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236 lines (161 loc) · 5.97 KB

File metadata and controls

236 lines (161 loc) · 5.97 KB




The owner field is of type string and is a Noble address. This field is used to authenticate all transactions requiring ownership of the CCTP module.

Key: 0x6f776e6572

Pending Owner

The pending owner field is of type string and is a Noble address. This field is used when executing an ownership transfer. The CCTP module utilizes a two-step transfer flow, where the new owner must first accept ownership before the transfer is finalized.

Key: 0x70656e64696e672d6f776e6572

Attester Manager

The attester manager field is of type string and is a Noble address. This field is used to authenticate all transactions requiring the attester manager role, namely:

Key: 0x61747465737465722d6d616e61676572


The pauser field is of type string and is a Noble address. This field is used to authenticate all transactions requiring the pauser role, namely:

Key: 0x706175736572

Token Controller

The token controller field is of type string and is a Noble address. This field is used to authenticate all transactions requiring the token controller role, namely:

Key: 0x746f6b656e2d636f6e74726f6c6c6572


Attesters are dedicated their own store prefix, which is used to store individual Attester items.

Key: 0x41747465737465722f76616c75652f


An attester object contains the hex encoded public key of an Iris API attester. These are used to verify message attestations in the circle.cttp.v1.MsgReceiveMessage transaction.

type Attester struct {
    Attester string

Key: [Attester]/

Per Message Burn Limits

Per message burn limits are dedicated their own store prefix, which is used to store individual PerMessageBurnLimit items.

Key: 0x5065724d6573736167654275726e4c696d69742f76616c75652f


A per message burn limit object contains the amount of a specific local token is allowed to be burned per circle.cctp.v1.MsgDepositForBurn and circle.cctp.v1.MsgDepositForBurnWithCaller transactions.

type PerMessageBurnLimit struct {
    Denom  string
    Amount cosmossdk_io_math.Int

Key: [Denom]/

Burning & Minting Paused

The burning & minting paused field is of type BurningAndMintingPaused. This field is used to determine if BurnMessages can be sent or received on the local domain.

type BurningAndMintingPaused struct {
    Paused bool

Key: 0x4275726e696e67416e644d696e74696e675061757365642f76616c75652f

Sending & Receiving Paused

The sending & receiving paused field is of type SendingAndReceivingMessagesPaused. This field is used to determine if messages can be sent or received on the local domain.

type SendingAndReceivingMessagesPaused struct {
    Paused bool

Key: 0x53656e64696e67416e64526563656976696e674d657373616765735061757365642f76616c75652f

Max Message Body Size

The max message body size field is of type MaxMessageBodySize. This field is used when validating messages sent to remote domains.

type MaxMessageBodySize struct {
    Amount uint64

Key: 0x4d61784d657373616765426f647953697a652f76616c75652f

Next Available Nonce

The next available nonce field is of type Nonce. This field is used to determine the nonce of a message when sending to a remote domain.

type Nonce struct {
    SourceDomain uint32
    Nonce        uint64

Key: 0x4e657874417661696c61626c654e6f6e63652f76616c75652f

Signature Threshold

The signature threshold field is of type SignatureThreshold. This field is used when authenticating signatures for received messaged.

type SignatureThreshold struct {
    Amount uint32

Key: 0x5369676e61747572655468726573686f6c642f76616c75652f

Token Pairs

Token pairs are dedicated their own store prefix, which is used to store individual TokenPair items.

Key: 0x546f6b656e506169722f76616c75652f


A token pair object contains relevant information surrounding a remote token, and it's paired local token.

type TokenPair struct {
    RemoteDomain uint32
    RemoteToken  []byte
    LocalToken   string

Key: [keccak(RemoteDomain, RemoteToken)]/

Used Nonces

Used nonces are dedicated their own store prefix, which is used to store individual Nonce items.

Key: 0x557365644e6f6e63652f76616c75652f


A nonce object contains relevant information surrounding a used nonce of a remote domain.

type Nonce struct {
    SourceDomain uint32
    Nonce        uint64

Key: [SourceDomain]/[Nonce]/

Token Messengers

Token messengers are dedicated their own store prefix, which is used to store individual RemoteTokenMessenger items.

Key: 0x52656d6f7465546f6b656e4d657373656e6765722f76616c75652f


A remote token messenger object contains relevant information surrounding a token messenger sitting on a remote domain.

type RemoteTokenMessenger struct {
    DomainId uint32
    Address  []byte

Key: [DomainId]/