Fasder is a self-contained posix shell script that can be either sourced or
executed. A Makefile is provided to install fasder
and fasder.1
the desired locations.
System-wide install:
make install
Install to $HOME:
PREFIX=$HOME make install
Or alternatively you can just copy fasder
anywhere you like.
To get fasder working in a shell, some initialization code must be run. Put the following line in your shell rc.
eval "$(fasder --init auto)"
This will set up a command hook that executes on every command and advanced tab completion for zsh and bash.
If you want more control over what gets into your shell environment, you can
pass a custom set of arguments to fasder --init
zsh-hook # define _fasder_preexec and add it to zsh preexec array
zsh-ccomp # zsh command mode completion definitions
zsh-ccomp-install # setup command mode completion for zsh
zsh-wcomp # zsh word mode completion definitions
zsh-wcomp-install # setup word mode completion for zsh
bash-hook # add hook code to bash $PROMPT_COMMAND
bash-ccomp # bash command mode completion definitions
bash-ccomp-install # setup command mode completion for bash
posix-alias # define alias that applies to all posix shells
posix-hook # setup $PS1 hook for shells that's posix compatible
tcsh-alias # define aliases for tcsh
tcsh-hook # setup tcsh precmd alias
Example for a minimal zsh setup (no tab completion):
eval "$(fasder --init posix-alias zsh-hook)"
Note that this method will slightly increase your shell start-up time, since calling binaries has overhead. You can cache fasder init code if you want minimal overhead. Example code for bash (to be put into .bashrc):
if [ "$(command -v fasder)" -nt "$fasder_cache" -o ! -s "$fasder_cache" ]; then
fasder --init posix-alias bash-hook bash-ccomp bash-ccomp-install >| "$fasder_cache"
source "$fasder_cache"
unset fasder_cache
Optionally, you can also source fasder
if you want fasder
to be a shell
function instead of an executable.
You can tweak the initialization code. For instance, if you want to use "c" instead of "z" to do directory jumping, run the code below:
# function to execute built-in cd
fasder_cd() {
if [ $# -le 1 ]; then
fasder "$@"
local _fasder_ret="$(fasder -e echo "$@")"
[ -z "$_fasder_ret" ] && return
[ -d "$_fasder_ret" ] && cd "$_fasder_ret" || echo "$_fasder_ret"
alias c='fasder_cd -d' # `-d' option present for bash completion