pyfda.desktop # launcher for the desktop

Finally, the build process is started with

> flatpak-builder build-dir org.flatpak.pyfda.json


> flatpak-builder build-dir org.flatpak.pyfda.yaml

Currently, this process fails, probably due to flatpak/flatpak-builder-tools#47