- Class LinqDataCalcExtensions
- Namespace
- LinqDataCalc
- Assembly
- LinqDataCalc.dll
- Main LinqDataCalcExtensions Class implementation.
public static class LinqDataCalcExtensions
- - Inheritance
- -
- - Inherited Members
- -
- Methods
- AsNumberTuples(IEnumerable<object>)
- Retrieve a list of numeric tuples from an input list of objects.
public static IList<Tuple<int, ulong, long, double, decimal>> AsNumberTuples(this IEnumerable<object> elements)
- Parameters
- elements
- The list of objects to be used as input
- Returns
- - IList<Tuple<int, ulong, long, double, decimal>>
- A list of tuples with the relevant data types retrieved from the objects list
- Examples
- Get a List of zero-filled Tuples with numeric values (int/ulong/long/double/decimal).
-object[] types = { "###","hello1","!*",439,30,12,1.3,3.2m,new List{1,3,5,78,14,24,40,9},'d',3283782378289,"2902",92.4m,"345,2",881.74m,30333.1434,-43902,(new int[]{10,490,20,103,40,30}),930 };
-var resTuple = types.AsNumberTuples();
- BTreeGen(double, int)
- Generate a binary tree of random height, based on a prespecified complexity
-factor value (needs to be of double data type).
public static LinqDataCalcExtensions.Node BTreeGen(this double nodeDensity, int depth)
- Parameters
- nodeDensity
- The density factor of which to generate the random tree nodes with
- depth
- The b-tree depth for which to determine the height with
- Returns
- - LinqDataCalcExtensions.Node
- A randomly generated b-tree root with leaf nodes that consist of Node data type
- Examples
- Generate a binary tree of specified depth N with random nodes density.
-var tree_root = 0.543.BTreeGen(6);
- BTreeGen2(int, double)
- Generate a range of binary trees of random height, based on a prespecified complexity
-factor value (needs to be of double data type) and yields an enumerable based on those b-trees.
public static IEnumerable<LinqDataCalcExtensions.Node> BTreeGen2(int depth, double nodeDensity)
- Parameters
- depth
- The b-tree depth for which to determine the height with
- nodeDensity
- The density factor of which to generate the random tree nodes with
- Returns
- - IEnumerable<LinqDataCalcExtensions.Node>
- An IEnumerable of multiple b-tree roots with random leaf nodes that consist of Node data type
- Examples
- Generate a binary tree range of specified depth N with random nodes density.
-var ienum_tree_roots = LinqDataCalcExtensions.BTreeGen2(3,0.75);
- BTreeHeight(Node)
- Calculation of a b-tree total height counting edges from
-the root node, to the end of the leafs of the data structure.
-(Utilizes queuing on adding/removing nodes for height calculation)
public static int BTreeHeight(this LinqDataCalcExtensions.Node input)
- Parameters
- input
- The root node of the b-tree of which to calculate the height from.
- Returns
- - int
- Calculated b-tree data structure height (root node = start).
- Examples
- Calculate the b-tree height from the root node to outer leafs.
-var tree_root = 0.543.BTreeGen(6); //creates a root b-tree of size 6
-LinqDataCalcExtensions.BTreeHeight(tree_root); // result of total height 5
- ChunkOf<T>(IEnumerable<T>, int)
- Retrieves chunks of size N from a list as a nested list.
public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> ChunkOf<T>(this IEnumerable<T> elements, int len)
- Parameters
- elements
- List of elements used as input
- len
- Length of N - chunks that the elements list is to be splitted into
- Returns
- - IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>>
- A nested enumerable list of which sub lists are chunks of equal length
- Type Parameters
- T
- Any type of elements in the list
- Examples
- Split an IEnumerable into chunks of Length N.
-int[] num_seq = { -990,-940,-770,-599,-543,-513,-482,-451,-445,-371,-240,-371,-940 };
-var num = num_seq.AsEnumerable();
-var result = num.ChunkOf(3);
- CompareBytes(byte[], byte[])
- Compare the bytes in two 1-dimensional byte arrays.
public static bool CompareBytes(this byte[] larray, byte[] rarray)
- Parameters
- larray
- rarray
- Returns
- - bool
- True or False depending on the result
- Examples
- Check whether two 1-dimensional byte arrays are equal.
