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1916 lines (1619 loc) · 69.7 KB

Source data preparation for the England school admissions dashboard

Clare Gibson


# Load packages
library(knitr)          # for Rmd options
library(tidyverse)      # for general wrangling
## ── Attaching packages ─────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.3.1 ──

## ✔ ggplot2 3.3.6     ✔ purrr   0.3.4
## ✔ tibble  3.1.8     ✔ dplyr   1.0.9
## ✔ tidyr   1.2.0     ✔ stringr 1.4.0
## ✔ readr   2.1.2     ✔ forcats 0.5.1

## ── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
## ✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
## ✖ dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()
library(data.table)     # for transposing data frames
## Attaching package: 'data.table'

## The following objects are masked from 'package:dplyr':
##     between, first, last

## The following object is masked from 'package:purrr':
##     transpose
library(janitor)        # for cleaning column headers
## Attaching package: 'janitor'

## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     chisq.test, fisher.test
library(lubridate)      # for working with dates
## Attaching package: 'lubridate'

## The following objects are masked from 'package:data.table':
##     hour, isoweek, mday, minute, month, quarter, second, wday, week,
##     yday, year

## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     date, intersect, setdiff, union
library(googlesheets4)  # for reading in Google Sheets files

# Knitr Options
    echo = TRUE,
    fig.align = "center",
    message = FALSE,
    warning = FALSE


This notebook serves as the documented code to read and prepare data for the England School Admissions Dashboard project (github | tableau).

The notebook begins by reading in the source data required for the dashboards. It then works through the data wrangling steps necessary to clean and prepare the data for transfer to Tableau.

Source data

The full list of data sources, download links and retrieval steps can be found in the project wiki.

Custom functions

I have created several custom functions to assist with data prep. Load these functions by sourcing the utils.R script in the working directory.

# Custom functions

Read data


This file contains descriptive fields relating to primary and secondary schools across all local authorities in England. It excludes nurseries, special schools, children’s centers, pupil referral units and post-16 education. We can consider this largely to be the dimensional data for the dashboard, while the other datasets for Offers and Performance can be considered to be the measures.

The source data is stored in a CSV file on Google Drive. We can read the CSV file directly from the source location using the custom function read_csv_gdrive(). When reading in source data, I usually assign it to a variable with the prefix src_ to indicate that this is source data. Once I start to modify the data, I remove the prefix. That way, I always have a copy of the original source data in its unaltered form to refer back to.

# Read in the source data for info
src_info_path <- ""
src_info <- read_csv_gdrive(src_info_path)

This data frame has 36704 rows and 122 columns. The columns include some identifiers for time, geography and school, some descriptive dimensions about each school and some measures relating to the number of pupils of different types. Each row represents a single school and the data represents the latest available.


By Local Authority

This file contains data relating to the number of applications from offers made to applicants for secondary and primary school places since 2014. The data is aggregated at the local authority level. This file will be important as our single source of truth for local authority-level measures (e.g. the number of preferences allowed on the application form and the total number of applications received).

# Read in the source data for offla
src_offla_path <- ""
src_offla <- read_csv_gdrive(src_offla_path)

By School

This file contains data relating to the number of offers made to applicants for secondary and primary school places since 2014, and the proportion which received preferred offers. Data is aggregated at the school level. Further details including an explanation of the terminology used in this dataset can be found here. Once again, we can connect to it through Google Drive.

# Read in the source data for offers
src_offers_path <- ""
src_offers <- read_csv_gdrive(src_offers_path)

From the code outputs above, we can see that this data frame has 171385 rows and 35 columns (a mix of character and numeric data types). The columns include some identifiers for time, geography and school, some descriptive dimensions for the number of preferences and type of school and some measures relating to the number of applications and offers made. Each row represents a single school for a single academic year.


These files contain key stage 2 (KS2) performance data for primary schools and key stage 4 (KS4) performance data for secondary schools in England for academic years from 2014 onwards. Note that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the UK Government cancelled all statutory national curriculum assessments due to be held in summer 2020 and 2021 at all Key Stages. Therefore, no data is available for the 2019/20 or 2020/21 academic years. Further details including an explanation of the terminology used in this dataset can be found here.

The source data for performance is stored in several CSV files on the Google Drive. Having read through the guidance notes for these files, for the measures I want to compare, I can find these in all years from 2015/16 onwards.

# Read in the performance data files from 2015/16 onwards
# 2015-16 KS2
src_perf_1516ks2_path <- ""
src_perf_1516ks2 <- read_csv_gdrive(src_perf_1516ks2_path)

# 2015-16 KS4
src_perf_1516ks4_path <- ""
src_perf_1516ks4 <- read_csv_gdrive(src_perf_1516ks4_path)

# 2016-17 KS2
src_perf_1617ks2_path <- ""
src_perf_1617ks2 <- read_csv_gdrive(src_perf_1617ks2_path)

# 2016-17 KS4
src_perf_1617ks4_path <- ""
src_perf_1617ks4 <- read_csv_gdrive(src_perf_1617ks4_path)

# 2017-18 KS2
src_perf_1718ks2_path <- ""
src_perf_1718ks2 <- read_csv_gdrive(src_perf_1718ks2_path)

# 2017-18 KS4
src_perf_1718ks4_path <- ""
src_perf_1718ks4 <- read_csv_gdrive(src_perf_1718ks4_path)

# 2018-19 KS2
src_perf_1819ks2_path <- ""
src_perf_1819ks2 <- read_csv_gdrive(src_perf_1819ks2_path)

# 2018-19 KS4
src_perf_1819ks4_path <- ""
src_perf_1819ks4 <- read_csv_gdrive(src_perf_1819ks4_path)

These files contain a large number of columns. We will need to pick out only the most relevant for reporting, which can be standardised across all schools.


This dataset includes details about the educational phase. Since there are some schools in England that offer both primary and secondary education, we will need a way to distinguish the phases in the fact table.

