diff --git a/CK2Plus/localisation/00_CK2Plus_factions.csv b/CK2Plus/localisation/00_CK2Plus_factions.csv index 798431c71..572ba6492 100644 --- a/CK2Plus/localisation/00_CK2Plus_factions.csv +++ b/CK2Plus/localisation/00_CK2Plus_factions.csv @@ -181,10 +181,8 @@ ATTEMPT_COURT_FACTION;Begin to court [Root.GetTitledName]'s good opinion\n;Begin ATTEMPT_RECRUIT_FACTION;Approach [Root.GetTitledName] in an attempt to recruit [Root.GetHerHim] into your faction\n;Approach [Root.GetTitledName] in an attempt to recruit [Root.GetHerHim] into your faction\n;Nähern Sie sich [Root.GetTitledName] in dem Versuch, [Root.GetHerHim] für Ihre Fraktion zu rekrutieren\n;;Approach [Root.GetTitledName] in an attempt to recruit [Root.GetHerHim] into your faction\n;;;;;;;;;x CA_LOWERED;Crown Authority will be §Rreduced§! in §Y[This.GetFullBaseName]§!\n;Crown Authority will be §Rreduced§!\n;Die Kronenautorität wird in §Y[This.GetFullBaseName]§!\n §RReduziert§!;;Crown Authority will be §Rreduced§!\n;;;;;;;;;x CAN_HOLD_FACTION_MEETING;The faction is ready to have another meeting\n;The faction is ready to have another meeting\n;Die Fraktion ist bereit, eine weitere Sitzung abzuhalten\n;;The faction is ready to have another meeting\n;;;;;;;;;x -COURTFACTIONMOODMINUS_NONAME;The mood of the §YCourt Faction§! is §Rworsened§!\n;L'humeur de la §YFaction Courtisane§! est §Raltérée§!\n;Die Stimmung der §YHof-Fraktion§! ist §RVerschlechtert§!\n;;The mood of the §YCourt Faction§! is §Rworsened§!\n;;;;;;;;;x -COURTFACTIONMOODPLUS_NONAME;The mood of the §YCourt Faction§! is §Gimproved§!\n;L'humeur de la §YFaction Courtisane§! est §Gaméliorée§!\n;Die Stimmung der §YHof-Fraktion§! ist §GVerbessert§!\n;;The mood of the §YCourt Faction§! is §Gimproved§!\n;;;;;;;;;x -COURTFACTIONMOODMINUS;§Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§!: The mood of the §YCourt Faction§! is §Rworsened§!\n;§Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§!: L'humeur de la §YFaction Courtisane§! est §Raltérée§!\n;§Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§!: Die Stimmung der §YHof-Fraktion§! ist §RVerschlechtert§!\n;;§Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§!: The mood of the §YCourt Faction§! is §Rworsened§!\n;;;;;;;;;x -COURTFACTIONMOODPLUS;§Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§!: The mood of the §YCourt Faction§! is §Gimproved§!\n;§Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§!: L'humeur de la §YFaction Courtisane§! est §Gaméliorée§!\n;§Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§!: Die Stimmung der §YHof-Fraktion§! ist §GVerbessert§!\n;;§Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§!: The mood of the §YCourt Faction§! is §Gimproved§!\n;;;;;;;;;x +COURTFACTIONMOODMINUS;The mood of the §YCourt Faction§! in the §Y[Root.PrimaryTitle.GetFullBaseName]§! led by §Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§! is §Rworsened§!\n;The mood of the §YCourt Faction§! in the §Y[Root.PrimaryTitle.GetFullBaseName]§! led by §Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§! is §Rworsened§!\n;Die Stimmung der §YHof-Fraktionn§! in der §Y[Root.PrimaryTitle.GetFullBaseName]§! angeführt von §Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§! ist §RVerstärkt§!\n;;The mood of the §YCourt Faction§! in the §Y[Root.PrimaryTitle.GetFullBaseName]§! led by §Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§! is §Rworsened§!