- R-hub windows-x86_64-devel (r-devel)
- R-hub ubuntu-gcc-release (r-release)
- R-hub fedora-clang-devel (r-devel)
- R-hub linux-x86_64-rocker-gcc-san (r-devel)
On windows-x86_64-devel (r-devel), ubuntu-gcc-release (r-release), fedora-clang-devel (r-devel) checking CRAN incoming feasibility ... NOTE
Maintainer: 'Christoph Kiefer christoph.kiefer@uni-bielefeld.de'
Re-submission: I addressed your requests:
- the functions you mentioned are internal functions. I removed the Rd-files for clarification
The remaining note concerns that I submit the package to CRAN for the first time.
0 errors √ | 0 warnings √ | 1 note x