# Read in the source data for phase
src_phase_path <- ""
src_phase <- read_csv_gdrive(src_phase_path)

This dataset has 2 rows and 4 columns and contains largely descriptive information about the educational phases in England.


This dataset includes details about the academic years covered by the data.

# Read in the source data for calendar
src_calendar_path <- ""
src_calendar <- read_csv_gdrive(src_calendar_path)

This will be our date table. Since the lowest unit of time in the data is year, this is the level of detail of the calendar table. This table has 100 rows and 6 columns.

Clean data


One key piece of cleaning we need to do with this dataset is to provide a mechanism to group entities that describe the same establishment (i.e. where there has been a change in URN over time due to conversion to academy). We can do this using the links columns at the end of this data frame, along with the urn, to create a bridge table, which we’ll call brg_school.

The links I am interested in are the predecessor-successor links so that I can keep schools grouped over time. I want the successor school to be retained as the master school and all predecessors to be linked to the master. If a school has no links then we simply list the master and linked URNs as the same number. Therefore, I need to keep all of the open schools as the master list and any predecessors need to be linked to those master URNs.

# Set up the bridge table
brg_school <- src_info %>%
  # keep only currently open schools
  filter(grepl("^Open.*", establishment_status_name)) %>%
  # select required columns
  select(master_urn = urn,
         status = establishment_status_name,
         starts_with("link_")) %>% 
  # pivot the links
  pivot_longer(!c(master_urn, status),
               values_drop_na = TRUE) %>% 
  # drop the name column
  select(-name) %>% 
  # drop the non-useful link types
  mutate(value = case_when(
    value == "Does not have links" ~ value,
    grepl(".*Predecessor.*", value) ~ value,
    TRUE ~ "No useful links"
  )) %>% 
  # split the description column into useful data
  mutate(linked_urn = as.numeric(str_extract(value,"\\d+")),
         link_type = str_trim(str_extract(value,"\\D+"))) %>% 
  # drop the value column
  select(-value) %>% 
  # add self-urn
  mutate(self_urn = master_urn) %>% 
  pivot_longer(cols = c(linked_urn, self_urn),
               names_to = "urn_type",
               values_to = "linked_urn",
               values_drop_na = TRUE) %>% 
  # select required columns
         linked_urn) %>% 

Now that the bridge table is set up I can filter the src_info table to include only the currently open schools. The number of distinct URNs in this table should then match the number of distinct master URNs in brg_school.

# Keep only the currently open schools in info
info <- src_info %>% 
# Check if the number of distinct URNs in info matches the number of
# distinct master URNs in brg_school
n_distinct(info$urn) == n_distinct(brg_school$master_urn)
## [1] TRUE

The numbers match. Success!

Next, let’s keep only the columns we need from src_info.

# Keep only the required columns from src_info
info <- info %>% 

Now we can rename the columns more appropriately.

# Rename columns in info
info <- info %>% 
  rename(establishment_type = type_of_establishment_name,
         establishment_type_group = establishment_type_group_name,
         establishment_status = establishment_status_name,
         education_phase = phase_of_education_name,
         gender = gender_name,
         religious_character = religious_character_name,
         admissions_policy = admissions_policy_name,
         county = county_name,
         head_title = head_title_name,
         gor = gor_name,
         administrative_district = district_administrative_name,
         administrative_ward = administrative_ward_name,
         parliamentary_constituency = parliamentary_constituency_name,
         urban_rural_indicator = urban_rural_name,
         gss_la_code = gssla_code_name,
         msoa = msoa_name,
         lsoa = lsoa_name,
         ofsted_rating = ofsted_rating_name,
         number_of_fsm = fsm)

And convert the columns to the correct data types.

# Define the columns by type
info_date <- c("open_date",

# Correct the data types in info
info <- info %>% 
  mutate(across(all_of(info_date), dmy)) %>% 
  mutate(telephone_num = as.character(telephone_num),
         telephone_num = paste0("0", telephone_num))

Let’s now review the selected column headings in this dataset and the number of unique values in each column

# Print a list of the column headings in the info df
info %>% 
  summarise_all(n_distinct) %>% 
  transpose(keep.names = "field") %>% 
  rename(unique_values = V1)
##                         field unique_values
## 1                         urn         20188
## 2                     la_code           152
## 3                     la_name           152
## 4        establishment_number          2531
## 5          establishment_name         18522
## 6          establishment_type             9
## 7    establishment_type_group             3
## 8        establishment_status             2
## 9                   open_date           311
## 10                 close_date             8
## 11            education_phase             5
## 12          statutory_low_age            14
## 13         statutory_high_age            13
## 14                     gender             4
## 15        religious_character            29
## 16          admissions_policy             4
## 17            school_capacity          1488
## 18           number_of_pupils          1735
## 19             number_of_boys          1050
## 20            number_of_girls          1065
## 21             percentage_fsm           708
## 22           ofsted_last_insp          1487
## 23          last_changed_date           294
## 24                     street         13495
## 25                   locality          6591
## 26                   address3           991
## 27                       town          1427
## 28                     county            58
## 29                   postcode         19440
## 30             school_website         19603
## 31              telephone_num         20035
## 32                 head_title            19
## 33            head_first_name          2252
## 34             head_last_name          8079
## 35   head_preferred_job_title           152
## 36                        gor             9
## 37    administrative_district           309
## 38        administrative_ward          6249
## 39 parliamentary_constituency           533
## 40      urban_rural_indicator            10
## 41                gss_la_code           153
## 42                    easting         19149
## 43                   northing         19321
## 44                       msoa          6579
## 45                       lsoa         15565
## 46              ofsted_rating             6
## 47                  msoa_code          6579
## 48                  lsoa_code         15565
## 49              number_of_fsm           525

The la_name and la_code fields need to be checked to ensure they are consistent. I refer to the Office for National Statistics Local Authority Districts (December 2021) Names and Codes in the United Kingdom document for the latest reference data for these fields. This document is included in the Google Drive ref folder.

Let’s review the unique values of LA code and name in the info df.