\n;;;;;;;;;x +COURTFACTIONMOODPLUS;The mood of the §YCourt Faction§! in the §Y[Root.PrimaryTitle.GetFullBaseName]§! led by §Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§! is §Gimproved§!\n;The mood of the §YCourt Faction§! in the §Y[Root.PrimaryTitle.GetFullBaseName]§! led by §Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§! is §Gimproved§!\n;Die Stimmung der §YHof-Fraktion§! in der §Y[Root.PrimaryTitle.GetFullBaseName]§! angeführt von §Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§! ist §GVerbessert§!\n;;The mood of the §YCourt Faction§! in the §Y[Root.PrimaryTitle.GetFullBaseName]§! led by §Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§! is §Gimproved§!\n;;;;;;;;;x COURT_GOOD_MEETING;The meeting with §Y[From.GetTitledFirstNameNoRegnal]§! goes well\n;The meeting with §Y[From.GetTitledFirstNameNoRegnal]§! goes well\n;Das Treffen mit §Y[From.GetTitledFirstNameNoRegnal]§! verläuft gut\n;;The meeting with §Y[From.GetTitledFirstNameNoRegnal]§! goes well\n;;;;;;;;;x COURT_NOTHING_HAPPENS;The meeting with §Y[From.GetTitledFirstNameNoRegnal]§! produces no results\n;The meeting with §Y[From.GetTitledFirstNameNoRegnal]§! produces no results\n;Das Treffen mit §Y[From.GetTitledFirstNameNoRegnal]§! bringt keine Ergebnisse\n;;The meeting with §Y[From.GetTitledFirstNameNoRegnal]§! produces no results\n;;;;;;;;;x COURT_POOR_MEETING;The meeting with §Y[From.GetTitledFirstNameNoRegnal]§! goes poorly\n;The meeting with §Y[From.GetTitledFirstNameNoRegnal]§! goes poorly\n;Die Besprechung mit §Y[From.GetTitledFirstNameNoRegnal]§! verläuft schlecht\n;;The meeting with §Y[From.GetTitledFirstNameNoRegnal]§! goes poorly\n;;;;;;;;;x @@ -246,10 +244,8 @@ FACTION_UNDERMINE_DISCOVERED;Attempt to undermine fails & is discovered\n;Attemp FACTION_UNDERMINE_FAILS;Attempt to undermine fails\n;Attempt to undermine fails\n;Versuch der Unterwanderung scheitert\n;;Attempt to undermine fails\n;;;;;;;;;x FACTION_UNDERMINE_SUCCEEDS;Attempt to undermine succeeds\n;Attempt to undermine succeeds\n;Versuch der Unterwanderung ist erfolgreich\n;;Attempt to undermine succeeds\n;;;;;;;;;x FACTION_UNDERMINE_THREATEN;Openly threaten [faction_member.GetTitledFirstNameNoRegnal] and force [faction_member.GetHerHim] to leave [faction_member.GetHerHis] faction;Openly threaten [faction_member.GetTitledFirstNameNoRegnal] and force [faction_member.GetHerHim] to leave [faction_member.GetHerHis] faction;Drohen Sie [faction_member.GetTitledFirstNameNoRegnal] offen und zwingen Sie [faction_member.GetHerHim], die [faction_member.GetHerHis] Fraktion zu verlassen;;Openly threaten [faction_member.GetTitledFirstNameNoRegnal] and force [faction_member.GetHerHim] to leave [faction_member.GetHerHis] faction;;;;;;;;;x -GLORYFACTIONMOODMINUS_NONAME;The mood of the §YGlory Faction§! is §Rworsened§!\n;The mood of the §YGlory Faction§! is §Rworsened§!\n;Die Stimmung der §YRuhm-Fraktion§! ist §RVerschlechtert§!\n;;The mood of the §YGlory Faction§! is §Rworsened§!\n;;;;;;;;;x -GLORYFACTIONMOODPLUS_NONAME;The mood of the §YGlory Faction§! is §Gimproved§!\n;The mood of the §YGlory Faction§! is §Gimproved§!\n;Die Stimmung der §YRuhm-Fraktion§! ist §GVerbessert§!\n;;The mood of the §YGlory Faction§! is §Gimproved§!\n;;;;;;;;;x -GLORYFACTIONMOODMINUS;§Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§!: The mood of the §YGlory Faction§! is §Rworsened§!