2013-03-12 : tag v1.4.0
- unit test updated for composer and sf2.1
- readme updated for sf2.1
2012-08-28 : tag v1.3.0
- manage "group by" requests (thanks to tyx)
- docs : render a cell with a twig file
- docs : group by queries
- fix : travis configuration
- fix : composer dependency
2012-07-09 : tag v1.2.0
- More documentation
- a fluent interface
- small bug fixes (line count for group by queries)
- unit testing
- code cleaning
- twig templates more flexible
- travis-ci integration
- an more advanced format callback system. See Resources/doc/10-GridExtendedUse.md
- 2 new contributors
2012-05-23 : tag v1.1.1
- doc refactoring
2012-05-23 : tag v1.1.0
- added events for modifying the way the grid or the paginator works (see Resources/doc/30-Events.md)
- modify the default twig in order to remove the filter form from the table. It is useful if you want add a form around the grid (let's imagine you add checkboxes on the left of the grid)
- add documentation in Resources/doc/
2012-05-21 : tag v1.0.1
- composer.json added and link to packagist
- normalization of results for request like $queryBuilder->select("item, item.id * 3 as foo"); // warning : see Limitations paragraph
- add {% block kit_grid_thead_before_column %}{%endblock%} and {% block kit_grid_tbody_before_column %}{%endblock%} for adding columns before le natural column list
2012-05-17 : tag v1.0.0
- sorting added
- template twig more extendable
- small fix
- refactor in Grid Manager
2012-05-02 :
- add possibility to have a join in jour queryBuilder
- remove mandatory name for your entity
- you have to add the field name used for counting ** Ex : $gridConfig->setCountFieldName("item.id"); // for count(item.id)
- you have to set complete field name instead of short field name ** Ex : $gridConfig->addField(new Field("item.id")); ** instead of just : $gridConfig->addField(new Field("id"));
- creation