# Review the unique values in la_name
info %>% 
  select(la_code, gss_la_code, la_name) %>% 
  distinct() %>% 
  arrange(la_name, la_code, gss_la_code)
## # A tibble: 184 × 3
##    la_code gss_la_code la_name                     
##      <dbl> <chr>       <chr>                       
##  1     301 E09000002   Barking and Dagenham        
##  2     302 E09000003   Barnet                      
##  3     302 X999999     Barnet                      
##  4     370 E08000016   Barnsley                    
##  5     800 E06000022   Bath and North East Somerset
##  6     800 X999999     Bath and North East Somerset
##  7     822 E06000055   Bedford                     
##  8     303 E09000004   Bexley                      
##  9     330 E08000025   Birmingham                  
## 10     330 X999999     Birmingham                  
## # … with 174 more rows
## # ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows

We can see that some of the gss-la-code values here are wrong. It looks like a value of X999999 has been used where the true value could not be determined when the source data was put together. We need to replace this value with the correct value according to the reference table.

# Correct the erroneous gss_la_code fields
info <- info %>% 
  group_by(la_code, la_name) %>% 
  mutate(gss_la_code = min(gss_la_code)) %>% 

# Check the results
info_la <- info %>% 
  select(la_code, gss_la_code, la_name) %>% 
  distinct() %>% 
  arrange(la_name, la_code, gss_la_code)

Some columns have relatively few unique values, making these columns clearly categorical. I’d like to review the values to ensure they are consistent and well labelled.

# Review the unique values in establishment type
## [1] "Voluntary aided school"       "Community school"            
## [3] "Foundation school"            "Voluntary controlled school" 
## [5] "Academy sponsor led"          "Academy converter"           
## [7] "Free schools"                 "Studio schools"              
## [9] "University technical college"

These values all look ok. This page has some useful definitions of the different types of school.

# Review the unique values in establishment group
## [1] "Local authority maintained schools" "Academies"                         
## [3] "Free Schools"

All ok.

# Review the unique values in establishment status
## [1] "Open"                        "Open, but proposed to close"

All ok.

# Review the unique values in phase of education
## [1] "Primary"                 "Secondary"              
## [3] "All-through"             "Middle deemed secondary"
## [5] "Middle deemed primary"

All ok.

# Review the unique values in gender
## [1] "Mixed" "Girls" "Boys"  NA

Some missing values here. Let’s replace those with ‘Not reported’.

# Convert missing values in gender
info$gender[$gender)] <- "Not reported"

# Check the results
## [1] "Mixed"        "Girls"        "Boys"         "Not reported"

All ok.

# Review the unique values in religious character
##  [1] "Church of England"                                       
##  [2] "Does not apply"                                          
##  [3] "Roman Catholic"                                          
##  [4] "Catholic"                                                
##  [5] "None"                                                    
##  [6] "Jewish"                                                  
##  [7] "Muslim"                                                  
##  [8] "Church of England/Christian"                             
##  [9] "Church of England/Methodist"                             
## [10] "Church of England/Free Church"                           
## [11] "Methodist"                                               
## [12] "Multi-faith"                                             
## [13] "Church of England/Roman Catholic"                        
## [14] "Christian/non-denominational"                            
## [15] "Roman Catholic/Church of England"                        
## [16] "Christian"                                               
## [17] NA                                                        
## [18] "United Reformed Church"                                  
## [19] "Quaker"                                                  
## [20] "Church of England/United Reformed Church"                
## [21] "Sikh"                                                    
## [22] "Seventh Day Adventist"                                   
## [23] "Hindu"                                                   
## [24] "Greek Orthodox"                                          
## [25] "Orthodox Jewish"                                         
## [26] "Anglican"                                                
## [27] "Anglican/Church of England"                              
## [28] "Methodist/Church of England"                             
## [29] "Church of England/Methodist/United Reform Church/Baptist"

Again, let’s fix the missing values.

# Convert missing values in religious character
info$religious_character[$religious_character)] <- 
  "Not reported"

# Check the results
##  [1] "Church of England"                                       
##  [2] "Does not apply"                                          
##  [3] "Roman Catholic"                                          
##  [4] "Catholic"                                                
##  [5] "None"                                                    
##  [6] "Jewish"                                                  
##  [7] "Muslim"                                                  
##  [8] "Church of England/Christian"                             
##  [9] "Church of England/Methodist"                             
## [10] "Church of England/Free Church"                           
## [11] "Methodist"                                               
## [12] "Multi-faith"                                             
## [13] "Church of England/Roman Catholic"                        
## [14] "Christian/non-denominational"                            
## [15] "Roman Catholic/Church of England"                        
## [16] "Christian"                                               
## [17] "Not reported"                                            
## [18] "United Reformed Church"                                  
## [19] "Quaker"                                                  
## [20] "Church of England/United Reformed Church"                
## [21] "Sikh"                                                    
## [22] "Seventh Day Adventist"                                   
## [23] "Hindu"                                                   
## [24] "Greek Orthodox"                                          
## [25] "Orthodox Jewish"                                         
## [26] "Anglican"                                                
## [27] "Anglican/Church of England"                              
## [28] "Methodist/Church of England"                             
## [29] "Church of England/Methodist/United Reform Church/Baptist"

All ok.

# Review the unique values in admissions policy
## [1] "Not applicable" "Non-selective"  "Selective"      NA

Again let’s fix the missing values.

# Convert missing values in admissions policy
info$admissions_policy[$admissions_policy)] <- 
  "Not reported"

# Check the results
## [1] "Not applicable" "Non-selective"  "Selective"      "Not reported"

All ok.

# Review the unique values in ofsted rating
## [1] "Outstanding"          "Good"                 "Requires improvement"
## [4] "Special Measures"     "Serious Weaknesses"   NA

Some recoding is necessary here. According to Ofsted, school inspections use a 4-point grading scale:

  • grade 1 - outstanding
  • grade 2 - good
  • grade 3 - requires improvement
  • grade 4 - inadequate

In our dataset, I see some other values of Serious Weaknesses and Special Measures, which are not on the ratings list provided by Ofsted. In fact, both of these ratings are a subset of the “inadequate” (grade 4) rating. Therefore, I can recode both of these values as inadequate. I can also add in the grade points to the ratings dimension table to provide a quantitative and aggregatable measure.