\n;§Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§!: The mood of the §YGlory Faction§! is §Rworsened§!\n;§Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§!: Die Stimmung der §YRuhm-Fraktion§! ist §RVerschlechtert§!\n;;§Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§!: The mood of the §YGlory Faction§! is §Rworsened§!\n;;;;;;;;;x -GLORYFACTIONMOODPLUS;§Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§!: The mood of the §YGlory Faction§! is §Gimproved§!\n;§Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§!: The mood of the §YGlory Faction§! is §Gimproved§!\n;§Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§!: Die Stimmung der §YRuhm-Fraktion§! ist §GVerbessert§!\n;;§Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§!: The mood of the §YGlory Faction§! is §Gimproved§!\n;;;;;;;;;x +GLORYFACTIONMOODMINUS;The mood of the §YGlory Faction§! in the §Y[Root.PrimaryTitle.GetFullBaseName]§! led by §Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§! is §Rworsened§!\n;The mood of the §YGlory Faction§! in the §Y[Root.PrimaryTitle.GetFullBaseName]§! led by §Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§! is §Rworsened§!\n;Die Stimmung der Ruhm-Fraktion! in der §Y[Root.PrimaryTitle.GetFullBaseName]§! angeführt von §Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§! ist §RVerstärkt§!\n;;The mood of the §YGlory Faction§! in the §Y[Root.PrimaryTitle.GetFullBaseName]§! led by §Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§! is §Rworsened§!\n;;;;;;;;;x +GLORYFACTIONMOODPLUS;The mood of the §YGlory Faction§! in the §Y[Root.PrimaryTitle.GetFullBaseName]§! led by §Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§! is §Gimproved§!\n;The mood of the §YGlory Faction§! in the §Y[Root.PrimaryTitle.GetFullBaseName]§! led by §Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§! is §Gimproved§!\n;Die Stimmung der Ruhm-Fraktion! in der §Y[Root.PrimaryTitle.GetFullBaseName]§! angeführt von §Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§! ist §GVerbessert§!\n;;The mood of the §YGlory Faction§! in the §Y[Root.PrimaryTitle.GetFullBaseName]§! led by §Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§! is §Gimproved§!\n;;;;;;;;;x INFORM_LIEGE_UNDERMINE;Inform [Root.Liege.GetHerHim] of the chance to undermine [faction_member.GetTitledFirstNameNoRegnal];Inform [Root.Liege.GetHerHim] of the chance to undermine [faction_member.GetTitledFirstNameNoRegnal];Informiere [Root.Liege.GetHerHim] über die Möglichkeit, [faction_member.GetTitledFirstNameNoRegnal] zu untergraben;;Inform [Root.Liege.GetHerHim] of the chance to undermine [faction_member.GetTitledFirstNameNoRegnal];;;;;;;;;x INFORM_FACTION_LEADER;Tell [This.GetHerHim] of [FromFrom.GetTitledFirstName]'s visit;Tell [This.GetHerHim] of [FromFrom.GetTitledFirstName]'s visit;Informiere [This.GetHerHim] über den Besuch von [FromFrom.GetTitledFirstName];;Tell [This.GetHerHim] of [FromFrom.GetTitledFirstName]'s visit;;;;;;;;;x INFORM_MAY_OVERTHROW;Send a refusal of the ultimatum -- but be aware: [This.GetHerHis] faction may decide to overthrow you!;Send a refusal of the ultimatum -- but be aware: [This.GetHerHis] faction may decide to overthrow you!;Senden Sie eine Ablehnung des Ultimatums - aber seien Sie sich bewusst: [From.GetHerHis] Fraktion könnte