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SexiGraf addon for VCSA monitoring (tested on release 0.99i)

The original SexiGraf project has been enhanced by adding vCenter monitoring via SNMPv2c or SNMPv3 protocol and REST API. For each connected vCenter Appliance (VCSA) it's possible to monitor:

  • Uptime
  • Current build installed
  • Available updates
  • Sub-systems health
  • Services health
  • VCHA cluster (a three-node cluster consisting of an active, passive and witness node) health status, current active node and warning messages history (last 30 days)
  • CPU usage overall and by Cores
  • Load average
  • Active processes
  • Memory usage
  • Network bandwidth utilization on public and heartbeat ethernet interface
  • All file systems and external shares usage (ex.: NFS mount point)
  • Latest backup status
  • Content Libraries Subscribed synchronization status
  • Expiration time for critical SSL certificates


SexiGraf web site project


Original architecture:

'Original architecture'

Solution added to SexiGraf for VCSA monitoring:

'Integration for VCSA'

The SexiGraf appliance must be able to communicate with the following ports:

  • UDP 161 (SNMP Agent)
  • TCP 443 (vCenter Service)
  • TCP 22 (SSH)

Telegraf acquires SNMP metrics but also checks critical SSL certificates on TCP ports 443,7080 (7080 only from localhost) and verifies the mapping of logical volumes by SSH connection (TCP port 22).

Installation Addon

Before starting the installation, enable a snapshot.

  1. Install InfluxDB on SexiGraf (for Ubuntu 20.04):

    • curl -sL | sudo apt-key add -

    • echo "deb bionic stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/influxdb.list

    • echo "deb bionic stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/influxdb.list

    • apt update

    • apt install influxdb

    • systemctl status influxdb

    • systemctl enable --now influxdb

    • systemctl start influxdb

  2. Install on SexiGraf the following python modules:

    • pip install graphyte

    • pip install influxdb

  3. Donwload project from GitHub

  4. Copy InfluxDB config influxdb.conf from project folder /etc/influxdb/ in the same folder on SexiGraf appliance.

  5. Launch influx client from command line: influx

  6. Submit Influx Query Language statements for create database, users and grants (Reference guide InfluxDB):

    • CREATE DATABASE vcsa_rest

    • CREATE DATABASE vcsa_telegraf


    • CREATE USER telegraf WITH PASSWORD 't3l3gr4f'

    • CREATE USER pollerpy WITH PASSWORD 'p0ll3rpy'

    • GRANT ALL ON vcsa_telegraf TO telegraf

    • GRANT ALL ON vcsa_rest TO pollerpy

    • CREATE RETENTION POLICY "four_months" ON "vcsa_telegraf" DURATION 16w REPLICATION 1

    • CREATE RETENTION POLICY "four_months" ON "vcsa_rest" DURATION 16w REPLICATION 1

    • DROP RETENTION POLICY autogen ON vcsa_telegraf

    • DROP RETENTION POLICY autogen ON vcsa_rest

  7. Exit from influx command line and restart service: systemctl restart influxdb.service

  8. Copy all files from project folder /etc/telegraf/telegraf.d/ in the same path on SexiGraf appliance (verify that permissions of uploaded files are 644 with ownership root:root).

  9. Copy directory templates from project folder /etc/telegraf/ in the same path on SexiGraf appliance.

  10. Copy file from project folder /etc/grafana/provisioning/dashboards/ in the same path on SexiGraf appliance (make the ownership and permissions of the uploaded file consistent with those already present).

  11. Copy file from project folder /mnt/wfs/inventory/ in the same path on SexiGraf appliance (verify that permissions of uploaded file are 644 with ownership www-data:www-data).

  12. Copy directory vcsa_monitor from project folder /usr/lib/python3.8/ in the same path on SexiGraf appliance.

  13. Copy all files from project folder /usr/local/bin/ in the same path on SexiGraf appliance (verify that permissions of uploaded files are 755 with ownership root:root).

  14. Copy directory VMware_VCSA from project folder /var/lib/grafana/dashboards/ in the same path on SexiGraf appliance.

  15. Copy directory grafana-clock-panel from project folder /var/lib/grafana/plugins/ in the same path on SexiGraf appliance.

  16. Copy all content from project folder /var/www/admin/ in the same path on SexiGraf appliance (verify that permissions of uploaded files are 644 with ownership www-data:www-data).

  17. Copy all files from project folder /var/www/scripts/ in the same path on SexiGraf appliance (verify that permissions of uploaded files are 644 with ownership www-data:www-data).

