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202 lines (114 loc) · 5.67 KB

Dummier Build Status

A smart gem with a dumb name; Dummier is a rails generator for automating the creation of rails testing applications.

Dummier was inspired by José Valim's enginex which creates a standard gem structure for you. Enginex creates a test/dummy app for you, but what if we want to re-create it? Or leave it out of git?

The idea behind Dummier is that we don't check test/dummy into git, but rather generate it on the fly for the gems we're developing. It just seems DRY'er that way.

Dummier is simple; just run the binary from your gem's root directory and it will generate a stripped-down & gem-dev-ready rails app in test/dummy. While it's doing it's thing, Dummer triggers a few hooks along the way for easy customization.

To catch the hooks, just create appropriately named files in test/dummy_hooks inside your gem. See Hooks below for more info.


To install from RubyGems:

gem install dummier

To install with bundler:

gem 'dummier', '>= 0.3.2'

To package for development in your gemspec:

s.add_development_dependency('dummier', '>= 0.3.2')


After you've installed Dummier, just cd into the gem your developing and run the binary:

bundle exec dummier


Dummier calls the following hooks along the way, in this order:

  1. before_delete
  2. before_app_generator
  3. after_app_generator
  4. before_migrate
  5. after_migrate

Place appropriately named files in test/dummy_hooks and dummier will find and execute them automatically!

You can use Rails::Generators::Actions as well as Thor::Actions in your hooks. Also, since hooks are just eval'd into the Dummer::AppGenerator, you have access to all of those methods as well.

If a hook throws an error, Dummier will raise a Dummier::HookException and exit immediately.

Simple Example

Here's a before_migrate.rb hook that will install Spree Commerce by running a generator before migrating the test/dummy database.

# test/dummy_hooks/before_migrate.rb
run "rails g spree:install"

More Complex Example

Here's an example taken from has_magick_title:

# test/dummy_hooks/after_app_generator.rb
run "rails g scaffold post title:string"

gsub_file "app/models/post.rb", "end", %(


gsub_file "config/routes.rb", "resources :posts", %(
  resources :posts
  root :to => "posts#index")

gsub_file "app/views/posts/show.html.erb", "<%= @post.title %>", %(
  <%= magick_title_for @post %>)


To get setup for testing, clone this repo, bundle up and run rake.

git clone git://
cd dummier
bundle install
bundle exec rake


Change Log

0.3.2 - 2012/3/12

  • revert to using rake "db:migrate", :env => "test" for running migrations

0.3.1 - 2012/3/12

  • use bundle exec when running rake db:migrate
  • better gem dependency defintions
  • use rescue StandardError vs rescue Exception

0.3.0 - 2012/1/26

  • exit and raise a Dummier::HookException when a hook raises an exception

0.2.4 - 2011/9/7

  • fixed travis ci build image path (thanks @fritzek)

0.2.3 - 2011/9/6

  • refactored AppGenerator#run!
  • new app generator tests

0.2.2 - 2011/8/31

  • added to
  • fixed ruby 1.8.7, rbx and ree compatibility

0.2.1 - 2011/8/31

  • merged GH#1 - Thanks @holdensmagicalunicorn
  • revised readme

0.2.0 - 2011/6/18

  • moved the dummy_hooks to your test folder rather than in lib. makes more sense that way.

0.1.1 - 2011/6/1

  • added your gem's test/dummy_hooks/templates folder into the generator's source_paths

0.1.0 - 2011/5/20

  • removed spork and wrote a basic hook test
  • improved documentation

0.1.0.rc1 - 2011/5/11

  • added spork and some tests


  • it exists!



Copyright (c) 2011 - 2012 Spencer Steffen and Citrus, released under the New BSD License All rights reserved.