# Fix values for ofsted rating
info <- info %>% 
    mutate(ofsted_rating = case_when(
      grepl("Weakness", ofsted_rating) ~ "Inadequate",
      grepl("Measures", ofsted_rating) ~ "Inadequate", ~ "Not reported",
      TRUE ~ ofsted_rating
    ofsted_rating_score = case_when(
    grepl("Outstanding", ofsted_rating) ~ 1,
    grepl("Good", ofsted_rating) ~ 2,
    grepl("improvement", ofsted_rating) ~ 3,
    grepl("Inadequate", ofsted_rating) ~ 4

# Check results
## [1] "Outstanding"          "Good"                 "Requires improvement"
## [4] "Inadequate"           "Not reported"
## [1]  1  2  3  4 NA


By Local Authority

From the src_offla dataset we need to keep the identifiers for local authority, year and phase as well as the numerical data. We should filter the source data to keep only data at the geographic_level of “Local authority”.

# Select the required columns from offla and correct data types
offla <- src_offla %>% 
  mutate(across(everything(), as.character)) %>% 
  filter(geographic_level == "Local authority") %>% 
            ends_with("_percent"))) %>% 
  type_convert(na = "c")

Now we can rename the columns more appropriately.

# Rename the columns
offla <- offla %>% 
  rename(year = time_period,
         gss_la_code = new_la_code,
         la_code = old_la_code,
         phase = school_phase,
         number_of_preferences = no_of_preferences)

Now let’s review the entries for the local authority identifiers and check which rows in offla are not present in info_la and therefore need to be changed.

# Review the unique values of la_name
offla %>% 
  select(la_code, gss_la_code, la_name) %>% 
  distinct() %>% 
  arrange(la_name, la_code) %>% 
## # A tibble: 7 × 3
##   la_code gss_la_code la_name         
##     <dbl> <chr>       <chr>           
## 1     837 E06000028   Bournemouth     
## 2     825 E10000002   Buckinghamshire 
## 3     835 E10000009   Dorset          
## 4     390 E08000020   Gateshead       
## 5     928 E10000021   Northamptonshire
## 6     929 E06000048   Northumberland  
## 7     836 E06000029   Poole

Let’s make the necessary replacements.

# Recode the LA identifier fields in offla
offla <- offla %>% 
    la_code = case_when(
      la_code == 837 ~ 839,
      la_code == 835 ~ 838,
      la_code == 928 ~ 940,
      la_code == 836 ~ 839,
      TRUE ~ la_code
    gss_la_code = case_when(
      gss_la_code == "E06000028" ~ "E06000058",
      gss_la_code == "E10000002" ~ "E06000060",
      gss_la_code == "E10000009" ~ "E06000059",
      gss_la_code == "E08000020" ~ "E08000037",
      gss_la_code == "E10000021" ~ "E06000061",
      gss_la_code == "E06000048" ~ "E06000057",
      gss_la_code == "E06000029" ~ "E06000058",
      TRUE ~ gss_la_code
    la_name = case_when(
      la_name == "Bournemouth" ~ "Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole",
      la_name == "Northamptonshire" ~ "North Northamptonshire",
      la_name == "Poole" ~ "Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole",
      TRUE ~ la_name

# Extra rows because Northamptonshire is now two distinct regions
offla_extra <- tibble(
  year = c(202122, 202122, 202021, 202021, 201920, 201920, 201819, 201819,
           201718, 201718, 201617, 201617, 201516, 201516, 201415, 201415),
  region_code = rep("E12000004", 16),
  region_name = rep("East Midlands", 16),
  gss_la_code = rep("E06000062", 16),
  la_code = rep(941, 16),
  la_name = rep("West Northamptonshire", 16),
  phase = rep(c("Primary", "Secondary"), 8),
  number_of_preferences = rep(3,16)

# Bind extra rows on to prefs
offla <- offla %>% 
  bind_rows(offla_extra) %>% 
  group_by_at(vars(-number_of_preferences)) %>% 
  slice_max(number_of_preferences) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 

# Check the results
offla_la <- offla %>% 
  select(la_code, gss_la_code, la_name) %>% 
  distinct() %>% 
  arrange(la_name, la_code) 

offla_la %>% 
## # A tibble: 0 × 3
## # … with 3 variables: la_code <dbl>, gss_la_code <chr>, la_name <chr>
## # ℹ Use `colnames()` to see all variable names
# Review the unique values of year
## [1] 201415 201516 201617 201718 201819 201920 202021 202122 202223

These values should be recoded to match the year_key in the calendar table. We need to extract the academic start year, which is the first 4 digits of the value.

# Recode the values in year
offla$year <- as.numeric(str_extract(offla$year, "^\\d{4}"))

# Check the results
## [1] 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

By School

Let’s keep only the columns we need from src_offers. Some of the columns are duplicates of columns already in the info table, and some are just not required.

# Select required columns from offers
offers <- src_offers %>% 

Next we can rename the columns more appropriately.

# Rename the columns
offers <- offers %>% 
  rename(year = time_period,
         la_code = old_la_code,
         gss_la_code = new_la_code,
         religious_denomination = denomination,
         urn = school_urn,
         phase = entry_year)

Next we can filter out any records where the school_urn is n/a and convert the remaining values to numeric.

# Remove entries with null URN
offers <- offers %>% 
  filter(urn != "n/a") %>% 
  mutate(urn = as.numeric(urn))

Now we can check and correct the data types.

# Define cols to be converted
offers_num <- c("proportion_1stprefs_v_1stprefoffers",

# Correct data types in offers
offers <- offers %>% 
  mutate(across(all_of(offers_num), as.numeric))

Let’s now review the selected column headings in this dataset and the number of unique values in each column.