-byte[] b1 = new byte[]{77,90,144,0,3,0,0,0,4,0,0,0,255,255,0,0,184,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,128,0,0,0,14,31,32,100};
-byte[] b2 = new byte[]{77,90,144,0,3,0,0,0,4,0,0,0,255,20,0,0,0,0,0,0,128,0,0,0,14,31,186,14,0,180,9,205,33,184,1,76,103,114};
-bool result = b1.CompareBytes(b2);
- DictionaryRndFill(Dictionary<string, Tuple<int, int>>, int)
- Retrieve a dictionary with random integer numbers and a randomly produced string.
public static IDictionary<string, Tuple<int, int>> DictionaryRndFill(this Dictionary<string, Tuple<int, int>> dictionary, int length)
- Parameters
- dictionary
Dictionary<string, Tuple<int, int>>
- length
- The maximum amount of info produced
- Returns
- - IDictionary<string, Tuple<int, int>>
- A dictionary of key=string/value=Tuple(int,int) type layout filled with random values
- Examples
- Get an IDictionary filled with string keys and corresponding integer random values.
-// 1 - full code not shown.. Initialize a dictionary of key-value type key=string/value=Tuple(int,int)
- //2 - call following method of the dictionary -> dict_var.DictionaryRndFill(10);
- DiffBytes(byte[], byte[])
- Checks two 1-dimensional byte arrays and returns a list of the positions where the bytes are different with the byte values.
public static IDictionary<int, int> DiffBytes(this byte[] mainarr, byte[] diffarr)
- Parameters
- mainarr
- The main byte array to be compared
- diffarr
- The secondary byte array to be compared against
- Returns
- - IDictionary<int, int>
- An Dictionary with the different bytes and the array positions that contains the difference against.
- Examples
- Check two 1-dimensional byte arrays, and return a list of different bytes and the point of difference.
-byte[] b1 = new byte[]{77,90,144,0,3,0,0,0,4,0,0,0,255,255,0,0,184,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,128,0,0,0,14,31,32,100};
-byte[] b2 = new byte[]{77,90,144,0,3,0,0,0,4,0,0,0,255,20,0,0,0,0,0,0,128,0,0,0,14,31,186,14,0,180,9,205,33,184,1,76,103,114};
-var result = b1.DiffBytes(b2);
- ExpectedValue(IEnumerable<double>, IEnumerable<double>)
- Based on a number list of probability values and a secondary list of possible expected outcomes of that probability,
-retrieve the overall expected value of the frequency of occurence on the inital observation/event.
public static double ExpectedValue(this IEnumerable<double> probabilities, IEnumerable<double> outcomes)
- Parameters
- probabilities
- List of probability values
- outcomes
- List of expected outcome values
- Returns
- - double
- The expected outcome/frequency of occurence value
- Examples
- Calculates Expected value of two probability sequences.
-double expected = new double[]{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}.ExpectedValue(Enumerable.Repeat(0.125,8));
- Factorial(IEnumerable<int>)
- Calculates the factorial of any given value, from a provided range of values.
public static IEnumerable<int> Factorial(this IEnumerable<int> values)
- Parameters
- values
- List of input values
- Returns
- - IEnumerable<int>
- The list of factorials based on their original values
- Examples
- Calculates Factorial values for an IEnumerable.
-var result = Enumerable.Range(1,10).Factorial();
- FiboSeq(int)
- Fibonacci sequence for a given number as input.
public static IEnumerable<ulong> FiboSeq(this int numLimit)
- Parameters
- numLimit
- The max number that fibonacci seq. gets generated for
- Returns
- - IEnumerable<ulong>
- An IEnumerable with fibonacci numbers.
- Examples
- Get the resulting numeric fibonacci sequence.
-var seq_out = 10.FiboSeq();
-var seq_out = 100.FiboSeq();
- FiboSeqGenerator(int)
- Fibonacci sequence yield utilizing generator functions.
public static IEnumerable<ulong> FiboSeqGenerator(this int num)
- Parameters
- num
- The max number that fibonacci seq. gets generated for
- Returns
- - IEnumerable<ulong>
- An IEnumerable with large fibonacci numbers.
- Examples
- Get the resulting numeric fibonacci sequence.
-var seq_out = 10.FiboSeqGenerator();
-var seq_out = 100.FiboSeqGenerator();
- GetRandomElements<T>(IEnumerable<T>, int)
- Retrieve a list of random elements from an input list.
public static IEnumerable<T> GetRandomElements<T>(this IEnumerable<T> elements, int totElements)
- Parameters
- elements
- The list of elements to be used as input
- totElements
- The maximum number of random elements to be retrieved
- Returns
- - IEnumerable<T>
- A list of random elements with specified total length
- Type Parameters
- T
- Any type of elements in the list
- Examples
- Get an IEnumerable of 10 randomly selected elements.
