"This project is dedicated to my sister who I wanted to someday thank for taking care of me when I was kid. Though you are no longer with us, you will never be forgotten. May your memory be forever held in this project."
-- Bridget Trinity Vedjesu --
Clera provides platform for developing python GUI quickly and simply with low learning curve
pip install clera
Your first application and Skeleton of every GUI developed using clera.
from clera import *
window = Window()
# window widgets and layouts goes here!
" Why Complicate Simplicity? "
Clera runs on multiple platforms and have a native interface on each.
- Runs on Desktop and Laptops
- Windows
- Mac
- Linux
value = '',
func = None,
icon = None,
id = None,
disabled = False,
default = False,
grid = (None, None),
sizepolicy = (None, None),
checkable = False,
checked = False,
hidden = False,
focus = True, icon_size = None statustip = None tooltip = None shortcut = None
# Button(value, func, id)
def say_hi():
Button(value='Text', func=say_hi, id='btn')
Type | Name | Meaning |
any | value | define text displayed on button |
function | func | function to be executed when button is clicked |
str | icon | path to icon to be displayed on button |
any | id | Widget id for representing and calling widget in other code parts and styling |
bool | disabled | set button disabled or unfunctional. Lacks interaction. default False |
bool | default | make button the default selected button |
tuple | grid | Tuple (Horizontal, Vertical). set grid occupy position. works with the Grid() Element |
tuple | sizepolicy | Tuple (Horizontal, Vertical). set widget stretch rule. Takes "fixed" for widget stay fixed on window size change. "expand" for widget to stretch in the direction of window size change |
bool | checkable | set button checkeable, a state of selected and unselected with each button interaction. default False |
bool | checked | set button slected default on application launch. default False |
bool | hidden | hide Widget |
bool | focus | set widget focused |
int | icon_size | set button icon size |
any | statustip | set statusbar message for the widget |
any | tooltip | set tooltip value for button |
str | shortcut | set hotkey fot the button |
placeholder = None,
id = None,
value = None,
type = STANDARD,
diabled = False,
readonly = False,
maxlength = None,
hidden = False,
font = None,
fontsize = None,
text_changed = None,
return_pressed = None,
editing_finished = None,
text_edited = None,
selection_changed = None,
sizepolicy = (None, None),
grid = (None, None),
# Input(placeholder, id)
Input(placeholder='Enter Username', id='username')
Type | Name | Meaning |
any | placeholder | set placeholder text for the widget |
any | id | Widget id for representing and calling widget in other code parts and styling |
any | value | sets default value of the input widget |
str | type | set the input widget type. default STANDARD. TYPES : password, standard and noecho |
bool | disabled | set input box disabled or uneditable. Lacks interaction, usually inactive. default False |
bool | readonly | set input box to read only. visually active but value unchangeable. default False |
int | maxlength | set maximm input value capacity |
bool | hidden | hides input widget. default False |
str | font | set font family of the input widget |
int | fontsize | set the font size of the input widget |
function | text_changed | fucntion to execute if input value is changed |
function | return_pressed | fucntion to execute if "enter" key is pressed |
function | editing_finished | fucntion to execute when input value change is complete |
function | text_edited | function to execute in a value is added or removed. |
function | selection_changed | function to execute if a selected value is changed. |
tuple | sizepolicy | Tuple (Horizontal, Vertical). set widget stretch rule. Takes "fixed" for widget stay fixed on window size change. "expand" for widget to stretch in the direction of window size change. |
tuple | grid | Tuple (Horizontal, Vertical). set grid occupy position. works with the Grid() Element. |
value = '',
id = None,
link = None,
hovered = None,
clicked = None,
buddy = None,
alignment = None,
wordwrap = False,
grid = (None, None),
sizepolicy = (None, None),
hidden = False
# Text(value, id)
Text(value='This is a text', id='first_line')
Type | Name | Meaning |
any | value | set text value |
any | id | Widget id for representing and calling widget in other code parts and styling |
str | link | set hyperlink for widget. |
function | hovered | fucntion to execute if widget is hovered or mouse pointer is moved over he widget |
function | clicked | function to execute if widget is clicked |
str | buddy | ... |
str | alignment | sets alignment for text widget. ALIGNMENTS: Center, Justify, Right, Left, Top, Bottom, Hcenter, Vcenter |
bool | wordwrap | contain word overflow in application window. default False. |
tuple | grid | uple (Horizontal, Vertical). set grid occupy position. works with the Grid() Element. |
tuple | sizepolicy | Tuple (Horizontal, Vertical). set widget stretch rule. Takes "fixed" for widget stay fixed on window size change. "expand" for widget to stretch in the direction of window size change. |
bool | hidden | hide widget |
📝 Note: hovered and clicked only works if link is set.