# Print a list of the column headings in the offers df
offers %>% 
  summarise_all(n_distinct) %>% 
  transpose(keep.names = "field") %>% 
  rename(unique_values = V1)
##                                   field unique_values
## 1                                  year             9
## 2                           region_code            10
## 3                           region_name            10
## 4                               la_code           155
## 5                           gss_la_code           155
## 6                               la_name           157
## 7           total_number_places_offered           425
## 8               number_preferred_offers           425
## 9          number_1st_preference_offers           403
## 10         number_2nd_preference_offers           108
## 11         number_3rd_preference_offers            61
## 12    times_put_as_any_preferred_school          1599
## 13          times_put_as_1st_preference           593
## 14          times_put_as_2nd_preference           539
## 15          times_put_as_3rd_preference           438
## 16  proportion_1stprefs_v_1stprefoffers          9826
## 17    proportion_1stprefs_v_totaloffers         15429
## 18     all_applications_from_another_la           760
## 19 offers_to_applicants_from_another_la           197
## 20               religious_denomination             3
## 21                                  urn         24404
## 22                                phase             3

Let’s review the categorical values to ensure they are consistent and well labelled.

# Review the unique values of la_name
offers %>% 
  select(la_code, gss_la_code, la_name) %>% 
  distinct() %>% 
  arrange(la_name, la_code)
## # A tibble: 160 × 3
##    la_code gss_la_code la_name                     
##      <dbl> <chr>       <chr>                       
##  1     301 E09000002   Barking and Dagenham        
##  2     302 E09000003   Barnet                      
##  3     370 E08000016   Barnsley                    
##  4     800 E06000022   Bath and North East Somerset
##  5     822 E06000055   Bedford                     
##  6     303 E09000004   Bexley                      
##  7     330 E08000025   Birmingham                  
##  8     889 E06000008   Blackburn with Darwen       
##  9     890 E06000009   Blackpool                   
## 10     350 E08000001   Bolton                      
## # … with 150 more rows
## # ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows

Some of these entries need to be corrected to match the values in info.

offers_la <- offers %>% 
         region_name) %>% 
  distinct() %>% 
          la_name) %>% 
  group_by(urn) %>% 
  slice_head(n = 1) %>% 
  ungroup() %>%
            by = c("urn" = "linked_urn")) %>% 
                   master_urn = urn,
                   master_la_code = la_code,
                   master_gss_la_code = gss_la_code,
                   master_la_name = la_name)) %>% 
  mutate(la_code = coalesce(master_la_code, la_code),
         gss_la_code = coalesce(master_gss_la_code, gss_la_code),
         la_name = coalesce(master_la_name, la_name)) %>% 
         region_name) %>% 
offers <- offers %>% 
            la_name)) %>% 

# Check the results
offers_la <- offers %>% 
  select(la_code, gss_la_code, la_name) %>% 
  distinct() %>% 
  arrange(la_name, la_code)
# Review the unique values of year
## [1] 202223 202122 202021 201920 201819 201718 201617 201516 201415

These values should be recoded to match the year_key in the calendar table. We need to extract the academic start year, which is the first 4 digits of the value.

# Recode the values in year
offers$year <- as.numeric(str_extract(offers$year, "^\\d{4}"))

# Check the results
## [1] 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014

All ok.

# Review the unique values in denomination
## [1] "Faith"                  "No religious character" "n/a"

There are some values of n/a here. Let’s see what those are.

# Review the n/a values in denomination
offers %>% 
  filter(religious_denomination == "n/a") %>% 
## # A tibble: 6 × 23
##    year total_…¹ numbe…² numbe…³ numbe…⁴ numbe…⁵ times…⁶ times…⁷ times…⁸ times…⁹
##   <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
## 1  2022       61      61      61       0       0     132      98      20      14
## 2  2022       30      30      29       1       0     101      44      47      10
## 3  2022       30      30      29       1       0      79      38      32       9
## 4  2022       35      34      32       2       0      68      32      20      16
## 5  2022       59      59      58       1       0     137      68      57      12
## 6  2022       30      30      30       0       0     112      36      49      26
## # … with 13 more variables: proportion_1stprefs_v_1stprefoffers <dbl>,
## #   proportion_1stprefs_v_totaloffers <dbl>,
## #   all_applications_from_another_la <dbl>,
## #   offers_to_applicants_from_another_la <dbl>, religious_denomination <chr>,
## #   urn <dbl>, phase <chr>, master_urn <dbl>, la_code <dbl>, gss_la_code <chr>,
## #   la_name <chr>, region_code <chr>, region_name <chr>, and abbreviated
## #   variable names ¹​total_number_places_offered, ²​number_preferred_offers, …
## # ℹ Use `colnames()` to see all variable names

I guess this must be for schools who did not report their denomination. Let’s replace n/a with Not reported.

# Replace n/a
offers$religious_denomination[offers$religious_denomination == "n/a"] <- "Not reported"

# Check the results
## [1] "Faith"                  "No religious character" "Not reported"

All ok.

# Review the unique values in phase
## [1] "R" "7" "9"

Here we need to make some changes so that this column can be used to refer to the educational phase of the data. We need to recode these values to match the phases in our phase table (primary or secondary). The value R corresponds to primary and 7 and 9 both correspond to secondary.

# Recode the phase values
offers <- offers %>% 
  mutate(phase = case_when(
    phase == "R" ~ "Primary",
    phase %in% c("7", "9") ~ "Secondary",
    TRUE ~ phase

# Check the results
## [1] "Primary"   "Secondary"


From this dataset we really need to select one or two good measures of performance for KS2 and KS4, along with the URN so that we can join back to school.

  • For KS2 we’ll used the progress measures readprog, writprog and matprog. This article has a good explanation of the KS2 progress scores, and this article explains how the bandings can be calculated.
  • For KS4 we’ll use the progress 8 and attainment 8 measures p8mea and att8scr. This article has a good explanation of these measures.

