- New runtime based on Docker images.
- Added IBM Cloud Functions API connector for function invocations.
- Added support for IBM Cloud Object Storage (COS) backend (or S3 API).
- Added support for OpenStack Swift backend (or Swift API).
- Added timeout while PyWren is getting the results. It prevents PyWren waits forever when some function fails and the results are not stored in COS.
- In the COS backend, the boto3 library was changed to the ibm_boto3 library.
- Created the ibmcf/default_config.yaml config file for storing the main PyWren configuration parameters such as Cloud Functions and COS access keys.
- Enabled to use PyWren within a PyWren function.
- Enabled redirections. Now it is possible to send a Future class as a response of a function. This means that the function has executed another function, and the local PyWren has to wait for another response from another invocation.
- Added a new map_reduce()-like method: Unlike the original map and reduce methods, this new one integrates an automatic data partitioning based on a chunk size provided by the user. Both the map and the reduce functions are orchestrated and executed within Cloud Functions and the user just waits for the final result provided by the reduce function.
- Automatic data discovering in the new map_reduce()-like method. With this method it is possible to specify a bucket name in order to process all the objects within it instead of specifying each object one by one.
- Increased function execution timeout to 600 seconds (10 minutes).
- Created a function which removes residual data from COS when the PyWren execution finishes.
- Changed and improved logging in order to log correctly within IBM Cloud Functions.
- Now the main executor is a class and not a method (see the usage manual for more details).
- All the methods available for the users are integrated within the main executor class. In previous versions the user has to import the methods they want to use.
- Added state in the main executor class in order to control the correct execution order of its methods (like a turing machine)
- When a new executor class is instantiated, it is created a new unique executor_id used to store all the objects in COS, and to retrieve the results.
- When a new executor class is instantiated, it is created a storage_handler used in the all PyWren execution. In previous versions it was created multiple storage_handlers for one PyWren execution.
- Now it is possible to specify the runtime when the user instantiates the executor class instead of changing the config file every time (In the config file is specified the default runtime).
- The logging level is now specified when the user instantiates the executor class instead of put it in the first line of the code within an env variable.
- The PyWren code which is executed remotely as a wrapper of the function, now uses the main storage handler as the rest of the PyWren code. In previous versions, PyWren creates a new storage client directly with boto3 library instead of using pywren/storage/storage.py wrapper.
- Added support for multiple parameters in the functions which are executed remotely as a cloud functions. Previous versions just allows one parameter.
- Eased the usage of the storage backend within a function. By simply specifying storage_handler as a parameter of the function, the user will get access to the storage backend.
- Added a new method for retrieving the results of an execution called fetch_all_resuslts(). Previous PyWren versions already includes a method called get_all_results(), but this is a sequential method and it takes long time to retrieve all the results. It was also included a wait() class which is more similar to get_all_results() method, the main difference is that the new method is all based on list the available objects in a bucket, and it returns when all the tasks are finished. The new method also has the possibility to activate a progress bar in order to track the current status of the execution (really useful for larger executions).
- Added support for libs not included in the IBM Cloud Functions native image (python-jessie:3). Some libraries necessary for executing PyWren (remote code) are not included in the native CFs docker image. Now PyWren has the pywren/libs dir which includes all of these libraries, so it is possible to use PyWren with the native Docker image instead of building a new one with the missing libraries.