beschließen, Euch zu stürzen!;;Send a refusal of the ultimatum -- but be aware: [This.GetHerHis] faction may decide to overthrow you!;;;;;;;;;x @@ -276,20 +272,16 @@ pattern_interaction_not_faction_interest_custom_tooltip;This is against the inte pattern_interaction_in_faction_interest_custom_tooltip;This is in the interests of my faction;This is in the interests of my faction;Dies ist im Interesse meiner Fraktion;;This is in the interests of my faction;;;;;;;;;x PRETENDER_FACTION_CONTINUES;Factions may form to support your claims -- note that, should the faction rise up against your liege, you are not required to support it...but neither can you declare loyalty for your liege, and your liege will treat you as a fellow traitor if the revolt fails regardless.;Factions may form to support your claims -- note that, should the faction rise up against your liege, you are not required to support it...but neither can you declare loyalty for your liege, and your liege will treat you as a fellow traitor if the revolt fails regardless.;Fraktionen können sich bilden, um eure Forderungen zu unterstützen - beachtet, dass ihr nicht verpflichtet seid, die Fraktion zu unterstützen, wenn sie sich gegen euren Lehnsherrn erhebt... aber ihr könnt auch nicht eurem Lehnsherrn gegenüber Loyalität bekunden, und euer Lehnsherr wird euch als Mitverräter behandeln, wenn der Aufstand trotzdem scheitert.;;Factions may form to support your claims -- note that, should the faction rise up against your liege, you are not required to support it...but neither can you declare loyalty for your liege, and your liege will treat you as a fellow traitor if the revolt fails regardless.;;;;;;;;;x PRETENDER_FACTION_DISSOLVES;[FromFrom.GetTitledFirstNameNoRegnal]'s faction will dissolve, and no further factions may arise to support your claims.;[FromFrom.GetTitledFirstNameNoRegnal]'s faction will dissolve, and no further factions may arise to support your claims.;Die Fraktion von [FromFrom.GetTitledFirstNameNoRegnal] wird sich auflösen, und es können keine weiteren Fraktionen entstehen, die Eure Ansprüche unterstützen.;;[FromFrom.GetTitledFirstNameNoRegnal]'s faction will dissolve, and no further factions may arise to support your claims.;;;;;;;;;x -PROSPERITYFACTIONMOODMINUS_NONAME;The mood of the §YProsperity Faction§! is §Rworsened§!\n;The mood of the §YProsperity Faction§! is §Rworsened§!\n;Die Stimmung der §YWohlstandsfraktion§! ist §RVerschlechtert§!\n;;The mood of the §YProsperity Faction§! is §Rworsened§!\n;;;;;;;;;x -PROSPERITYFACTIONMOODPLUS_NONAME;The mood of the §YProsperity Faction§! is §Gimproved§!\n;The mood of the §YProsperity Faction§! is §Gimproved§!\n;Die Stimmung der §YWohlstandsfraktion§! ist §RVerbessert§!\n;;The mood of the §YProsperity Faction§! is §Gimproved§!\n;;;;;;;;;x -PROSPERITYFACTIONMOODMINUS;§Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§!: The mood of the §YProsperity Faction§! is §Rworsened§!\n;§Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§!: The mood of the §YProsperity Faction§! is §Rworsened§!\n;§Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§!: Die Stimmung der §YWohlstandsfraktion§! ist §RVerstärkt§!\n;;§Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§!: The mood of the §YProsperity Faction§! is §Rworsened§!