We will further need to filter both the KS2 and KS4 data to include only rows that are aggregated at the mainstream school level (RECTYPE = 1).

# Clean the KS2 data
# Bind rows from all years
perf_ks2 <- bind_rows(
  "2015" = src_perf_1516ks2,
  "2016" = src_perf_1617ks2,
  "2017" = src_perf_1718ks2,
  "2018" = src_perf_1819ks2,
  .id = "year"
) %>% 
  # Filter to rectype == 1
  filter(rectype == 1) %>% 
  # Select the required columns
         matprog) %>% 
  # convert to numeric (any strings can be converted to NA)
  mutate(across(everything(), as.numeric)) %>% 
  # add a column for phase
  mutate(phase = "Primary")

# View the head
## # A tibble: 6 × 6
##    year    urn readprog writprog matprog phase  
##   <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>  
## 1  2015 100000      2.7      2.2     3   Primary
## 2  2015 100028      2.6      4       3.5 Primary
## 3  2015 100029      2.3      1.4     0.3 Primary
## 4  2015 130342      3.4      2.2     2.3 Primary
## 5  2015 100013      2        1.4     6   Primary
## 6  2015 100027      3.5      0.4     2.7 Primary
# Bind rows from all years
perf_ks4 <- bind_rows(
  "2015" = select(src_perf_1516ks4, rectype, urn, p8mea, att8scr),
  "2016" = select(src_perf_1617ks4, rectype, urn, p8mea, att8scr),
  "2017" = select(src_perf_1718ks4, rectype, urn, p8mea, att8scr),
  "2018" = select(src_perf_1819ks4, rectype, urn, p8mea, att8scr),
  .id = "year"
) %>% 
  # Filter to rectype == 1
  filter(rectype == 1) %>% 
  # Select the required columns
         att8scr) %>% 
  # convert to numeric (any strings can be converted to NA)
  mutate(across(everything(), as.numeric)) %>% 
  # add the phase
  mutate(phase = "Secondary")

# View the head
## # A tibble: 6 × 5
##    year    urn p8mea att8scr phase    
##   <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>    
## 1  2015 100003 NA       42.1 Secondary
## 2  2015 100001 NA       32.2 Secondary
## 3  2015 100053 -0.26    50.1 Secondary
## 4  2015 100054  0.31    60.1 Secondary
## 5  2015 137333 NA        3.4 Secondary
## 6  2015 100084 NA       49.4 Secondary

Now we can join the KS2 and KS4 data together and recode the progress measure names.

# Combine two data frames
performance <- perf_ks2 %>% 
  full_join(perf_ks4) %>% 
  rename(reading_progress = readprog,
         writing_progress = writprog,
         maths_progress = matprog,
         progress_8 = p8mea,
         attainment_8 = att8scr)

# View the head
## # A tibble: 6 × 8
##    year    urn reading_progress writing_progress maths_p…¹ phase progr…² attai…³
##   <dbl>  <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>   <dbl>   <dbl>
## 1  2015 100000              2.7              2.2       3   Prim…      NA      NA
## 2  2015 100028              2.6              4         3.5 Prim…      NA      NA
## 3  2015 100029              2.3              1.4       0.3 Prim…      NA      NA
## 4  2015 130342              3.4              2.2       2.3 Prim…      NA      NA
## 5  2015 100013              2                1.4       6   Prim…      NA      NA
## 6  2015 100027              3.5              0.4       2.7 Prim…      NA      NA
## # … with abbreviated variable names ¹​maths_progress, ²​progress_8, ³​attainment_8


No cleaning required. We can simply rename without the src_ prefix.

# Rename the variable
phase <- src_phase


No cleaning required. We can simply rename without the src_ prefix.

# Rename the variable
calendar <- src_calendar

Model data

The matrix below shows the fact and dimension tables that I intend to create for this model and the relationships between them.

Fact/Dimension dim_la dim_school dim_calendar dim_phase
fact_la_year x x x
fact_school_year x x x x
fact_school x x

Fact and dimension tables

To build out the dimensional model for this data, we need to review all of the columns we intend to use, so that we can determine where they fit in the model. The custom function describe_df() contained in the utils.R file can help us with this.

# Create a vector of dfs to describe
data <- list("info" = info,
             "offers_by_la" = offla,
             "offers" = offers,
             "performance" = performance,
             "phase" = phase,
             "calendar" = calendar)

# Run describe_df() over each df
t_data <- lapply(data, describe_df)

# Bind each df into a single df
t_data <- bind_rows(t_data, .id = "source_table")

After exporting the new t_data dataframe to a spreadsheet, I created a file named star-schema which maps the raw source data to the corresponding dimension and fact tables for the star schema model.

# Read in star schema planning document
star_schema_path <- ""
star_schema <- read_sheet(star_schema_path,
                          col_types = "c")


Local Authority

The following columns are required for the local authority dimension table:

# Which columns are needed for the local authority dimension?
star_schema %>% 
  filter(model_table == "dim_la") %>% 
source_table source_field source_value_example model_table
info la_code 891 dim_la
info la_name Nottinghamshire dim_la
info gss_la_code E10000024 dim_la
offers_by_la region_code E12000001 dim_la
offers_by_la region_name North East dim_la
offers_by_la gss_la_code E06000004 dim_la
offers_by_la la_code 808 dim_la
offers_by_la la_name Stockton-on-Tees dim_la
offers region_code E13000001 dim_la
offers region_name Inner London dim_la
offers la_code 201 dim_la
offers la_name City of London dim_la
offers gss_la_code E09000001 dim_la

These columns can all come from the offers and info data frames.

