The Official EDGE 64 Project Portal
Welcome to the EDGE 64 Documentation. This context contains general information regarding the engine, the mod, and objects in the game world. As time goes on, this file will continue to be updated. (10/10/2023)
EDGE 64 began in 2015 and previously for 3DGE version 1.36 Final. It has since found consistent support and updates on the EDGE Classic sourceport engine.
A single-level demo was released
early that following year in March. During 2015-2016, the demo received more work behind scenes such as more
levels, eventually being fleshed out into a full-fledged total conversion!
Brand new levels were created in place of older ones including geometry tweaks to the 2015 demonstration map.
This cannot be said for sure. The communications tower near the monster's nest went down.
This mod comes with its own universe and renditions in style of Doom 64.
The maps are all created from scratch, and have the feel of a Doom 64 expansion. The mod also gives players of EDGE community fun variety of flavor for them to try at their leisure. A note to a nice community of developers :) EDGE64 uses different selections of weapons, and includes an abridged storyline to set it apart from its contemporaries.
In fact, some ideas from EDGE64 have inspired Brutal Doom 64, such as Lost Souls leaving fire trails.
EDGE64 works with EDGE Classic, an enhanced & improved version of the original EDGE, which is suited to work best with low-end processors. This could help run other mods very well on your computer. Run these by your specifications for a favorable experience.
Weapon-forging is a new ordinance mechanic introduced to EDGE64. Originally, you would need to have newer weapons dropped by owning a previous version of it. Now, through the Reaper the payer can trade a rare item drop - Green Skull - for weapons and armor.
How to upgrade the Unmaker?
Once you acquire the Unmaker, you'll need to find the artifacts which are hidden in secret levels. Each secret level has it's own predisposed conditions on how to acquire the artifact. Complete them, and you'll be able to fuse the artifacts with the weapon.
The new armor system are exclusive to EDGE only. Existing since EDGE's early days, these additional tiers of armor are hard-coded to diversify the defensive capabilites of receiving damage. This gives us new ways to absorb damage as well. Base EDGE armor percentages work like this:
| Green Armor: 33% DEF | Blue Armor: 50% DEF | Purple Armor: 66% DEF | Yellow Armor: 75% DEF | Red Armor: 90% DEF |
Worn by EOD operatives during their base missions on Mars & its moons, Major(Purple) & Super(Yellow) armors >are particularly effective for blast-absorption and repelling debris. It takes a little bit longer to bang them up, as it would be said. Red Armor is supernatural, and seems to be an amalgamation of beast-like flesh and Lonsdaliete.
Fallen marines throughout levels can spawn lore entries which share bits and pieces of the events on Deimos leading up to our Marine's return to the installation. After leaving Phobos, he returns back to Deimos to investigate the incident. Find these lore entries to get a back story on the current conflict.
Inspired by DOOM 2016's multiplayer-only DLC weapon, the
is a demonic weapon with an insectile appearance and powered by what appears to be a Lost Soul. Instead of firing in burtsts, this version unleashesReaper Souls
that lock-on to targets, pierces through flesh & metal, and causes explosion-damage within an impact radius. It also has the magical properties to absorb life force, andheal
the user. Upon using it in close quarters,it may damage anything in its range, including its user, so space must be accounted for when wielding it. The Reaper has a class definition of Magick (CLASS_ATTACK=N for Necro) meaning all but few monsters are resistant to its power. Much thanks and credits are given toNoiser, DrPySpy, Neccronixis & Franco Tieppo
for their work in Doom 4 Vanilla.