source = None,
id = None,
size = None,
alignment = None,
grid = (None, None),
sizepolicy = (None, None),
hidden = False,
# Image(source, id)
Image(source='/image/new.png', id='logo')
Type | Name | Meaning |
str | source | path to image file. |
any | id | Widget id for representing and calling widget in other code parts and styling |
int | size | set the size of the widget. |
str | alignment | set alignment of image |
tuple | grid | Tuple (Horizontal, Vertical). set grid occupy position. works with the Grid() Element. |
tuple | sizepolicy | Tuple (Horizontal, Vertical). set widget stretch rule. Takes "fixed" for widget stay fixed on window size change. "expand" for widget to stretch in the direction of window size change. |
bool | hidden | hide widget |
label = '',
checked = False,
id = None,
state_changed = None,
toggled = None,
grid = (None, None),
sizepolicy = (None, None),
# CheckBox(label, checked, id)
CheckBox(label='Windows', checked=True, id='win')
Type | Name | Meaning |
any | label | set checkbox label or text |
bool | checked | set checkbox selected on first runs. default False |
any | id | Widget id for representing and calling widget in other code parts and styling |
function | state_changed | fucntion to execute if checkbox state is changed. |
function | toggled | function to execute when checkbox is toggled. checked / unchecked |
tuple | grid | Tuple (Horizontal, Vertical). set grid occupy position. works with the Grid() Element. |
tuple | sizepolicy | Tuple (Horizontal, Vertical). set widget stretch rule. Takes "fixed" for widget stay fixed on window size change. "expand" for widget to stretch in the direction of window size change. |
label = '',
checked = False,
id = None,
state_changed = None,
toggled = None,
grid = (None, None),
sizepolicy = (None, None),
# RadioButton(label, checked, id)
RadioButton(label='Windows', checked=True, id='win')
Type | Name | Meaning |
any | label | set radiobutton label or text |
bool | checked | set radiobutton selected on first runs. default False |
any | id | Widget id for representing and calling widget in other code parts and styling |
function | state_changed | fucntion to execute if radiobutton state is changed. |
function | toggled | fucntion to execute if widget is toggled |
tuple | grid | Tuple (Horizontal, Vertical). set grid occupy position. works with the Grid() Element. |
tuple | sizepolicy | Tuple (Horizontal, Vertical). set widget stretch rule. Takes "fixed" for widget stay fixed on window size change. "expand" for widget to stretch in the direction of window size change. |
id = None,
placeholder = None,
hidden = None,
alignment = None,
value = None,
disabled = False,
readonly = False,
text_changed = None,
selection_changed = None,
undo_available = None,
redo_available = None,
maxlength = None,
font = None,
fontsize = None,
sizepolicy = (None, None),
grid = No(None, None)e,
tabwidth = None, wordwrap = False
Type | Name | Meaning |
any | id | Widget id for representing and calling widget in other code parts and styling |
any | placeholder | set placeholder text for the widget |
bool | hidden | hide widget |
str | alignment | set text alignment in the widget |
any | value | sets default value of the textarea widget |
bool | disabled | set textarea disabled or uneditable. Lacks interaction, usually inactive. default False |
bool | readonly | set textarea to read only. visually active but value unchangeable. default False |
function | text_changed | ucntion to execute if textarea value is changed |
function | selection_changed | function to execute if a selected value is changed. |
function | undo_available | function to execute of undo is available for the textarea widget |
function | redo_available | function to execute of redo is available for the textarea widget |
int | maxlength | set maximum value length of a textarea |
str | font | set textarea value font family. example Arial |
int | fontsize | set textarea value size |
tuple | sizepolicy | Tuple (Horizontal, Vertical). set widget stretch rule. Takes "fixed" for widget stay fixed on window size change. "expand" for widget to stretch in the direction of window size change. |
tuple | grid | Tuple (Horizontal, Vertical). set grid occupy position. works with the Grid() Element. |