-var tenElements = Enumerable.Range(1,100).GetRandomElements(10);
- HammingDist(string, string)
- Hamming distance calculation for comparing two strings of equal length
-Retrieves the different characters count in both strings
public static int HammingDist(this string leftStr, string rightStr)
- Parameters
- leftStr
- The left string part
- rightStr
- The right string part
- Returns
- - int
- Maximum integer value in case both strings are not equal in legth,
-Number of differences in both strings otherwise.
- Examples
- Retrieve a default value as result if strings are not equal or hamming comparison value.
-int res = "ABCDHFGF".HammingDist("ABCDEFO9"); //res equals to 3
- int res = "ABC".HammingDist("AAABBBCCCDD77"); //res equals to MaxInt
- int res = "A8udhhG".HammingDist("A8udhhG"); //res equals to 0
- int res = "A8udhhG".HammingDist("A8UDHHG"); //res equals to 4
- HammingDistAlgo(int, int, AlgoType)
- Hamming Distance calculation between two integer numbers
-using different algorithm variants, multiple algo. selections.
-(Calculated bit-level differences between numerical values)
public static int HammingDistAlgo(this int leftNum, int rightNum, LinqDataCalcExtensions.AlgoType hamming_alg)
- Parameters
- leftNum
- The leftmost number to compare with
- rightNum
- The rightmost number to be compared with
- hamming_alg
- The hamming distance algorithm selection
-Can only use: AlgoType.DistLoop, AlgoType.DistXOR1, AlgoType.DistXOR2
-for setting appropriate variant to use.
- Returns
- - int
- Examples
- Calculating the hamming distance between two integers
-by using different methods.
-int res = (-995).HammingDistAlgo((-48),LinqDataCalcExtensions.AlgoType.DistXOR1);
- int res = (-995).HammingDistAlgo((-48),LinqDataCalcExtensions.AlgoType.DistXOR2);
- int res = (-995).HammingDistAlgo((-48),LinqDataCalcExtensions.AlgoType.DistLoop);
- //Result in all cases above = 7
- HammingWeight(uint)
- Hamming Weight Calculation for bit-depth of integers (UInt support of 32-bit integer values)
-Utilizes direct "bit manipulation, bit swapping" algorithm for hamming weight calculation.
public static int HammingWeight(this uint in_x)
- Parameters
- in_x
- The integer value to return the numerical weight for
- Returns
- - int
- The calculated integer value of hamming weight
- Examples
- Calculate the resulting hamming weight of an integer value.
-uint testVal = 0x10043091; //int values
-int result = testVal.HammingWeight();
- HammingWeight(ulong)
- Hamming Weight Calculation for bit-depth of long integers (ULong support of 64-bit integer values)
-Utilizes direct "bit manipulation, bit swapping" algorithm for hamming weight calculation.
public static int HammingWeight(this ulong in_x)
- Parameters
- in_x
- The long integer value to return the numerical weight for
- Returns
- - int
- The calculated integer value of hamming weight
- Examples
- Calculate the resulting hamming weight of a long integer value.
-ulong testVal = 0x8891930311; //large int values
-int result = testVal.HammingWeight();
- HappySeq(int)
- For a provided maximum value, generate
-happy numbers sequence up to that value.
public static IEnumerable<int> HappySeq(this int endLimit)
- Parameters
- endLimit
- The numeric sequence upper limit to generate the happy numbers for
- Returns
- - IEnumerable<int>
- A list of integer numbers.
- Examples
- Get the integers in a sequence that produce a happy sum.
-var list_out = 150.HappySeq();
-var list_out = 10.HappySeq();
-var list_out = 0.HappySeq(); //list_out Length = 0
-var list_out = 1.HappySeq(); //list_out Length = 1 (value = 1)
- IEnumRndFill(IEnumerable<int>, object)
- Retrieve a list with random integer or decimal numbers depending on input provided.
public static IEnumerable<object> IEnumRndFill(this IEnumerable<int> retIntSeq, object number)
- Parameters
- retIntSeq
- The list used as input
- number
- A numeric value, decimal or integer
- Returns
- - IEnumerable<object>
- A list of random values
- Examples
- Get an IEnumerable filled with random integer/double values.