\n;;;;;;;;;x -PROSPERITYFACTIONMOODPLUS;§Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§!: The mood of the §YProsperity Faction§! is §Gimproved§!\n;§Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§!: The mood of the §YProsperity Faction§! is §Gimproved§!\n;§Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§!: Die Stimmung der §YWohlstandsfraktion§! ist §GVerbessert§!\n;;§Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§!: The mood of the §YProsperity Faction§! is §Gimproved§!\n;;;;;;;;;x +PROSPERITYFACTIONMOODMINUS;The mood of the §YProsperity Faction§! in the §Y[Root.PrimaryTitle.GetFullBaseName]§! led by §Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§! is §Rworsened§!\n;The mood of the §YProsperity Faction§! in the §Y[Root.PrimaryTitle.GetFullBaseName]§! led by §Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§! is §Rworsened§!\n;Die Stimmung der §YWohlstandsfraktion§! in der §Y[Root.PrimaryTitle.GetFullBaseName]§! angeführt von §Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§! ist §RVerstärkt§!\n;;The mood of the §YProsperity Faction§! in the §Y[Root.PrimaryTitle.GetFullBaseName]§! led by §Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§! is §Rworsened§!\n;;;;;;;;;x +PROSPERITYFACTIONMOODPLUS;The mood of the §YProsperity Faction§! in the §Y[Root.PrimaryTitle.GetFullBaseName]§! led by §Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§! is §Gimproved§!\n;The mood of the §YProsperity Faction§! in the §Y[Root.PrimaryTitle.GetFullBaseName]§! led by §Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§! is §Gimproved§!\n;Die Stimmung der §YWohlstandsfraktion§! in der §Y[Root.PrimaryTitle.GetFullBaseName]§! angeführt von §Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§! ist §GVerbessert§!\n;;The mood of the §YProsperity Faction§! in the §Y[Root.PrimaryTitle.GetFullBaseName]§! led by §Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§! is §Gimproved§!\n;;;;;;;;;x SEND_REGULAR_ULTIMATUM;Send ultimatum: either [Root.Liege.GetSheHe] gives into your faction's demands or there will be war;Send ultimatum: either [Root.Liege.GetSheHe] gives into your faction's demands or there will be war;Sende ein Ultimatum: entweder [Root.Liege.GetSheHe] gibt den Forderungen deiner Fraktion nach oder es wird Krieg geben;;Send ultimatum: either [Root.Liege.GetSheHe] gives into your faction's demands or there will be war;;;;;;;;;x SEND_RELIGIOUS_ULTIMATUM;Send an ultimatum: either [Root.Liege.GetSheHe] converts to the [Root.Religion.GetName] faith or there will be war;Send an ultimatum: either [Root.Liege.GetSheHe] converts to the [Root.Religion.GetName] faith or there will be war;Sende ein Ultimatum: entweder [Root.Liege.GetSheHe] konvertiert zum Glauben von [Root.Religion.GetName] oder es wird Krieg geben;;Send an ultimatum: either [Root.Liege.GetSheHe] converts to the [Root.Religion.GetName] faith or there will be war;;;;;;;;;x SMOOTH_THINGS_OVER;You smooth things over with [target_faction_dispute.GetTitledFirstNameNoRegnal]\n;You smooth things over with [target_faction_dispute.GetTitledFirstNameNoRegnal]\n;Ihr schlichtet die Sache mit [target_faction_dispute.GetTitledFirstNameNoRegnal]\n;;You smooth things over with [target_faction_dispute.GetTitledFirstNameNoRegnal]\n;;;;;;;;;x TELL_HIM_DO_HIS_WORST;Refuse to submit, and tell [Root.GetHerHim] to do whatever [Root.GetSheHe] wishes with the information;Refuse to submit, and tell [Root.GetHerHim] to do whatever [Root.GetSheHe] wishes with the information;Weigern Sie sich, sich zu fügen, und sagen Sie [Root.GetHerHim], dass er mit den Informationen machen soll, was immer [Root.GetSheHe] wünscht;;Refuse to submit, and tell [Root.GetHerHim] to do whatever [Root.GetSheHe] wishes with the information;;;;;;;;;x TO_LOWERED;Tribal Organization will be §Rreduced§! in §Y[This.GetFullName]§!