Use this Helm chart to provision CKEditor Word Services on your Kubernetes cluster.
- 2 CPU Cores
- 1024MB RAM
- Kubernetes 1.19+
- Helm v3
The default configuration for running this service requires the reservation of 2 CPU cores and 1024MB of RAM in the cluster. For more information about resources usage look here:
- create imagePullSecret for pulling images from the CKEditor container registry,
with the authentication token
kubectl create secret docker-registry docker-cke-cs-com \
--docker-username "docx" \
--docker-server "" \
- install chart in the cluster
⚠️ By default, the chart installs the CKEditor Word Services On-premises with the "latest" tag. If you are using this chart for a production environment, it is strongly recommended to change the container image tag to a numeric representation of the version you want to install.
helm install ckeditor-docx-converter ./ckeditor-docx-converter \
--set image.tag="latest" \
--set"" \
--set ingress.hosts[0].host="test.example" \
--set ingress.enabled=true
- validate installation by visiting the
helm delete ckeditor-docx-converter