-var resultInt = Enumerable.Repeat(0,10).IEnumRndFill(5); // fills with random integers
-var resultDouble = Enumerable.Repeat(0,10).IEnumRndFill(1.5); // fills with random doubles
- IterateAt<T>(IEnumerable<T>, int)
- Retrieves a range of values from a list iteratively as a nested list.
-Element list at index 1 at indexes 1,2 at 1,2,3 up to N.
public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> IterateAt<T>(this IEnumerable<T> elements, int size)
- Parameters
- elements
- List of elements used as input
- size
- Number of max iterations that lists are retrieved
- Returns
- - IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>>
- A nested enumerable list that has a maximum length defined by -size- parameter
- Type Parameters
- T
- Any type of elements in the list
- Examples
- Get the Nth iteration of an IEnumerable in nested form.
-int[] num_seq = { -990,-940,-770,-599,-543,-513,-482,-451,-445,-371,-240,-371,-940 };
-var num = num_seq.AsEnumerable();
-var result = num.IterateAt(4);
- LetterCombinationsOf(string)
- Retrieve all letter combinations (power sets) of a provided string.
public static List<string> LetterCombinationsOf(this string strElement)
- Parameters
- strElement
- The string of letters used as input
- Returns
- - List<string>
- A list of all combinations for the input string
- Examples
- Get a List of strings displaying letter combinations.
-var combinations = ("He1l01!").LetterCombinationsOf();
- LevnDist(string, string)
- Levenshtein distance for two input strings and edit differences for those.
-(Can be applied between two strings of equal or differing length in size)
public static int LevnDist(this string strLeft, string strRight)
- Parameters
- strLeft
- The leftmost string to find edit diffs from
- strRight
- The rightmost string to compare edit diffs with
- Returns
- - int
- Calculated sum or edit distance per input set of strings as integer.
- Examples
- Calculate the levenshtein distance between strings left, right.
-int result = "Paints".LevnDist("ants"); //result = 2
- int result = "Compute".LevnDist("Confuse"); // result = 3
- LevnDistEditMatrix(string, string)
- Levenshtein edit distance matrix retrieval with full set of calculations.
-(Can be applied between two strings of equal or differing length in size)
public static IEnumerable<int[,]> LevnDistEditMatrix(this string str1, string str2)
- Parameters
- str1
- The leftmost string to compare edit diffs from
- str2
- The rightmost string to compare edit diffs with
- Returns
- - IEnumerable<int[,]>
- An enumerable of the entire 2-dimensional edit distances matrix with all distance calculations.
- Examples
- Calculate the levenshtein distance of two strings, return the entire set of iterations,
-element at array position [N,M] is the result of the total diff distance.
-var result_ienum = "test2".LevnDistEditMatrix("arst22"); //last matrix element = 3
- var result_ienum = "ant".LevnDistEditMatrix("aunt"); //last matrix element = 1
- LevnDistRecur(string, string, int[,])
- A recursive Levenstein implementation utilizing memoized cache for faster execution time.
-(Can be applied between two strings of equal or differing length in size)
public static int LevnDistRecur(this string leftStrIn, string rightStrIn, int[,] memo)
- Parameters
- leftStrIn
- The leftmost string to find edit diffs from
- rightStrIn
- The rightmost string to compare edit diffs with
- memo
- The matrix to store the intermediary distance cost results in
-Note: Needs to be the same size as NxM such that N = length of leftStrIn, M = length of rightStrIn
- Returns
- - int
- Calculated sum or edit distance per input set of strings as integer.
- Examples
- Calculate the levenshtein distance between strings left, right.
-int result = "test2".LevnDistRecur("arst22",new int[("test2".Length)+1,("arst22".Length)+1]); // result = 3
- int result = "Sam".LevnDistRecur("Samantha",new int[("Sam".Length)+1,("Samantha".Length)+1]); // result = 5
- MatrixProduct(int[,], int[,])
- Matrix dot product calculation for 2-dimensional integer arrays of shape NxM.
-(PLINQ utilization for large data sets handling)
public static int[,] MatrixProduct(this int[,] matrixA, int[,] matrixB)
- Parameters
- matrixA
- First integer matrix to be used for multipl. product
- matrixB
- Second integer matrix to be multiplied with for multipl. product
- Returns
- - int[,]
- The product matrix in a 2-dimensional matrix format
- Examples
- Calculate and retrieve the dot product of multiplying the two input matrices.
-var result = new int[4,2]{{2,2},{3,7},{8,4},{8,5}}.MatrixProduct(new int[2,3]{{1,2,4},{12,42,9}}); // Result as a 2-dim array
- MatrixProductv2(int[,], int[,], int)
- Matrix dot product calculation for 2-dimensional integer arrays of shape NxM.
