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File metadata and controls

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DICOM Data Anonymization

The Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine (DICOM) standard has been commonly used for storing, viewing, and transmitting information in medical imaging. A DICOM file not only contains a viewable image but also a header with a large variety of data elements. These meta-data elements include identifiable information about the patient, the study, and the institution. Sharing such sensitive data demands proper protection to ensure data safety and maintain patient privacy. DICOM Anomymization Tool helps anonymize metadata in DICOM files for this purpose.


  • Support anonymization methods for DICOM metadata including redact, keep, encrypt, cryptoHash, dateShift, perturb, substitute, remove and refreshUID.
  • Configuration of the data elements that need to be anonymized.
  • Configuration of the anonymization methods for each data element.
  • Ability to run the tool on premise to anonymize a dataset locally.

Build the solution

Use the .Net Core 3.1 SDK to build DICOM Anonymization Tool. If you don't have .Net Core 3.1 installed, instructions and download links are available here.

Prepare DICOM Data

You can prepare your own DICOM files as input, or use sample DICOM files in folder $SOURCE\DICOM\samples of the project.

Table of Contents

Anonymize DICOM data: using the command line tool

Once you have built the command line tool, you will find executable file Microsoft.Health.Dicom.Anonymizer.CommandLineTool.exe in the $SOURCE\DICOM\src\Microsoft.Health.Dicom.Anonymizer.CommandLineTool\bin\Debug|Release\netcoreapp3.1 folder.

You can use this executable file to anonymize DICOM file.

> .\Microsoft.Health.Dicom.Anonymizer.CommandLineTool.exe -i myInputFile -o myOutputFile

Use Command Line Tool

The command-line tool can be used to anonymize one DICOM file or a folder containing DICOM files. Here are the parameters that the tool accepts:

Option Name Optionality Default Description
-i inputFile Required (for file conversion) Input DICOM file.
-o outputFile Required (for file conversion) Output DICOM file.
-c configFile Optional configuration.json Anonymizer configuration file path. It reads the default file from the current directory.
-I inputFolder Required (for folder conversion) Input folder.
-O outputFolder Required (for folder conversion) Output folder.
--validateInput validateInput Optional false Validate input DICOM file against value multiplicity, value types and format in DICOM specification.
--validateOutput validateOutput Optional false Validate output DICOM file against value multiplicity, value types and format in DICOM specification.

[NOTE] To anonymize one DICOM file, inputFile and outputFile are required. To anonymize a DICOM folder, inputFolder and outputFolder are required.

Example usage to anonymize DICOM files in a folder:

.\Microsoft.Health.Dicom.Anonymizer.CommandLineTool.exe -I myInputFolder -O myOutputFolder -c myConfigFile

Sample configuration file

The configuration is specified in JSON format and has three required high-level sections. The first section named rules, it specifies anonymization methods for DICOM tag. The second and third sections are defaultSettings and customSettings which specify default settings and custom settings for anonymization methods respectively.

Fields Description
rules Anonymization rules for tags.
defaultSettings Default settings for anonymization functions. Default settings will be used if not specify settings in rules.
customSettings Custom settings for anonymization functions.

DICOM Anonymization tool comes with a sample configuration file to help meet the requirements of HIPAA Safe Harbor Method. DICOM standard also describes attributes within a DICOM dataset that may potentially result in leakage of individually identifiable information according to HIPAA Safe Harbor. Our tool will build in a sample configuration file that covers application level confidentiality profile attributes defined in DICOM standard.

