- About
- Demo
- Technologies Used
- Installation & Set-up
- Configuration
- Running Application
- Conclusion
- Contact
The Blueprint Boilerplate is a full-stack eCommerce boilerplate template that provides a solid foundation for building eCommerce web applications. It includes out-of-the-box essential features such as:
- CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) express routes for products and users
- authenticated routes for accessing personal information of logged-in users
- login and registration routes
- authenticated and connected forms.
This template also incorporates conditional rendering to differentiate between guest and logged-in user experiences.
- React (v18.2.0)
- React Router DOM (v6.11.0)
- Redux (v4.2.1) and React Redux (v8.0.5) for state management
- @reduxjs/toolkit (v1.9.5) for efficient Redux development
- axios (v1.4.0) for making HTTP requests
- react-dom (v18.2.0) for rendering React components
- Express.js (v4.18.2) as the server framework
- body-parser (v1.20.2) for parsing request bodies
- bcrypt (v5.1.0) for password hashing
- jsonwebtoken (v9.0.0) for generating and verifying JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for authentication
- morgan (v1.10.0) for HTTP request logging
- pg (v8.10.0) and pg-hstore (v2.3.4) for PostgreSQL database integration
- sequelize (v6.31.0) as an ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) for database operations
- vite (v4.4.2) for faster front-end development
- @vitejs/plugin-react for configuring vite specifically for React development
- Redux Logger (v3.0.6) for logging Redux actions and state changes during development
- Redux Thunk (v2.4.2) for handling asynchronous actions with Redux
To set up The Blueprint Boilerplate, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/cjones-87/TheBlueprintBoilerplate.git
Navigate to the project directory:
cd TheBlueprintBoilerplate
Install the required dependencies by running:
npm install
Rename the project folder: Navigate to the root directory of the cloned project and rename the folder to the desired name of the project. This will update the project's directory name.
Update the package.json file: Open the package.json file located in the root directory of the project. Modify the following fields to reflect the new project name and other relevant details:
- "name": Change the value of the name field to the new project name.
- "description": Update the description of the project if needed.
- "author": Change the author field to reflect the correct author information.
- "repository": Update the repository URL to point to the new project repository if applicable.
- "bugs": Modify the bugs URL to point to the new project's issue tracker if applicable.
- "homepage": Update the homepage URL to reflect the new project's homepage if applicable.
- Update any other relevant fields that contain project-specific information.
Update configuration files: Check for any other configuration files in the project that may contain project-specific information, such as .env files, vite configuration files, or database configuration files. Update these files with the necessary changes, such as database connection details, API endpoints, or environment variables.
Customize the code: Review the codebase and make any necessary modifications to adapt it to the new project name. This may include renaming variables, components, or files, updating file headers, or making other relevant changes to align with the new project name.
Install dependencies: In the project's root directory, run the command npm install or yarn install to install the project's dependencies mentioned in the package.json file. This ensures that all required packages are installed and ready for use.
These steps will guide you in customizing the cloned project and making it your own, reflecting your project's specific details and requirements.
To run the application, execute the following command:
npm run start:dev
This command will start the development server using vite, run the backend server using nodemon, and trigger the initial build using npm run build.
Please note that you need to create a PostgreSQL database before running the application. Make sure to update the database configuration in the backend code accordingly.
Once the application is running, you can access it at http://localhost:1987 in your browser.
The Blueprint Boilerplate provides a robust foundation for developing full-stack web applications. With its pre-configured CRUD routes, authenticated routes, and connected forms, The Blueprint Boilerplate saves development time and provides a structured starting point for building feature-rich applications. It incorporates modern front-end technologies like React and Redux, enabling efficient state management and dynamic UI updates. On the back-end, Express.js and Sequelize simplify server-side development and interaction with the PostgreSQL database.
To customize the boilerplate to fit your specific application requirements, you can modify the existing routes, components, and styles or add new ones as needed. The modular architecture and separation of concerns make it easy to extend and maintain the codebase.
Feel free to explore the repository at The Blueprint Boilerplate for more information, documentation, and issue tracking.
Happy coding with The Blueprint Boilerplate!
You can reach out to me via email at cj@seejonesengineer.com
Connect with me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cjones1827/
Visit my portfolio website: https://www.seejonesengineer.com/