When contributing to the Pelias codebase, please support our effort to keep uniform documentation across the board. We recognize that it might not currently be the case in existing repos, but it is a goal to have all existing and future code follow these guidelines.
Let's aim to write in-code documentation to help "future you"
understand what
"now you"
was thinking when you wrote the code.
Use JSDoc syntax. You can be as generous with your doc-blocks as you'd like. We ask at a minimum that you decorate the public function of a module with a doc-block.
If a function is expecting an object parameter, please document the properties that object is expected to have.
* Do something important
* @param {string} param1 brief description if necessary
* @param {object} param2
* @param {string} param2.childParam
* @return {boolean}
module.exports = function doIt(param1, param2) {
return true;
* Important class that does important things
* @class
function MyImportantClass(param1) {
* Do something important
* @param {string} param1
* @param {object} param2
* @return {number}
MyImportantClass.prototype.doIt = function doIt(param1, param2) {
return 123;
These can be left without doc-blocks if you feel their functionality is self explanatory and/or easy enough for future-you to understand without scratching your head.
Tests ARE documentation, so doc-blocks are not necessary there, unless you feel future-you will have trouble following.