A python API for the HootSuite REST API.
pip install hootsweet
from hootsweet import HootSweet
client_id = "Your-HootSuite-Client-ID"
client_secret = "Your-HootSuite-Client-Secret"
redirect_uri = "http://redirect.uri/"
def handle_refresh(token):
# callback function to save token to a database or file
client = HootSweet(client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri=redirect_uri, refresh_cb=handle_refresh)
# Step 1 get authorization url from HootSuite
url, state = client.authorization_url()
# Step 2 go to url above and get OAuth2 code
token = client.fetch_token(code)
# client.token now contains your authentication token
# Step 3 (optional) refresh token periodically, this automatically calls handle_refresh
token = client.refresh_token()
# retrieve data from https://platform.hootsuite.com/v1/me
me = client.get_me()
# retrieve authenticated members organizations https://platform.hootsuite.com/v1/me/organizations
organizations = client.get_me_organizations()
token = {
"access_token": "e9a90a81-xf2d-dgh3-cfsd-23jhvn76",
"token_Type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 2592000,
"refresh_token": "82d82cf4-76gf-gfds-nt3k-lzpo12jg",
"scope": "offline"
client = HootSweet("client_id", "client_secret", token=token)
# Schedule a message
text = "A message"
social_profile_ids = ["1234", "12345"]
send_time = datetime(2020, 1, 1, 12, 40, 15)
message = client.schedule_message(text=text, social_profile_ids=social_profile_ids,
# Get message
message = client.get_message(message_id="98765")
# Delete message
HootSuite uses it's own AWS Bucket to add media to a message. To attach media to you message you need to first upload the media to HootSuite's bucket.
token = {
"access_token": "e9a90a81-xf2d-dgh3-cfsd-23jhvn76",
"token_Type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 2592000,
"refresh_token": "82d82cf4-76gf-gfds-nt3k-lzpo12jg",
"scope": "offline"
client = HootSweet("client_id", "client_secret", token=token)
mime_type = "image/png"
file_path = Path("/path/to/file.png")
file_size = file_path.stat().st_size
upload_details = client.create_media_upload_url(file_size, mime_type)
upload_url = upload_details["uploadUrl"]
media_id = upload_details["id"]
# The number of seconds you have to upload the media
expires_in = upload_details["uploadUrlDurationSeconds"]
# Upload the media
with file_path.open("rb") as f:
content = f.read()
headers = {"Content-Type": mime_type, "Content-Length": str(file_size)}
# Make sure that this request returns a 200
requests.put(upload_url, headers=headers, data=content)
# Schedule a message
text = "A message"
social_profile_ids = ["1234", "12345"]
send_time = datetime(2020, 1, 1, 12, 40, 15)
media = [{"id": media_id}]
message = client.schedule_message(text=text, social_profile_ids=social_profile_ids,
send_time=send_time, media=media)