-(Outputs the finalized product matrix in either list of lists or standard 2-d array format)
public static object MatrixProductv2(this int[,] mtrx1, int[,] mtrx2, int twoDim = 0)
- Parameters
- mtrx1
- First integer matrix to be used for multipl. product
- mtrx2
- Second integer matrix to be multiplied with for multipl. product
- twoDim
- Selection option to retrieve the product result as a list of sublists or as a normal 2-dimensional matrix
- Returns
- - object
- An Object of either List of sublists type or int[,] type that defines product matrix result.
- Examples
- Calculate and retrieve the dot product of multiplying two matrices in both list-of-lists format or
-standard 2-dimensional array format. This can be determined by a variable, defaults to 2-dimensional array output.
-var result_1 = new int[4,2]{{2,2},{3,7},{8,4},{8,5}}.MatrixProductv2(new int[2,3]{{1,2,4},{12,42,9}},0); // Results to 2-dim array output
-var result_2 = new int[4,2]{{2,2},{3,7},{8,4},{8,5}}.MatrixProductv2(new int[2,3]{{1,2,4},{12,42,9}},1); // Results to list of lists output
- MatrixTranspose<T>(T[,])
- Transposes a 2-dimensional array of different data type such that rows N become columns M and vice-versa.
public static T[,] MatrixTranspose<T>(this T[,] matrixIn)
- Parameters
- matrixIn
- The 2-dimensional input matrix to invert rows with columns from
- Returns
- - T[,]
- Transposed 2-dimensional matrix of the original input array for any kind of array elements.
- Type Parameters
- T
- Any kind of elements in a sequence
- Examples
- Transpose 2-dimensional matrix of dimensions [N,M].
-int[,] matrixT1 = new int[6,2] { {3,4},{5,9},{10,44},{3,77},{88,0},{0,90} }; //test with integers matrix
-double[,] matrixT2 = new double[5,9]{ {9.0,34.0,0.99,3.1,9.4,4.51,9.87,1.43,9.88}, {2.4,22.01,55.10,9.09,1.30,9.99,10.45,9.0,8.01},
- {4.6,4.3,3.4,68.009,45.92,3.54,9.89,5.69,0.849},{1.2,4.5,33.5,54.4,45.9,5.89,9.09,1.223,4.54},
- {4.5,1.0,4,42.9,9.9,9.9,9,9,9} }; //test with doubles matrix
-var resultT1 = matrixT1.MatrixTranspose(); // results in a 2x6 matrix
-var resultT2 = matrixT2.MatrixTranspose(); // results in a 9x5 matrix
- MatrixTranspose<T>(T[][])
- Transposes a 2-dimensional jagged -or uneven- array of different data type such that rows N become columns M and vice-versa.
public static T[][] MatrixTranspose<T>(this T[][] matrixIn)
- Parameters
- matrixIn
- The 2-dimensional jagged array to invert rows with columns from
- Returns
- - T[][]
- Transposed 2-dimensional jagged array of the original input array for any kind of array elements.
- Type Parameters
- T
- Any kind of elements in a sequence
- Examples
- Transposed 2-dimensional jagged array of dimensions [N][M].
-string[][] matrixT3 = new string[][]{ //test with strings array
-new string[12]{"This", "is a", "test","this","side","should","appear","on the left","of ","your","screen","if the"},
-new string[12]{" script"," has ","been run ","as", " expected.","Test ","run"," already ","for a ","matrix of ","nxm size "," where n is" },
-new string[12]{"equal to 3"," and ","m equal"," to "," twelve"," If n"," and m","increase"," or decrease then","output should","vary ","accordingly"}
-var resultT3 = matrixT3.MatrixTranspose(); //results in a 12x3 jagged array [12][3]
- MaxCollVals(List<List<int>>, bool)
- Retrieve either the maximum or minimum set of value from every nested integer list-of-lists data structure.
public static List<int> MaxCollVals(this List<List<int>> inputColl, bool isMax = true)
- Parameters
- inputColl
- Input nested list to retrieve max-min set of values from
- isMax
- Option to retrieve either the maximum or minimum values per subset in every list-of-lists dataset
- Returns
- - List<int>
- An integer list containing the maximum value of each column-compared subset in list-of lists
- Examples
- Retrieve all the maximum, or minimum integer values for each column-based subset in the input nested list.
-// 1 - Provided that you initialize a list of lists (code not shown..)