# Build out the local authority dimension table
dim_la <- offers %>% 
         region_name) %>% 
  distinct() %>% 
  full_join(info_la) %>% 
  mutate(region_code = case_when(la_code == 420 ~ "E12000009",
                                 TRUE ~ region_code),
         region_name = case_when(la_code == 420 ~ "South West",
                                 TRUE ~ region_name))

# Check the result
## # A tibble: 6 × 5
##   la_code gss_la_code la_name                region_code region_name 
##     <dbl> <chr>       <chr>                  <chr>       <chr>       
## 1     201 E09000001   City of London         E13000001   Inner London
## 2     202 E09000007   Camden                 E13000001   Inner London
## 3     203 E09000011   Greenwich              E13000002   Outer London
## 4     204 E09000012   Hackney                E13000001   Inner London
## 5     205 E09000013   Hammersmith and Fulham E13000001   Inner London
## 6     206 E09000019   Islington              E13000001   Inner London

Let’s assign a unique key to each record, and add a record for the null case, which we’ll call Not reported.

# Specify the null value
dim_la_null <- tibble(la_key = 0,
                      la_code = 0,
                      la_name = "Not reported",
                      gss_la_code = "Not reported",
                      region_code = "Not reported",
                      region_name = "Not reported")

# Assign a key and row for null values
dim_la <- dim_la %>% 
  rowid_to_column(var = "la_key") %>% 
  bind_rows(dim_la_null) %>% 


The following fields are required for the school dimension.

# Which columns are needed for the school dimension?
star_schema %>% 
  filter(model_table == "dim_school") %>% 
source_table source_field source_value_example model_table
info urn 131560 dim_school
info establishment_number 3793 dim_school
info establishment_name Blidworth Oaks Primary School dim_school
info establishment_type Community school dim_school
info establishment_type_group Local authority maintained schools dim_school
info establishment_status Open, but proposed to close dim_school
info open_date 13604 dim_school
info close_date 19204 dim_school
info education_phase Primary dim_school
info statutory_low_age 2 dim_school
info statutory_high_age 11 dim_school
info gender Mixed dim_school
info religious_character Does not apply dim_school
info admissions_policy Not applicable dim_school
info ofsted_last_insp 17344 dim_school
info last_changed_date 19166 dim_school
info street Haywood Avenue dim_school
info locality Blidworth dim_school
info address3 Blidworth Oaks Primary School dim_school
info town Mansfield dim_school
info county Nottinghamshire dim_school
info postcode NG21 0RE dim_school
info school_website dim_school
info telephone_num 1623792348 dim_school
info head_title Mr dim_school
info head_first_name Shaun dim_school
info head_last_name Walker dim_school
info head_preferred_job_title Headteacher dim_school
info gor East Midlands dim_school
info administrative_district Newark and Sherwood dim_school
info administrative_ward Rainworth South & Blidworth dim_school
info parliamentary_constituency Sherwood dim_school
info urban_rural_indicator (England/Wales) Rural town and fringe dim_school
info easting 459277 dim_school
info northing 356444 dim_school
info msoa Newark and Sherwood 006 dim_school
info lsoa Newark and Sherwood 006B dim_school
info ofsted_rating Good dim_school
info msoa_code E02005898 dim_school
info lsoa_code E01028298 dim_school
offers religious_denomination Faith dim_school
offers urn 100000 dim_school
performance urn 137157 dim_school

These columns can all be found in the info and offers tables. We need to ensure that we include only the URNs in the master_urn column of our bridge table.

# Define columns to include
dim_school_cols_info <- star_schema %>% 
  filter(model_table == "dim_school",
         source_table == "info") %>% 

dim_school_cols_offers <- star_schema %>% 
  filter(model_table == "dim_school",
         source_table == "offers") %>% 

# Define which rows from offers should be joined (as there can be more than
# one record per URN)
dim_school_offers <- offers %>% 
         phase) %>% 
  distinct() %>% 
  group_by(urn) %>% 
  slice_max(year) %>%
  slice_max(phase) %>% 

# Build out the school dimension table
dim_school <- brg_school %>% 
  select(urn = master_urn) %>% 
  distinct() %>% 
                   all_of(dim_school_cols_info))) %>% 

Let’s assign a unique key to each record, and add a record for the null case, which we’ll call Not reported.

# Specify the null value
dim_school_null <- tibble(school_key = 0,
                          urn = 0,
                          establishment_number = 0,
                          establishment_name = "Not reported",
                          establishment_type = "Not reported",
                          establishment_type_group = "Not reported",
                          establishment_status = "Not reported",
                          open_date = NA,
                          close_date = NA,
                          education_phase = "Not reported",
                          statutory_low_age = NA,
                          statutory_high_age = NA,
                          gender = "Not reported",
                          religious_character = "Not reported",
                          admissions_policy = "Not reported",
                          ofsted_last_insp = NA,
                          last_changed_date = NA,
                          gor = "Not reported",
                          administrative_district = "Not reported",
                          administrative_ward = "Not reported",
                          parliamentary_constituency = "Not reported",
                          urban_rural_indicator = "Not reported",
                          msoa_code = "Not reported",
                          lsoa_code = "Not reported",
                          ofsted_rating = "Not reported",
                          religious_denomination = "Not reported")

# Assign a key and row for null values
dim_school <- dim_school %>% 
  rowid_to_column(var = "school_key") %>% 
  bind_rows(dim_school_null) %>% 


The following columns are needed for the phase dimension:

# Which columns are needed for the phase dimension?
star_schema %>% 
  filter(model_table == "dim_phase") %>% 
source_table source_field source_value_example model_table
offers_by_la phase Primary dim_phase
offers phase Primary dim_phase
performance phase Primary dim_phase
phase phase_key 1 dim_phase
phase phase_name Primary dim_phase
phase phase_intake_year Reception dim_phase
phase performance_key_stage KS2 dim_phase

For this table we just need to use the phase data frame as it already exists.

# Build the dim_phase table
dim_phase <- phase


For this table we just need to use the calendar data frame as it already exists.

