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Gauge Example

This is an example (simple evaluation) of using Gauge, Java and Selenium to create a black-box web UI integration test suite.

Below are my personal notes.


on MacOSX:

  • brew install gauge (picked up version 0.9.4)
  • gauge install java (the java language plugin)
  • gauge install html-report (the reporting plugin)

then to test install, run gauge version.

Create project

  • gauge init java_maven_selenium (prompts for project name etc.)

creates example project containing:

  • .gitignore
  • manifest.json
  • env/default/ and
  • libs/
  • specs/example.spec
  • src/test/java - example step defs and noddy web driver wrapper & factory (singleton)

can run the example tests using gauge run specs.

writes results to console and creates:

  • logs/api.log and gauge.log
  • reports/html-report
  • gauge_bin (compiled classes)
  • .gauge (failures.json)


Built a simple example covering:

  • unit tests for the tests ok when using maven (test framework under src/main, junit tests under src/test)
  • selenium tests covered by java_maven_selenium template
  • parallel running with rerun:
    • enable_multithreading setting determines if separate processes (runners) or just multiple threads in one runner are used
    • if running in parallel, can use spec/scenario datastore and before/after events to share webdriver instance between steps in a given thread - works regardless of processes/threads and gauge_clear_state_level settings
  • high levels steps, calling low level steps, calling code:
    • Note the Gauge Intellij plugin performs syntax checking (highlighting errors) in .spec/.md files and also with Java step defs (params etc)
    • step def parameters are always in double quotes (or < > for data sources)
    • Java step def parameters are type converted at runtime
    • Can have step def aliases (different phrases mapping to same java method)
    • Comments are included in the resulting report
    • high level steps calling low level steps
      • see example.spec - high level step (passing params)
      • see concept1.cpt - low level steps (using params)
      • generated report shows both (expand to see low level steps) with param values
    • plain text data loaded from files
      • see example2.spec, data/flat-text-file.txt and checkText method in StepImplementation
      • multi-line text is loaded as a string
      • generated report uses a link to the actual file
    • data loaded from .csv format spreadsheets
      • see example.spec and usersTableStep method in StepImplementation
      • step def is called once with table of values, not once per row
      • generated report uses a link to the actual file
    • using data in hard coded table in .spec file
      • see example.spec and usersTableStep method in StepImplementation (same method as .csv table above)
      • step def is called once with table of values, not once per row
      • generated report embeds data as HTML table of values
  • test execution events - global start/stop, test start/stop, etc.
    • see com.example.ExecutionHooks - can do before/after suite/spec/scenario/step, and get access to the current spec/scenario/step
    • can set gauge_clear_state_level to suite, spec or scenario - sets the scope of each step definition/execution hook instance (i.e. created per test scenario, test spec, or test suite)
    • no DI integration, but can use built in datastores per scenario/spec/suite (works on serial but not parallel)
  • reports ok, covered by the reporting plugin
    • reports include all .spec contents, and each test scenario steps
    • can only take screenshots if errors (clickable image embedded to the right of a stacktrace), not if no error (would need to add custom code to take screenshots for tests/steps, or request this as a new feature)

Using the gauge gradle plugin

See gauge-gradle-plugin and build.gradle Seems to be out of date with the latest gauge runtime arg formats, and limited documentation. (latest release v1.5.0 uploaded to bintray but github was v1.4.5)

Run tests in serial by ./gradlew gauge

Dumps logs to console (stdout) unable to set log levels, --verbose/--log-level flags ignored, logback.xml ignored. Not attempted to place framework code under src/main and unit tests under src/test gave up trying to use it

Using the gauge maven plugin

See gauge-maven-plugin and pom.xml Upgraded to latest selenium (had to exclude old guava dep from gauge-java). Adding logback.xml worked, gets extra log written as well as api.log, gauge.log To handle gauge tests in src/main and junit in src/test:

  • added maven-failsafe-plugin to enable new phase integration-test
  • set gauge-maven-plugin to use integration-test phase
  • set gauge deps to be default scope, not test scope

To run just the junit tests:

  • mvn test

To run gauge tests in serial (also runs junit tests and any other QA phases...):

  • mvn integration-test

Note: can set properties by name in maven plugin configuration, or at the command line: -D<property>=<value>

  • Use tags = "..expression.." to run feature specs/scenarios that match the expression, which can be tag names with or (|)/and (&)/not (!)
  • Use specsDir =
    • <file> to run a specific feature spec e.g. -DspecsDir=specs/example.spec, or
    • <file>:line to run a specific scenario (line is line number of the title of the scenario) e.g. -DspecsDir=specs/example2.spec:10
  • Use env = <name> to choose which configuration settings (under env) to use

To run tests in n parallel streams (where n is optional max, actually executes one process/thread per spec not scenario):

  • mvn integration-test -DinParallel=true -Dnodes=n