-// . . .
-allValues.Add(valuesSet1); // 2 - populate the lists of lists
-var result = allValues.MaxCollVals(); //defaults to maximum subset of values for every column-compared subset of lists
-var result = allValues.MaxCollVals(false); //results to minimum subset of values for every column-compared subset of lists
- MaxMatrixVal(int[,], bool)
- Retrieve either the maximum or minimum value in a 2-dimensional integer matrix.
public static int MaxMatrixVal(this int[,] mtrx, bool isMax = true)
- Parameters
- mtrx
- Input matrix to retrieve max-min values from
- isMax
- Option to retrieve either the maximum or minimum value from 2-dimensional dataset from
- Returns
- - int
- The maximum or minimum integer value of the input matrix
- Examples
- Retrieve the maximum, or minimum integer value from the input matrix.
-int[,] arr2d = new int[,]{{10,40,13,40},{9,10,40,99},{9,10,40,99},{9,10,49,19},{9,10,40,990},{9,10,422,99}};
-var result = arr2d.MaxMatrixVal() // defaults to maximum value = 990
-var result = arr2d.MaxMatrixVal(false) // retrieve minimum value = 9
- MaxMultiDimVal(int[][], bool)
- Retrieve either the maximum or minimum value in a jagged array data structure.
public static int MaxMultiDimVal(this int[][] mtrx, bool isMax = true)
- Parameters
- mtrx
- Input matrix to retrieve max-min values from
- isMax
- Option to retrieve either the maximum or minimum value from the jagged array dataset
- Returns
- - int
- The maximum or minimum integer value of the input array of arrays
- Examples
- Retrieve the maximum, or minimum integer value from the input array of arrays.
-int[] arr1 = new int[] {1,2,3,5,4};
-int[] arr2 = new int[] {3,2,1,0,10,39,10,43,11};
-int[] arr3 = new int[]{24,1,90};
-int[][] main_arr = new int[][]{arr1,arr2,arr3};
-var result = main_arr.MaxMultiDimVal() // defaults to maximum value = 90
-var result = main_arr.MaxMultiDimVal(false) // retrieve minimum value = 0
- Return the median value in an -ordered- numeric sequence.
public static double MedianValue(this IEnumerable<int> elements)
- Parameters
- elements
- The numeric sequence used as input
- Returns
- - double
- Double median value for the selected sequence
- Get the median value in an IEnumerable.
-int[] num_seq = { -990,-940,-770,-599,-543,-513,-482,-451,-445,-371,-240 };
- var num = num_seq.AsEnumerable();
- double result = num.MedianValue();
- ModeValues(IEnumerable<int>)
- Retrieve the mode values in a sequence of numbers.
-(The most frequently occuring number - ordered)
public static IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<int, int>> ModeValues(this IEnumerable<int> elements)
- Parameters
- elements
- The numeric sequence used as input
- Returns
- - IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<int, int>>
- An IEnumerable KeyValuePair with Key=total per the mode value and Value=occuring value in the sequence.
- Examples
- Get the top used values in an IEnumerable.
-int[] num_seq = { -990,-940,-770,-599,-543,-513,-482,-451,-445,-371,-240,-371,-940 };
- var num = num_seq.AsEnumerable();
- var result = num.ModeValues();
- OddOrEven<T>(IEnumerable<T>)
- Checks whether the total length of a sequence is odd or even.
public static bool OddOrEven<T>(this IEnumerable<T> elements)
- Parameters
- elements
- The data sequence to be checked
- Returns
- - bool
- True or False depending on the result
- Type Parameters
- T
- Any kind of elements in a sequence
- Examples
- Check whether length of IEnumerable is odd or even.
-bool oddlen = new int[]{4,43,13,50,40}.OddOrEven();
- PowerOf(int, int)
- Raises a number to the Nth power recursively.
public static int PowerOf(this int value, int powBy)
- Parameters
- value
- The integer to raise to the Nth power
- powBy
- The Nth power value
- Returns
- - int
- Result of the power of a number
- Examples
- Calculates Nth power of an integer.
