diff --git a/cldf/README.md b/cldf/README.md
index efee9e3..f52f44b 100644
--- a/cldf/README.md
+++ b/cldf/README.md
@@ -1,3 +1,95 @@
-# CLDF directory
+# StructureDataset Austronesian and Papuan numeral systems
+**CLDF Metadata**: [cldf-metadata.json](./cldf-metadata.json)
+**Sources**: [sources.bib](./sources.bib)
+property | value
+ --- | ---
+[dc:conformsTo](http://purl.org/dc/terms/conformsTo) | [CLDF StructureDataset](http://cldf.clld.org/v1.0/terms.rdf#StructureDataset)
+[dc:license](http://purl.org/dc/terms/license) | https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
+[dcat:accessURL](http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#accessURL) | https://github.com/cldf-datasets/barlownumeralsystems
+[prov:wasDerivedFrom](http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#wasDerivedFrom) |
- cldf-datasets/barlownumeralsystems 83763de
- Glottolog v5.0
+[prov:wasGeneratedBy](http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#wasGeneratedBy) | - python: 3.8.19
- python-packages: requirements.txt
+[rdf:ID](http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#ID) | barlownumeralsystems
+[rdf:type](http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type) | http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#Distribution
+## Table [values.csv](./values.csv)
+property | value
+ --- | ---
+[dc:conformsTo](http://purl.org/dc/terms/conformsTo) | [CLDF ValueTable](http://cldf.clld.org/v1.0/terms.rdf#ValueTable)
+[dc:extent](http://purl.org/dc/terms/extent) | 30560
+### Columns
+Name/Property | Datatype | Description
+ --- | --- | ---
+[ID](http://cldf.clld.org/v1.0/terms.rdf#id) | `string`
Regex: `[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+` | Primary key
+[Language_ID](http://cldf.clld.org/v1.0/terms.rdf#languageReference) | `string` | References [languages.csv::ID](#table-languagescsv)
+[Parameter_ID](http://cldf.clld.org/v1.0/terms.rdf#parameterReference) | `string` | References [parameters.csv::ID](#table-parameterscsv)
+[Value](http://cldf.clld.org/v1.0/terms.rdf#value) | `string` |
+[Code_ID](http://cldf.clld.org/v1.0/terms.rdf#codeReference) | `string` | References [codes.csv::ID](#table-codescsv)
+[Comment](http://cldf.clld.org/v1.0/terms.rdf#comment) | `string` |
+[Source](http://cldf.clld.org/v1.0/terms.rdf#source) | list of `string` (separated by `;`) | References [sources.bib::BibTeX-key](./sources.bib)
+## Table [languages.csv](./languages.csv)
+property | value
+ --- | ---
+[dc:conformsTo](http://purl.org/dc/terms/conformsTo) | [CLDF LanguageTable](http://cldf.clld.org/v1.0/terms.rdf#LanguageTable)
+[dc:extent](http://purl.org/dc/terms/extent) | 2146
+### Columns
+Name/Property | Datatype | Description
+ --- | --- | ---
+[ID](http://cldf.clld.org/v1.0/terms.rdf#id) | `string`
Regex: `[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+` | Primary key
+[Name](http://cldf.clld.org/v1.0/terms.rdf#name) | `string` |
+[Macroarea](http://cldf.clld.org/v1.0/terms.rdf#macroarea) | `string` |
+[Latitude](http://cldf.clld.org/v1.0/terms.rdf#latitude) | `decimal`
≥ -90
≤ 90 |
+[Longitude](http://cldf.clld.org/v1.0/terms.rdf#longitude) | `decimal`
≥ -180
≤ 180 |
+[Glottocode](http://cldf.clld.org/v1.0/terms.rdf#glottocode) | `string`
Regex: `[a-z0-9]{4}[1-9][0-9]{3}` |
+[ISO639P3code](http://cldf.clld.org/v1.0/terms.rdf#iso639P3code) | `string`
Regex: `[a-z]{3}` |
+[Source](http://cldf.clld.org/v1.0/terms.rdf#source) | list of `string` (separated by `;`) | References [sources.bib::BibTeX-key](./sources.bib)
+## Table [parameters.csv](./parameters.csv)
+property | value
+ --- | ---
+[dc:conformsTo](http://purl.org/dc/terms/conformsTo) | [CLDF ParameterTable](http://cldf.clld.org/v1.0/terms.rdf#ParameterTable)
+[dc:extent](http://purl.org/dc/terms/extent) | 16
+### Columns
+Name/Property | Datatype | Description
+ --- | --- | ---
+[ID](http://cldf.clld.org/v1.0/terms.rdf#id) | `string`
Regex: `[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+` | Primary key
+[Name](http://cldf.clld.org/v1.0/terms.rdf#name) | `string` |
+[Description](http://cldf.clld.org/v1.0/terms.rdf#description) | `string` |
+[ColumnSpec](http://cldf.clld.org/v1.0/terms.rdf#columnSpec) | `json` |
+## Table [codes.csv](./codes.csv)
+property | value
+ --- | ---
+[dc:conformsTo](http://purl.org/dc/terms/conformsTo) | [CLDF CodeTable](http://cldf.clld.org/v1.0/terms.rdf#CodeTable)
+[dc:extent](http://purl.org/dc/terms/extent) | 45
+### Columns
+Name/Property | Datatype | Description
+ --- | --- | ---
+[ID](http://cldf.clld.org/v1.0/terms.rdf#id) | `string`
Regex: `[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+` | Primary key
+[Parameter_ID](http://cldf.clld.org/v1.0/terms.rdf#parameterReference) | `string` | The parameter or variable the code belongs to.
