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Rule Template: Helicopter Parent

cinnamon-rolls edited this page Jul 14, 2021 · 1 revision

Rule Template: Helicopter Parent

A "Helicopter Parent" is a tag parent that must always be present with one or more of its children.

Keys that are marked as optional will have a reasonable value automatically generated for them if they are not specified.

Note: Because the Hydrus Client does not support querying the current tag parent/child relationships (yet), the only way for this rule to work is to specify all the children manually in the add_children field. The future goal is to make the add_children field optional, and to query the tag parents behind the scenes.

Key Value
name The name of the rule. (Optional)
note The description of the rule. (Optional)
add_children Tags to consider children regardless of whatever Hydrus thinks
disabled If a truthy value, then the rule will be disabled


  "template": "helicopter parent",
  "parent": "dress",
  "add_children": ["red dress", "orange dress", "yellow dress", "and so on..."]
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