-int result = new int[]{4,43,13,50,40}.Select(n=>n.PowerOf(3));
- ReorderElementsIterator<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Random)
- Implementation of the iterative functionality for the list reording.
public static IEnumerable<T> ReorderElementsIterator<T>(this IEnumerable<T> elements, Random prng)
- Parameters
- elements
- The list of elements to be used as input
- prng
- The Random object to be used as seed for shuffling indexes
- Returns
- - IEnumerable<T>
- A list of reordered elements using random index shuffling in the initial list
- Type Parameters
- T
- Any type of elements in the list
- ReorderElements<T>(IEnumerable<T>)
- Retrieve a list of random elements from an input list -using natural reordering-.
public static IEnumerable<T> ReorderElements<T>(this IEnumerable<T> elements)
- Parameters
- elements
- Returns
- - IEnumerable<T>
- A reording elements iterator result with the Random object seed
- Type Parameters
- T
- Any type of elements in the list
- Examples
- Get an IEnumerable of 10 reordered elements.
-var tenElements = Enumerable.Range(1,10).ReorderElements().Take(10);
- RndDoubleTuple(IEnumerable<int>, double)
- Provided a list of integer values you, retrieve a list of tuples and random doubles with random string values.
public static IList<(double sample, string name)> RndDoubleTuple(this IEnumerable<int> elements, double scaleFact)
- Parameters
- elements
- A list of default integers to be modified
- scaleFact
- The scaling factor by which double values are created
- Returns
- - IList<(double sample, string name)>
- A list of tuples with random doubles and string values
- Examples
- Get a List Tuple filled with random doubles and random strings.
-var resRndDouble = Enumerable.Range(1,10).RndDoubleTuple(.001);
- RndIntTuple(IEnumerable<int>)
- Provided a list of integer values you, retrieve a list of tuples and random integer with random string values.
public static IList<(int sample, string name)> RndIntTuple(this IEnumerable<int> elements)
- Parameters
- elements
- A list of default integers to be modified
- Returns
- - IList<(int sample, string name)>
- A list of tuples with random integers and string values
- Examples
- Get an List Tuple filled with random integers and random strings.
-var resRndInt = Enumerable.Range(1,10).RndIntTuple();
- SequenceEquals<T>(T[,], T[,])
- Checks whether two 2-dimensional arrays of any element type are equal.
public static bool SequenceEquals<T>(this T[,] a, T[,] b)
- Parameters
- a
- The first sequence to be compared
- b
- The second sequence to be compared against the first
- Returns
- - bool
- True or False depending on the result
- Type Parameters
- T
- Any kind of elements in a sequence
- Examples
- Check whether two 2-dimensinonal arrays of any type are equal.
-int[,] intArray1 = new int[4,4]{{432,31,32,43},{324,321,55,31},{110,34,543,13},{90,321,453,12}};
- int[,] intArray2 = new int[4,4]{{110,43,120,301},{54,312,321,91},{99,45,21,12},{9,32,45,152}};
- bool res = intArray1.SequenceEquals(intArray2);
- byte[,] barray1 = new byte[3,3]{{132,56,32},{30,45,10},{92,100,48}};
- byte[,] barray2 = new byte[3,3]{{132,56,32},{30,45,10},{92,100,48}};
- bool res = barray1.SequenceEquals(barray2);
- StandardDeviation(IEnumerable<double>)
- Calculates the standard deviation value of double numeric sequence.
public static double StandardDeviation(this IEnumerable<double> values)
- Parameters
- values
- The numeric sequence used as input
- Returns
- - double
- Standard deviation double result
- Examples
- Calculates STDEVP() for long.
-double result = new long[]{394392,93993,323993,49240,49329}.StandardDeviation();
- StandardDeviation(IEnumerable<int>)
- Calculates the standard deviation value of integer numeric sequence.
public static double StandardDeviation(this IEnumerable<int> values)
- Parameters
- values
- The numeric sequence used as input
- Returns
- - double
- Standard deviation double result
- Examples
- Calculates STDEVP().
-double result = new int[]{10,23,13,50,4}.StandardDeviation();
- StandardDeviation(IEnumerable<long>)
- Calculates the standard deviation value of large integer numeric sequence.
public static double StandardDeviation(this IEnumerable<long> values)
- Parameters
- values
- The numeric sequence used as input
- Returns
- - double
- Standard deviation double result
- Examples
- Calculates STDEVP() for doubles.
-double result = new double[]{0.1124,2.311,4.11,2.94,5.51).StandardDeviation();
- TenPowerOf(int)
- Returns the value of 10 raised to the power of N value.
public static object TenPowerOf(this int powOf)
- Parameters
- powOf
- The Nth power value
- Returns
- - object
- Result of the 10 in the power of N (can be float,int,ulong)
- Examples
- Calculates Nth power of number 10.