\n;Tribal Organization will be §Rreduced§! in §Y[This.GetFullName]§!\n;Stammesorganisation wird §Rreduziert§! in §Y[This.GetFullName]§!\n;;Tribal Organization will be §Rreduced§! in §Y[This.GetFullName]§!\n;;;;;;;;;x TOARMS;To arms!!;Aulx armes !;Zu den Waffen!!!;;To arms!!;;;;;;;;;x -TRADITIONFACTIONMOODMINUS_NONAME;The mood of the §YTradition Faction§! is §Rworsened§!\n;The mood of the §YTradition Faction§! is §Rworsened§!\n;Die Stimmung der §YTraditionsfraktion§! ist §Rverschlechtert§!\n;;The mood of the §YTradition Faction§! is §Rworsened§!\n;;;;;;;;;x -TRADITIONFACTIONMOODPLUS_NONAME;The mood of the §YTradition Faction§! is §Gimproved§!\n;The mood of the §YTradition Faction§! is §Gimproved§!\n;Die Stimmung der §YTraditionsfraktion§! ist §GVerbessert§!\n;;The mood of the §YTradition Faction§! is §Gimproved§!\n;;;;;;;;;x -TRADITIONFACTIONMOODMINUS;§Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§!: The mood of the §YTradition Faction§! is §Rworsened§!\n;§Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§!: The mood of the §YTradition Faction§! is §Rworsened§!\n;§Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§!: Die Stimmung der §YTraditionsfraktion§! ist §RVerschlechtert§!\n;;§Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§!: The mood of the §YTradition Faction§! is §Rworsened§!\n;;;;;;;;;x -TRADITIONFACTIONMOODPLUS;§Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§!: The mood of the §YTradition Faction§! is §Gimproved§!\n;§Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§!: The mood of the §YTradition Faction§! is §Gimproved§!\n;§Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§!: Die Stimmung der §YTraditionsfraktion§! ist §GVerbessert§!\n;;§Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§!: The mood of the §YTradition Faction§! is §Gimproved§!\n;;;;;;;;;x +TRADITIONFACTIONMOODMINUS;The mood of the §YTradition Faction§! in the §Y[Root.PrimaryTitle.GetFullBaseName]§! led by §Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§! is §Rworsened§!\n;The mood of the §YTradition Faction§! in the §Y[Root.PrimaryTitle.GetFullBaseName]§! led by §Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§! is §Rworsened§!\n;Die Stimmung der §YTraditionsfraktion§! in der §Y[Root.PrimaryTitle.GetFullBaseName]§! angeführt von §Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§! ist §RVerstärkt§!\n;;The mood of the §YTradition Faction§! in the §Y[Root.PrimaryTitle.GetFullBaseName]§! led by §Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§! is §Rworsened§!\n;;;;;;;;;x +TRADITIONFACTIONMOODPLUS;The mood of the §YTradition Faction§! in the §Y[Root.PrimaryTitle.GetFullBaseName]§! led by §Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§! is §Gimproved§!\n;The mood of the §YTradition Faction§! in the §Y[Root.PrimaryTitle.GetFullBaseName]§! led by §Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§! is §Gimproved§!