- A value: null
- A value: undefined
- Create safely with
void 0
- Create safely with
- Can be one of two values:
- true
- false
- Stores true or false as an Object wrapping a Boolean primitive
- Can store arbitrary data on itself with String or Symbol keys
- Stores text
- All strings are immutable
- Two instances of the same string share a reference to the same global string
- Can hold unicode symbols without special conversions or encodings
- Stores text as an Object wrapping a String primitive
- Is represented internally as an array of characters
- Can store arbitrary data on itself with String or Symbol keys
- A double-precision 64-bit binary format IEEE 754 value.
- Can be decimal or integer, though all values are technically decimal
- Can be positive or negative
- Can represent numbers between
-2^53 - 1
and2^53 - 1
- Has special number values:
- Can also be specified with alternative literals, but these do not affect the value
- binary (0b_)
- octal (0_, 000_ and 0o_)
- hexidecimal (0x_)
- Stores any Number as an Object wrapping a Number primitive
- Can store arbitrary data on itself with String or Symbol keys
- Regular pattern specified with slashes and optional flags afterward
- Regex to data => [REGEX.source, REGEX.flags, REGEX.lastIndex]
- Data representation to Regex => new Regex(DATA[0], DATA[1]), then, set the lastIndex value to DATA[2]
- Can store arbitrary data on itself with String or Symbol keys
- Object containing date/time data
- Date to Number => DATE.getTime()
- Number to Date => new Date(TIME_NUMBER)
- Note: If a Date was constructed with a value that cannot be converted into a date, the result is a Date Object with a value of "Invalid Date".
- This can be detected by checking for NaN value when calling getTime()
- Invalid Date objects created separately do not equal each other by default
- This type of Date object can be encoded with an empty string
- Can store arbitrary data on itself with String or Symbol keys
- key/value pairs
- key can be a String or Symbol
- value can be anything, including a reference to the parent object
- Globally unique value, usually
- Can be used as an Object key
- Creating Symbol by using Symbol() or Symbol(SOME_STRING) will always be unique, even if the SOME_STRING is used elsewhere
- Symbol references can be duplicated, however, and will show being equal to themselves.
var sym = new Symbol(); console.log(sym === sym); // true
- Creating Symbol by using Symbol.for(SOME_STRING) will create a Registered Symbol with any other Symbol created with the same SOME_STRING using .for()
- Passing a non-string to .for() will convert the value to a string using the String constructor
- If the Symbol is Registered, calling Symbol.keyFor(SOME_SYMBOL) will result in the string key value for that Symbol
- When creating a unique Symbol with a string
Symbol('my string')
, converting the Symbol to a string will retain the string value:String(Symbol('my string')) // => Symbol(my string)
- This includes empty string:
String(Symbol('')) // => Symbol()
- Symbols cannot accept arbitrary String or Symbol keys like some other Object-like types.
- Cannot store arbitrary data on itself with String or Symbol keys
- A set of indexed values
- Can store anything, including a reference to the array object
- Can be a sparce array, so only store values at used indices
- Optionally, non-integer String and Symbol keys can be attached to the Array, because it is built on Object.
- Specifying integer keys as Strings will overwrite/create refer to the integer position in the Array, not the String key. That is, String keys of integers cannot be used with Arrays.
- Even if specifying a key outside the range using an int converted to string will result in the creation of a sparce array with integer key.
- Types
- Int8Array
- Uint8Array
- Uint8ClampedArray
- Int16Array
- Uint16Array
- Int32Array
- Uint32Array
- Float32Array
- Float64Array
- For the purposes of storage, acts very similarly to standard Arrays
- Limited to storing numerical values in the indexed fields
- Cannot be expanded beyond the defined bounds
- Cannot be sparse -- by default, the unset values are initialized to 0
- Can store other data via String or Symbol keys