int | tabwidth | set the tab width of textarea values. |
bool | wordwrap | contain word overflow in application window. default False. |
list_items = None,
id = None,
mode = None,
grid = (None, None),
sizepolicy = (None, None),
func = None,
Type | Name | Meaning |
any | list_items | items for the list widget |
any | id | Widget id for representing and calling widget in other code parts and styling |
str | mode | ... |
tuple | grid | Tuple (Horizontal, Vertical). set grid occupy position. works with the Grid() Element. |
tuple | sizepolicy | Tuple (Horizontal, Vertical). set widget stretch rule. Takes "fixed" for widget stay fixed on window size change. "expand" for widget to stretch in the direction of window size change. |
function | func | function to execute if listwidget is interacted with |
option = None,
id = None,
placeholder = None,
grid = (None, None),
sizepolicy = (None, None),
current_text_changed = None,
activated = None,
Type | Name | Meaning |
any | option | options for select widget |
any | id | Widget id for representing and calling widget in other code parts and styling |
any | placeholder | set default option for select widget |
tuple | grid | Tuple (Horizontal, Vertical). set grid occupy position. works with the Grid() Element. |
tuple | sizepolicy | Tuple (Horizontal, Vertical). set widget stretch rule. Takes "fixed" for widget stay fixed on window size change. "expand" for widget to stretch in the direction of window size change. |
function | current_text_changed | function of execute if option is changed |
function | activated | ... |
id = None,
min = 0,
max = 0,
value = None,
orientation = horizontal,
grid = (None, None),
sizepolicy = (None, None),
text_visible = True,
inverted = False,
value_changed = None,
Type | Name | Meaning |
any | id | Widget id for representing and calling widget in other code parts and styling |
int | min | set minimum value |
int | max | set maximum value |
int | value | set progressbar value |
str | orientation | set progressbar orientation |
tuple | grid | Tuple (Horizontal, Vertical). set grid occupy position. works with the Grid() Element. |
tuple | sizepolicy | Tuple (Horizontal, Vertical). set widget stretch rule. Takes "fixed" for widget stay fixed on window size change. "expand" for widget to stretch in the direction of window size change. |
bool | text_visible | set progress bar text visible |
bool | inverted | run progress backwards |
function | value_changed | function to execute when progressbar value changes |
id = None,
min = 0,
max = 0,
value = None,
step = None,
orientation = horizontal,
grid = (None, None),
sizepolicy = (None, None),
value_changed = None,
Type | Name | Meaning |
any | id | Widget id for representing and calling widget in other code parts and styling |
int | min | set minimum value |
int | max | set maximum value |
int | value | set slider value |
int | step | set increase value steps for slider |
str | orientation | set slidebar orientation |
tuple | grid | Tuple (Horizontal, Vertical). set grid occupy position. works with the Grid() Element. |
tuple | sizepolicy | Tuple (Horizontal, Vertical). set widget stretch rule. Takes "fixed" for widget stay fixed on window size change. "expand" for widget to stretch in the direction of window size change. |
function | value_changed | function to execute when slider value changes |
id = None,
min = 0,
max = 0,
value = None,
tick_target = None,
tick = False,
wrapping = False,
grid = (None, None),
sizepolicy = (None, None),
value_changed = None,
Type | Name | Meaning |
any | id | Widget id for representing and calling widget in other code parts and styling |
int | min | set minimum value |
int | max | set maximum value |
int | value | set dial value |
any | tick_target | ... |
bool | tick | show dial ticks or markers |
bool | wrapping | ... |
tuple | grid | Tuple (Horizontal, Vertical). set grid occupy position. works with the Grid() Element. |
tuple | sizepolicy | Tuple (Horizontal, Vertical). set widget stretch rule. Takes "fixed" for widget stay fixed on window size change. "expand" for widget to stretch in the direction of window size change. |
function | value_changed | function to execute when slider value changes |