\n;Die Stimmung der §YTraditionsfraktion§! in der §Y[Root.PrimaryTitle.GetFullBaseName]§! angeführt von §Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§! ist §GVerbessert§!\n;;The mood of the §YTradition Faction§! in the §Y[Root.PrimaryTitle.GetFullBaseName]§! led by §Y[This.GetTitledFirstName]§! is §Gimproved§!\n;;;;;;;;;x TRANSFER_25_PRESTIGE_TO;Transfer §Y25§! Prestige to §Y[Root.Liege.GetTitledName]§!\n;Transfer §Y25§! Prestige to §Y[Root.Liege.GetTitledName]§!\n;Übertrage §Y25§! Prestige an §Y[Root.Liege.GetTitledName]§!\n;;Transfer §Y25§! Prestige to §Y[Root.Liege.GetTitledName]§!\n;;;;;;;;;x TRANSFER_50_PRESTIGE_TO;Transfer §Y50§! Prestige to §Y[Root.Liege.GetTitledName]§!\n;Transfer §Y50§! Prestige to §Y[Root.Liege.GetTitledName]§!\n;Übertrage §Y50§! Prestige auf §Y[Root.Liege.GetTitledName]§!\n;;Transfer §Y50§! Prestige to §Y[Root.Liege.GetTitledName]§!\n;;;;;;;;;x TRANSFER_100_PRESTIGE_TO;Transfer §Y100§! Prestige to §Y[Root.Liege.GetTitledName]§!\n;Transfer §Y100§! Prestige to §Y[Root.Liege.GetTitledName]§!\n;Übertrage §Y100§! Prestige an §Y[Root.Liege.GetTitledName]§!\n;;Transfer §Y100§! Prestige to §Y[Root.Liege.GetTitledName]§!\n;;;;;;;;;x @@ -692,7 +684,7 @@ EVTDESC_PlusFaction_472;Rather than risking the possibility of a civil war teari EVTDESC_PlusFaction_473;[From.GetTitledFirstNameNoRegnal] has caved to the demands of the faction led by [FromFrom.GetTitledName] and altered the [succession_title.GetFullName]'s laws of succession.;[From.GetTitledFirstNameNoRegnal] has caved to the demands of the faction led by [FromFrom.GetTitledName] and altered the [succession_title.GetFullName]'s laws of succession.;[From.GetTitledFirstNameNoRegnal] hat den Forderungen der von [FromFrom.GetTitledName] angeführten Fraktion nachgegeben und die Gesetze der [succession_title.GetFullName] geändert.;;[From.GetTitledFirstNameNoRegnal] has caved to the demands of the faction led by [FromFrom.GetTitledName] and altered the [succession_title.GetFullName]'s laws of succession.;;;;;;;;;x EVTDESC_PlusFaction_474;The shameful attempt of your faction to blackmail me has not succeeded. No matter how many corrupted souls rally to your side, I will not give in without a fight. I would rather die defending what is rightfully mine!\n\nSigned,\n[From.GetTitledName];The shameful attempt of your faction to blackmail me has not succeeded. No matter how many corrupted souls rally to your side, I will not give in without a fight. I would rather die defending what is rightfully mine!\n\nSigned,\n[From.GetTitledName];Der schändliche Versuch Eurer Fraktion, mich zu erpressen, ist nicht gelungen. Ganz gleich, wie viele verdorbene Seelen sich auf Eure Seite schlagen, ich werde nicht kampflos aufgeben. Lieber sterbe ich bei der Verteidigung dessen, was rechtmäßig mir gehört!\n\nGezeichnet,\n[From.GetTitledName];;The shameful attempt of your faction to blackmail me has not succeeded. No matter how many corrupted souls rally to your side, I will not give in without a fight. I would rather die defending what is rightfully mine!\n\nSigned,\n[From.GetTitledName];;;;;;;;;x String_Happy;§GHappy§!;;§Glücklich§!;;;;;;;;;;;x -String_Content;§CContent§!;;§CZufireden/Neutral§!;;;;;;;;;;;x +String_Content;§gContent§!;;§gZufrieden§!;;;;;;;;;;;x String_Unhappy;§YUnhappy§!;;§YUnglücklich§!;;;;;;;;;;;x String_Angry;§RAngry§!;;§RWütend§!;;;;;;;;;;;x