  18. Create ssh key for user telegraf on SexiGraf appliance:

    • Edit file /etc/passwd and change shell from /bin/false to /bin/bash
    • Submit command: su - telegraf
    • Submit command: ssh-keygen
    • Check for the newly generated ssh keys in the path /etc/telegraf/.ssh
    • Submit command: exit
    • Edit file /etc/passwd and change shell from /bin/bash to /bin/false
  19. Make file vcsa_monitor_kill in path /etc/cron.d on SexiGraf appliance with following content:
    0 */1 * * * root /usr/local/bin/ >/dev/null 2>&1

  20. Reboot SexiGraf appliance.

Configuration Addon

Create InfluxDB datasources

Add two new datasources as show in the following images:

InfluxDB datasource 1

Password for user pollerpy is p0ll3rpy

InfluxDB datasource 2

Password for user telegraf is t3l3gr4f

InfluxDB datasource 3

Change default shell for root user on VCSA

Edit /etc/password file and change root user shell from /bin/appliancesh to /bin/bash.

Configure SNMP agent on VCSA

The SNPM v2c and v3 protocols are alternatives.

  • Configure SNMP v2c protocol

    Launch appliancesh shell and submit the following commands:

    1. Verify configuration agent: snmp.get
    2. Enable snmp agent: snmp.enable
    3. Setting community name: snmp.set --communities public
      (public is just a sample community, you can set the community you want to use in your network, you should write it down and enter it in the configuration of the connection to the vCenter in SexiGraf)
    4. Check again configuration agent: snmp.get
  • Configure SNMP v3 protocol

    Launch appliancesh shell and submit the following commands:

    1. Verify configuration agent: snmp.get
    2. Enable snmp agent: snmp.enable
    3. Remove communities if present (to disable the v2c protocol): snmp.set --communities ""
    4. Set authentication protocol: snmp.set --authentication SHA1
    5. Set privacy protocol: snmp.set --privacy AES128
    6. Set password for authentication and privacy: snmp.hash --auth_hash secret1 --priv_hash secret2
      (secret1 and secret2 are respectively your passwords for auth and priv, you should write them down and enter them in the configuration of the connection to the vCenter in SexiGraf)
    7. Set user for SNMP v3: snmp.set --user userid/secret1/secret2/priv
      (userid is the user you defined for the encrypted and authenticated connection to SNMP v3 agent, you should write it down and enter it in the configuration of the connection to the vCenter in SexiGraf)
    8. Check again configuration agent: snmp.get

Create and configure monitor user on VCSA

  1. Configure monitor user for SexiGraf:

    1. Launch appliancesh shell and submit the following command:
      localaccounts.user.add --role operator --username monitor --password
      (enter password equal to M0n1t0r! or whatever you want but as long as it meets the complexity criteria of the VCSA)

    2. Exit from appliancesh and submit the following commands:
      mkdir -p /home/monitor/.ssh
      touch /home/monitor/.ssh/authorized_keys
      chmod 700 /home/monitor/.ssh/
      chmod 600 /home/monitor/.ssh/authorized_keys
      chown -R monitor:users /home/monitor/.ssh/

  2. Edit /etc/password file and change monitor user shell from /bin/appliancesh to /bin/bash.

Configure SexiGraf public key on VCSA

Edit file /home/monitor/.ssh/authorized_keys and add RSA key of telegraf user on SexiGraf (example):

ssh-rsa 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 telegraf@sexigraf

(RSA key correct can be viewed with the command cat /etc/telegraf/.ssh/ on SexiGraf appliance)

Enable SSH login with public key authentication on VCSA

For enabling SSH key authentication edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config file and add following row (or uncomment):

PubkeyAuthentication yes

After saving, restart SSH service:

systemctl restart sshd.service

Configure python script for checking Secure Token Service Certificate on VCSA

  1. Copy script from repository folder vcsa/usr/local/bin/ in the path /usr/local/bin on VCSA
  2. Assign to script execution permission and ownership to monitor user

Add connection to VCSA in SexiGraf Web Admin GUI (enhanced)

You can add a connection for each vCenter 8.x in your infrastructure:

SexiGraf Admin Add vCenter connection

New VCSA dashboards on SexiGraf

VCSA dashboards

  • VCSA Health and Performance:

VCSA Health and Performance 1 VCSA Health and Performance 2

  • VCSA Network and Storage:

VCSA Network and Storage 1 VCSA Network and Storage 2 VCSA Network and Storage 3 VCSA Network and Storage 4 VCSA Network and Storage 5

  • VCHA cluster:

VCSA HA cluster 1
VCSA HA cluster 2

  • VCSA Backup:

VCSA Backup

  • VCSA Content Library:

VCSA Content Library

  • VCSA SSL certificates:

VCSA SSL certificates