# Build the calendar dimension
dim_calendar <- calendar


School Facts

To build the school facts table we will need to following columns, plus keys for all dimensions:

# Which columns are needed for the school fact table?
star_schema %>% 
  filter(model_table == "fact_school") %>% 
source_table source_field source_value_example model_table
info school_capacity 315 fact_school
info number_of_pupils 382 fact_school
info number_of_boys 208 fact_school
info number_of_girls 174 fact_school
info percentage_fsm 30.6 fact_school
info number_of_fsm 102 fact_school
info ofsted_rating_score 2 fact_school

These fields can all come from the info table.

# Define columns to include
fct_school_cols <- star_schema %>% 
  filter(model_table == "fact_school",
         source_table == "info") %>% 

# Build out the school fact table
fct_school <- info %>% 
  # select columns
  select(linked_urn = urn,
         all_of(fct_school_cols)) %>% 
  # join school key (via bridge)
  left_join(brg_school) %>% 
                   master_urn = urn,
                   school_key)) %>% 
  # join la key
                   la_key)) %>% 
  # select final columns
         all_of(fct_school_cols)) %>% 
  # deal with duplicates
           la_key) %>% 
  mutate(fct_school_count = n()) %>% 
  summarise_all(mean, na.rm = TRUE) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  mutate(fct_school_flg = if_else(fct_school_count == 1,

School Year Facts

To build the school year facts table we need the following columns:

# Which columns are needed for the school year fact table?
star_schema %>% 
  filter(model_table == "fact_school_year") %>% 
source_table source_field source_value_example model_table
offers total_number_places_offered 30 fact_school_year
offers number_preferred_offers 30 fact_school_year
offers number_1st_preference_offers 30 fact_school_year
offers number_2nd_preference_offers 0 fact_school_year
offers number_3rd_preference_offers 0 fact_school_year
offers times_put_as_any_preferred_school 81 fact_school_year
offers times_put_as_1st_preference 42 fact_school_year
offers times_put_as_2nd_preference 16 fact_school_year
offers times_put_as_3rd_preference 6 fact_school_year
offers proportion_1stprefs_v_1stprefoffers 1.4 fact_school_year
offers proportion_1stprefs_v_totaloffers 1.4 fact_school_year
offers all_applications_from_another_la 62 fact_school_year
offers offers_to_applicants_from_another_la 16 fact_school_year
performance reading_progress 2.8 fact_school_year
performance writing_progress 4 fact_school_year
performance maths_progress 0.5 fact_school_year
performance progress_8 0.47 fact_school_year
performance attainment_8 65 fact_school_year

These columns all come from offers, prefs and performance.

# Define columns to include
fct_school_year_cols_offers <- star_schema %>% 
  filter(model_table == "fact_school_year",
         source_table == "offers") %>% 

fct_school_year_cols_perf <- star_schema %>% 
  filter(model_table == "fact_school_year",
         source_table == "performance") %>% 

# Build out the school year fact table
fct_school_year <- offers %>% 
  select(linked_urn = urn,
         phase_name = phase,
         all_of(fct_school_year_cols_offers)) %>% 
                   linked_urn = urn,
                   phase_name = phase,
                   all_of(fct_school_year_cols_perf))) %>% 
  # join school key (via bridge)
  inner_join(brg_school) %>% 
                   master_urn = urn,
                   school_key)) %>% 
  # join la key
                   la_key)) %>% 
  # join phase key
                   phase_key)) %>% 
  # select final columns
         year_key = year,
         all_of(fct_school_year_cols_perf)) %>% 
  # deal with duplicates
           year_key) %>% 
  mutate(fct_school_year_count = n()) %>% 
  summarise_all(mean, na.rm = TRUE) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  mutate(fct_school_year_flg = if_else(fct_school_year_count == 1,

Local Authority Year Facts

To build the LA year facts table we need the following columns:

# Which columns are needed for the LA year fact table?
star_schema %>% 
  filter(model_table == "fact_la_year") %>% 
source_table source_field source_value_example model_table
offers_by_la admission_numbers 2626 fact_la_year
offers_by_la applications_received 2386 fact_la_year
offers_by_la online_applications 1638 fact_la_year
offers_by_la number_of_preferences 3 fact_la_year
offers_by_la first_preference_offers 2233 fact_la_year
offers_by_la second_preference_offers 97 fact_la_year
offers_by_la third_preference_offers 25 fact_la_year
offers_by_la preferred_school_offer 2355 fact_la_year
offers_by_la non_preferred_offer 0 fact_la_year
offers_by_la no_offer 31 fact_la_year
offers_by_la schools_in_la_offer 2333 fact_la_year
offers_by_la schools_in_another_la_offer 22 fact_la_year
offers_by_la offers_to_nonapplicants 0 fact_la_year

These columns all come from offers_by_la.

# Define columns to include
fct_la_year_cols <- star_schema %>% 
  filter(model_table == "fact_la_year") %>% 

# Build out the LA year fact table
fct_la_year <- offla %>% 
         phase_name = phase,
         all_of(fct_la_year_cols)) %>% 
  # join la key
                   la_key)) %>% 
  # join phase key
                   phase_key)) %>% 
  # select final columns
         year_key = year,
         all_of(fct_la_year_cols)) %>% 
  # deal with duplicates
           year_key) %>% 
  mutate(fct_la_year_count = n()) %>% 
  summarise_all(mean, na.rm = TRUE) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  mutate(fct_la_year_flg = if_else(fct_la_year_count == 1,

All Facts

Finally we can join together the three individual fact tables to create a single fact table which will be more useful for Tableau.

# Build a table for all facts
fct_all <- fct_school_year %>% 
  left_join(fct_school) %>% 

Export data

The final tables for the data model need to be saved as Rdata files, so that they can be accessed by Tableau.

# Define folder location for save
export_path <- "data-out/"

# Save objects
save(dim_la, file = paste0(export_path,

save(dim_school, file = paste0(export_path,

save(dim_calendar, file = paste0(export_path,

save(dim_phase, file = paste0(export_path,

save(fct_school, file = paste0(export_path,

save(fct_school_year, file = paste0(export_path,

save(fct_la_year, file = paste0(export_path,

save(fct_all, file = paste0(export_path,