npm install iconfont-plugin-webpack
You can see a simple example within the Demo Config, but basically you just need to include the package at the top of your webpack config like this:
const IconfontPlugin = require('iconfont-plugin-webpack');
And then set up the configuration within the webpackModule.plugins
like this:
new IconfontPlugin({
src: './src/asset/iconfont', // required - directory where your .svg files are located
family: 'iconfont', // optional - the `font-family` name. if multiple iconfonts are generated, the dir names will be used.
dest: {
font: './src/font/[family].[type]', // required - paths of generated font files
css: './src/css/_iconfont_[family].scss' // required - paths of generated css files
watch: {
pattern: 'src/asset/iconfont/**/*.svg', // required - watch these files to reload
cwd: undefined // optional - current working dir for watching
cssTemplate: function() {}// optional - the function to generate css contents
The result will be a directory with Fonts in the formats eot, svg, ttf and woff as well as a .scss file with helping mixins for your iconfont. By default this .scss looks something like this:
$__iconfont__data: map-merge(if(global_variable_exists('__iconfont__data'), $__iconfont__data, ()), (
"iconfont-family": (
// your icons land here
$create-font-face: true !default; // should the @font-face tag get created?
// should there be a custom class for each icon? will be .filename
$create-icon-classes: true !default;
// what is the common class name that icons share? in this case icons need to have .icon.filename in their classes
// this requires you to have 2 classes on each icon html element, but reduced redeclaration of the font family
// for each icon
$icon-common-class: 'icon' !default;
// if you whish to prefix your filenames, here you can do so.
// if this string stays empty, your classes will use the filename, for example
// an icon called star.svg will result in a class called .star
// if you use the prefix to be 'icon-' it would result in .icon-star
$icon-prefix: '' !default;
@function iconfont-group($group: null) {
@if (null == $group) {
$group: nth(map-keys($__iconfont__data), 1);
@if (false == map-has-key($__iconfont__data, $group)) {
@warn 'Undefined Iconfont Family!';
@return ();
@return map-get($__iconfont__data, $group);
@function iconfont-item($name) {
$slash: str-index($name, '/');
$group: null;
@if ($slash) {
$group: str-slice($name, 0, $slash - 1);
$name: str-slice($name, $slash + 1);
} @else {
$group: nth(map-keys($__iconfont__data), 1);
$group: iconfont-group($group);
@if (false == map-has-key($group, $name)) {
@warn 'Undefined Iconfont Glyph!';
@return '';
@return map-get($group, $name);
@mixin iconfont($icon) {
font-family: "iconfont-family";
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 400;
content: iconfont-item($icon);
@if $create-font-face == true{
@font-face {
font-family: "iconfont-family";
src: url('../fonts/iconfont-family.eot'); /* IE9 Compat Modes */
src: url('../fonts/iconfont-family.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), /* IE6-IE8 */
url('../fonts/iconfont-family.woff') format('woff'), /* Pretty Modern Browsers */
url('../fonts/iconfont-family.ttf') format('truetype'), /* Safari, Android, iOS */
url('../fonts/iconfont-family.svg') format('svg'); /* Legacy iOS */
@if $create-icon-classes == true{
font-family: "iconfont-family";
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 400;
@each $family, $map in $__iconfont__data {
@each $icon, $content in $map {
content: iconfont-item($icon);
In order to test the demo build included in this package all you need to do is clone this repository, head into the root folder and execute these commands:
npm install
npm run demo
You will then find the generated fonts within /demo/fonts
and the generated .scss within /demo/scss/_iconfont-family.scss
If the fonts get bigger than 8192 bytes they will get extracted into their own files, otherwhise file-loader will embed them as base64 directly into the .css (See configuration for file-loader in webpack.config.js)
![]() 徐浩洋 · HaoyCn |
![]() Daniel Winter |