-long tenthousand = (4).TenPowerOf();
- ToDoublePowerOf(IEnumerable<int>, double)
- Raises each number in a sequence to the Nth power(where N is double).
public static IEnumerable<double> ToDoublePowerOf(this IEnumerable<int> values, double val)
- Parameters
- values
- The list of integers to be raised to the Nth double power
- val
- The Nth power double value
- Returns
- - IEnumerable<double>
- Resulting list of double values raised to the Nth power
- Examples
- Calculates Nth double power of all integers in IEnumerable.
-int[] num_seq = { -990,-940,-770,-599,-543,-513,-482,-451,-445,-371,-240,-371,-940 };
-var num = num_seq.AsEnumerable();
-var result = num.ToDoublePowerOff(2.71);
- ToIntMatrix(string, int[,])
- Present a sequence of numbers in a string,
-into a 2-dimensional matrix (letters and some characters are ommited)
-that has zero-fill for extra positions in case that array is larger than input.
public static int[,] ToIntMatrix(this string StrNum, int[,] twodimOut)
- Parameters
- StrNum
- The string of numbers to be used as input
- twodimOut
- The 2d matrix to be used as output
- Returns
- - int[,]
- A 2-dimensional integer matrix, of prespecified dimensions N x M
- Examples
- Retrieve ONLY numbers from a string represented in a 2d matrix array.
-Note: Minimum array dimensions are 2x2 (used as default when input length less than 4 or when overallocating array space).
-int[,] result = "2911".ToIntMatrix(new int[4,4]); // Result OK with zero padding
-int[,] result = "2962728abcs1119__1".ToIntMatrix(new int[4,10]); //Result OK with zero padding
-int[,] result = "2962728abcs1119__1".ToIntMatrix(new int[4,2]); //Result OK, trimmed
-int[,] result = "2962728abcs1119__1".ToIntMatrix(new int[4,3]); //Result OK
-int[,] result = "2962728abcs1119__1".ToIntMatrix(new int[10,10]); //Result n/a, trimmed to 2x2 with zero padding
-int[,] result = "29".ToIntMatrix(new int[1,2]); //Result n/a, trimmed to 2x2 with zero padding
- ToIntPowerOf(IEnumerable<int>, int)
- Raises each number in a sequence to the Nth power.
public static IEnumerable<long> ToIntPowerOf(this IEnumerable<int> values, int val)
- Parameters
- values
- The list of integers to be raised to the Nth power
- val
- The Nth power value
- Returns
- - IEnumerable<long>
- Resulting list of large integers raised to the Nth power
- Examples
- Calculates Nth power of all integers in IEnumerable.
-int[] num_seq = { -990,-940,-770,-599,-543,-513,-482,-451,-445,-371,-240,-371,-940 };
-var num = num_seq.AsEnumerable();
-var result = num.ToIntPowerOf(3);
- VectorProduct(int[], int[])
- Calculation of the dot product for integer vectors N -vector multiplication-
public static IEnumerable<int> VectorProduct(this int[] v1, int[] v2)
- Parameters
- v1
- First integer array vector to multiply values from
- v2
- Second integer array vectr to multiply values with
- Returns
- - IEnumerable<int>
- An integer IEnumerable containing the dot product values based on the initial vectors
- Examples
- Calculate and retrieve the dot product of multiplying two vectors as an IEnumerable.
-int[] vect1 = {2,3,3}; // First vector
-int[] vect2 = {3,2,2}; // Second vector
-var result = vect1.VectorProduct(vect2); // result is an IEnumerable list of multipl. values
- add(int, int)
- Binary addition of two integer numbers incl. carry digits.
-(negative or positive integer numerical values only)
public static int add(this int from_x, int add_y)
- Parameters
- from_x
- Numerical value x to perform the addition to
- add_y
- Numerical value y to use in addition operation
- Returns
- - int
- The integer result of the addition operation
- Examples
- Retrieve the result of adding integer y to underlying value x or vice-versa.
-int result1 = 100.add(93);
-int result2 = -90.add(54);
- subtract(int, int)
- Binary subtraction of two integer numbers incl. carry digits.
-(negative or positive integer numerical values only)
public static int subtract(this int from_x, int sub_y)
- Parameters
- from_x
- Numerical value x to perform the subtraction from
- sub_y
- Numerical value y to use in subtraction operation
- Returns
- - int
- The integer result of the subtraction operation
- Examples
- Retrieve the result of subtracting integer y from underlying value x or vice-versa.
-int result = -483.subtract(53);
-int result = -483.subtract(403);