Customize configuration file

How to set rules

Users can list anonymization rules for individual DICOM tag (by tag value or tag name) as well as a set of tags (by masked value or DICOM VR). Ex:

    "rules": [
            {"tag": "(0010,1010)","method": "perturb"}, 
            {"tag": "(0040,xxxx)",  "method": "redact"},
            {"tag": "PatientID",  "method": "cryptohash"},
            {"tag": "PN", "method": "encrypt"}

Parameters in each rules:

Fields Description Valid Value Required default value
tag Used to define DICOM elements 1. Tag Value, e.g. (0010, 0010) or 0010,0010 or 00100010.
2. Tag Name. e.g. PatientName.
3. Masked DICOM Tag. e.g. (0010, xxxx) or (xx10, xx10).
4. DICOM VR. e.g. PN, DA.
True null
method anonymization method keep, redact, perturb, dateshift, encrypt, cryptohash, substitute, refreshUID, remove. True null
setting Setting for anonymization method. Users can add custom settings in the field of "customSettings" and specify setting's name here. valid setting's name False Default setting in the field of "defaultSettings"
params parameters override setting for anonymization methods. valid parameters False null

Each DICOM tag can only be anonymized once, if two rules have conflicts on one tag, only the former rule will be applied.

How to set settings

defaultSettings and customSettings are used to config anonymization method. (Detailed parameters are defined in Anonymization algorithm. defaultSettings are used when user does not specify settings in rule. As for customSettings, users need to add the setting with unique name. This setting can be used in "rules" by name.

Here is an example, the first rule will use perturb setting in defaultSettings and the second one will use perturbCustomerSetting in field cutomSettings.

    "rules": [
        {"tag": "(0010,0020)","method": "perturb"},
        {"tag": "(0010,1010)","method": "perturb", "setting":"perturbCustomSetting"}
        {"perturb":{ "span": "1", "roundTo": 2, "rangeType": "Proportional"}}
        {"perturbCustomSetting":{ "span": "10", "roundTo": 2, "rangeType": "Fixed"}}

Data anonymization algorithms


anonymization method Description Setting Configuration
keep Retain the value as is. No
redact Clean the value. Yes
remove Remove the element. No
perturb Perturb the value with random noise addition. Yes
dateShift Shift the value using the Date-shift method. Yes
cryptoHash Transform the value using Crypto-hash method. Yes
encrypt Transform the value using Encrypt method. Yes
substitute Substitute the value to a predefined value. Yes
refreshUID replace with a non-zero length UID No

The True/False values in the Setting Configuration column above indicates whether the algorithm needs defaultSettings and customSettings.


The value will be erased by default. But for age (AS), date (DA) and date time (DT), users can enable partial redact in setting as follow:

Parameters Description Valid Value Affected VR Required default value
enablePartialAgesForRedact If the value is set to true, only age values over 89 will be redacted. boolean AS False False
enablePartialDatesForRedact If the value is set to true, date, dateTime will keep year. e.g. 20210130 -> 20210101 boolean DA, DT False False

Here is a sample rule using redact method. It uses defaultSettings which enables partial redact both for age, date and dateTime:

    "rules": [
        {"tag": "(0010,0020)","method": "redact"},
        {"redact":{"enablePartialAgesForRedact": true","enablePartialDatesForRedact": true}}


With perturb rule, you can replace specific values by adding noise. Perturb function can be used for numeric values (ushort, short, uint, int, ulong, long, decimal, double, float). Setting for perturb includes following parameters:

Parameters Description Valid Value Required default value
Span A non-negative value representing the random noise range. For fixed range type, the noise will be sampled from a uniform distribution over [-span/2, span/2]. For proportional range type, the noise will be sampled from a uniform distribution over [-span/2 * value, span/2 * value] Positive Integer False 1
RangeType Defines whether the span value is fixed or proportional. If type is fixed, the range will be [-span/2, span/2], and for proportional range, it will be [-span/2 * value, span/2 * value]. Fixed, Proportional False proportional
RoundTo specifies the number of decimal places to round to. A value from 0 to 28 False 2

Here is a sample rule using perturb method and using perturbCustomerSetting as setting with a fixed range [-5, 5] with decimal place round to 0:

    "rules": [
        {"tag": "(0020,1010)", "method": "perturb", "settings":"perturbCustomerSetting"}
        {"perturb":{ "span": "1", "roundTo": 2, "rangeType": "Proportional"}},
        {"perturbCustomerSetting":{ "span": "10", "roundTo": 0, "rangeType": "Fixed"}},


With this method, the input date or dateTime value will be shifted within a specific range. Dateshift function can only be used for date (DA) and date time (DT) types. In configuration, customers can define dateShiftRange, dateShiftKey and dateShiftScope.

