Releases: cityofaustin/knackpy
This is first production release of Knackpy v1.0! This is a complete overhaul of knackpy. Read the complete documentation here.
Notable new features:
- file uploading
- ability to fetch data by object or view name
- smarter record formatting with support for all Knack field types
- ability to provide a custom API subdomain (e.g, for HIPAA apps)
Support for File Downloads
App Data Method
Get_app_data(app_id) well fetch the application's configuration data (objects, scenes, etc).
New Record Method
Redesign record create and update and add support for record delete via new record() method, which accepts a record payload, app parameters, and a method argument (create, update, delete).
Default ID Key Param on Update Record
Removes the required id_key parameter from the update_record method and instead defaults it to 'id'.
Add Support for Resending Requests on Timeout
This commit adds a max_attempts parameter to Knackpy methods which get or post data to the Knack API.
By default, Knackpy will resend a request 5 times before giving up. The parameter (along with the timeout duration) can also be set manually.
When a multi-choice knack field is empty, it results in the field value stored as an empty array. The empty arrays were causing problems for some of my downstream processes, and I don't see a reason to keep them, so the parse_data method now converts those empty arrays to empty strings.