References [parameters.csv::ID](#table-parameterscsv)
+[Name](http://cldf.clld.org/v1.0/terms.rdf#name) | `string` |
+[Description](http://cldf.clld.org/v1.0/terms.rdf#description) | `string` |
+`Map_Icon` | `string` |
-This directory contains the dataset formatted as [CLDF dataset](https://cldf.clld.org).
diff --git a/cldf/cldf-metadata.json b/cldf/cldf-metadata.json
index 6ba2f0c..96cb2fa 100644
--- a/cldf/cldf-metadata.json
+++ b/cldf/cldf-metadata.json
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"rdf:about": "https://github.com/cldf-datasets/barlownumeralsystems",
"rdf:type": "prov:Entity",
- "dc:created": "515c1ef",
+ "dc:created": "83763de",
"dc:title": "Repository"
diff --git a/cldf/parameters.csv b/cldf/parameters.csv
index ece5f42..9b07378 100644
--- a/cldf/parameters.csv
+++ b/cldf/parameters.csv
@@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ formation-of-10,Formation of 10,How is the numeral 10 constructed?,
formation-of-15,Formation of 15,How is the numeral 15 constructed?,
formation-of-20,Formation of 20,How is the numeral 20 constructed?,
formation-of-40,Formation of 40,How is the numeral 40 constructed?,
-binary-counting,Evidence of binary counting?,Is the number 2 used in the construction of any numeral less than 5 (other than 2)? Or is the number 2 used as a base in the construction of any multiple of 2?,
-ternary-counting,Evidence of ternary counting?,Is the number 3 used in the construction of any numeral less than 7 (other than 3)? Or is the number 3 used as a base in the construction of any multiple of 3?,
-quaternary-counting,Evidence of quaternary counting?,Is the number 4 used in the construction of any numeral less than 9 (other than 4)? Or is the number 4 used as a base in the construction of any multiple of 4?,
-quinary-counting,Evidence of quinary counting?,Is the number 5 used in the construction of any numeral less than 11 (other than 5)? Or is the number 5 used as a base in the construction of any multiple of 5?,
-senary-counting,Evidence of senary counting?,Is the number 6 used in the construction of any numeral less than 13 (other than 6)? Or is the number 6 used as a base in the construction of any multiple of 6?,
-decimal-counting,Evidence of decimal counting?,Is the number 10 used in the construction of any numeral less than 21 (other than 10)? Or is the number 10 used as a base in the construction of any multiple of 10?,
-vigesimal-counting,Evidence of vigesimal counting?,Is the number 20 used in the construction of any numeral less than 41 (other than 20)? Or is the number 20 used as a base in the construction of any multiple of 20?,
-bodypart-tallying,Evidence of a body-part tallying system?,Does the speaker community use a tally system in which parts of the body (other than fingers and toes) are used to indicate numbers? Or are there terms recorded as numerals that appear to reflect such a system?,
-hand-word,Documentation of a hand word used somewhere?,"Has a term referring to the hand been recorded as a numeral or part of a numeral expression? These terms include ‘hand’, ‘arm’, ‘palm’, ‘fist’, ‘fingers’, and ‘thumb’ (but not when such terms are referring to a body-part tallying system). Only Papuan languages have been surveyed.",
+binary-counting,Evidence of binary counting,Is the number 2 used in the construction of any numeral less than 5 (other than 2)? Or is the number 2 used as a base in the construction of any multiple of 2?,
+ternary-counting,Evidence of ternary counting,Is the number 3 used in the construction of any numeral less than 7 (other than 3)? Or is the number 3 used as a base in the construction of any multiple of 3?,
+quaternary-counting,Evidence of quaternary counting,Is the number 4 used in the construction of any numeral less than 9 (other than 4)? Or is the number 4 used as a base in the construction of any multiple of 4?,
+quinary-counting,Evidence of quinary counting,Is the number 5 used in the construction of any numeral less than 11 (other than 5)? Or is the number 5 used as a base in the construction of any multiple of 5?,
+senary-counting,Evidence of senary counting,Is the number 6 used in the construction of any numeral less than 13 (other than 6)? Or is the number 6 used as a base in the construction of any multiple of 6?,
+decimal-counting,Evidence of decimal counting,Is the number 10 used in the construction of any numeral less than 21 (other than 10)? Or is the number 10 used as a base in the construction of any multiple of 10?,
+vigesimal-counting,Evidence of vigesimal counting,Is the number 20 used in the construction of any numeral less than 41 (other than 20)? Or is the number 20 used as a base in the construction of any multiple of 20?,
+bodypart-tallying,Evidence of a body-part tallying system,Does the speaker community use a tally system in which parts of the body (other than fingers and toes) are used to indicate numbers? Or are there terms recorded as numerals that appear to reflect such a system?,
+hand-word,Hand word in numerals,"Has a term referring to the hand been recorded as a numeral or part of a numeral expression? These terms include ‘hand’, ‘arm’, ‘palm’, ‘fist’, ‘fingers’, and ‘thumb’ (but not when such terms are referring to a body-part tallying system). Only Papuan languages have been surveyed.",
diff --git a/cldf/requirements.txt b/cldf/requirements.txt
index 2f1ac90..d946191 100644
--- a/cldf/requirements.txt
+++ b/cldf/requirements.txt
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
--e git+https://github.com/cldf-datasets/barlownumeralsystems.git@515c1efc9d4db17201acc383f07293b7bb92e8cc#egg=cldfbench_barlownumeralsystems
+-e git+https://github.com/cldf-datasets/barlownumeralsystems.git@83763de8751bc49ee9ad23b7fac92e68e5ef855d#egg=cldfbench_barlownumeralsystems
@@ -16,26 +16,27 @@ exceptiongroup==1.2.1
@@ -43,8 +44,8 @@ soupsieve==2.5
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file