Parameters Description Valid Value Required default value
dateShiftRange A non-negative value representing the dateshift range. Date value will be shifted within [-dateShiftRange, dateShiftRange] days. positive integer False 50
dateShiftKey Key used to generate shift days. string False A randomly generated string will be used as default key
dateShiftScope Scopes that share the same date shift key prefix and will be shift with the same days. SeriesInstance, StudyInstance, SOPInstance. False SeriesInstance

Here is a sample rule using dateShift method on DICOM tags with VR in DA. The dateShift setting is given in defaultSettings field:

    "rules": [
        {"tag": "DA",  "method": "dateshift"}
        {"dateShift":{"dateShiftKey": "123", "dateShiftScope": "SeriesInstance", "dateShiftRange": "50"}}


This function use HMAC-SHA256 algorithm and outputs a Hex encoded representation (for example, a3c024f01cccb3b63457d848b0d2f89c1f744a3d). The length of output string is 64 bytes. You should pay attention to the length limitation of output DICOM file. In cryptoHash setting, you can set cryptoHash key in setting.

Parameters Description Valid Values Required default value
cryptoHashKey Key for cryptoHash string False A randomly generated string

Here is a sample rule using cryptoHash on DICOM tag named PatientID with default cryptoHash setting:

    "rules": [
        {"tag": "PatientID",  "method": "cryptohash"}
        {"cryptoHash":{"cryptoHashKey": "123" }}


We use AES-CBC algorithm to transform the value with an encryption key, and then replace the original value with a Base64 encoded representation of the encrypted value. The algorithm generates a random and unique initialization vector (IV) for each encryption, therefore the encrypted results are different for the same input values.

Users can set encrypt key in encrypt setting.

Parameters Description Valid Values Required default value
encryptKey Key for encryption 128, 192 or 256 bit string False A randomly generated 256-bit string

[NOTE] Similar with cryptoHash function, you should use the method on those fields that accept a Base64 encoded value and avoid encrypting data fields with length limits because the Base64 encoded value will be longer than the original value.

Here is a sample rule using encrypt method on PN tags with custom setting:

    "rules": [
        {"tag": "PN", "method": "encrypt", "setting":"customEncryptSetting"}
        "encrypt": {"encryptKey": "123456781234567812345678"},
        "customEncryptSetting": {"encryptKey": "0000000000000000"},


Using substitue, you can specify a fixed and valid value to replace a target field. You can specify the parameter "replaceWith" in setting, which is the new value for substitute.

Parameters Description Valid Values Required default value
replaceWith new value to substitute with string True "ANONYMOUS"

Here is a sample rule using substitute method on dateTime tags and replace the value to "20000101":

    "rules": [
        {"tag": "DT", "method": "substitute", "setting":"customDateTimeSubstituteSetting"}
        "substitute": {"replaceWith": "ANONYMOUS"}
        {"customDateTimeSubstituteSetting":{"replaceWith": "20000101"}},

Output validation

Anonymizer tool can transform the input values into an invalid output. If you enable validateOutput, it will validate against value multiplicity, value types and format in DICOM specification.

For example, if using encryption method on PatientID, which is a 64 chars maximum string, the encrypted output may exceed 64 chars. If disable validateOutput, the output DICOM file may be invalid for the continuing process. If you enable validateOutput, the anonymization process will fail.

Output validation only checks value for each DICOM tag, but does not check the constraints for DICOM file. For example, if some tags are changed or removed (e.g. SOPInstanceUID is required in DICOM file and the value for SpecificCharaterSet will effect other tags's value.), the output DICOM file may be damaged.

Current limitations

  • We only support DICOM metadata anonymization. The anonymization is currently unavailable for image pixel data.
  • For DICOM tag which is a Sequence of Items (SQ), we only support redact and remove methods on the entire sequence.
  • The constraints among tags are not considered in output validation for now. Customers should take care of the effect when changing the tag values.