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147 lines (121 loc) · 5.91 KB

File metadata and controls

147 lines (121 loc) · 5.91 KB



$> npm install rc-app-builder --registry "http://deployer1:4873/"



  • Constructor Parameters
    • (Object) config: Configuration options:
      • (String) config.baseDir: The folder from which relative paths in the entry file should be resolved. Specifying this is only necessary if a stream.Readable() is passed to
      • (String) config.baseURL: If the entry HTML file contains a <base> tag, its href will be modified to resolve to the baseURL.
      • (Boolean) config.debug: If true will cause certain plugins to behave differently. For example, the UglifyJS plugin will do nothing.
      • (Object) [optional] config.plugins: Plugins to use.
        • (Array of Strings) [optional] config.plugins.js: Name of plugin modules for transforming JavaScript. Will be looked-up using Node's require() algorithm relative to config.baseDir. If unspecified, default JS plugins will be used.
        • (Array of Strings) [optional] config.plugins.css: Name of plugin modules for transforming CSS. Will be looked-up using Node's require() algorithm relative to config.baseDir. If unspecified, default CSS plugins will be used.
  • Properties
    • (Object) config: The config passed to the constructor.
    • (Object) plugins: The build plugins that will be used:
      • (Array of Strings): js: Paths to plugin modules for transforming JavaScript.
      • (Array of Strings): css: Paths to plugin modules for transforming CSS.
  • Methods
    • build(entry): Builds an app using the configured plugins and inlines all JS and CSS resource into the result.
      • Parameters:
        • (String or stream.Readable): Either a path to an HTML file, or a stream.Readable representing an HTML document.
      • Returns:
        • (stream.Readable): A stream representing the compiled app HTML file.



Included by default

This JS plugin will compile all JavaScript assets with browserify.

Configuration Options
  • (Object) config.browserify.options: Options to pass to the browserify() function.
  • (Array of Arrays) config.browserify.plugins: Each Array should contain two elements:
    • (String): 0: The name of a browserify plugin module.
    • (Object) [optional] 1: A configuration Object for the plugin.
  • (Array of Arrays) config.browserify.transforms: Each Array should contain two elements:
    • (String): 0: The name of a browserify transform module.
    • (Object) [optional] 1: A configuration Object for the transform.
var fs = require('fs');
var AppBuilder = require('rc-app-builder');
var builder = new AppBuilder({
    debug: true,

    browserify: {
        options: {
            insertGlobals: true

        transforms: [
            ['babelify', {
                presets: ['es2015', 'react']


Included by default

This JS plugin will compress all JavaScript assets with UglifyJS.

Configuration Options
  • (Object) config.uglify: Options to pass to the UglifyJS.minify() method.
  • (Boolean) config.debug: If true, this plugin will do nothing.
var fs = require('fs');
var AppBuilder = require('rc-app-builder');
var builder = new AppBuilder({
    debug: false,

    uglify: {
        output: {
            comments: true,
            semicolons: false
        compress: {
            unsafe: true,
            warnings: false


Included by default

This JS plugin will compress all JavaScript assets with UglifyJS.

Configuration Options
  • (Object) config.cleanCSS: Options to pass to the CleanCSS() constructor.
  • (Boolean) config.debug: If true, this plugin will do nothing.
var fs = require('fs');
var AppBuilder = require('rc-app-builder');
var builder = new AppBuilder({
    debug: false,

    cleanCSS: {
        aggressiveMerging: false,
        keepSpecialComments: true

Authoring Plugins

AppBuilder plugins are CommonJS modules that export Functions. The Function accepts a number of parameters and is expected to return a stream that emits data (like a stream.Readable, stream.Duplex or stream.Transform.)

  • Passed Parameters:
    • (String) path: The absolute path of the file to be transformed.
    • (stream.Readable) file: A stream representing the file. If your plugin is not first in the builder.plugins.js/builder.plugins.css Array, this will be the stream returned by the plugin preceding yours.
    • (Object) config: A deep copy of the AppBuilder instance's config.
    • (Function) callback: A Function to (optionally) call with an Error when something goes wrong.

Your plugin can then be registered by adding it to the proper plugins Array:

var AppBuilder = require('rc-app-builder');
var builder = new AppBuilder();
