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How to contribute to this repository

hijarian edited this page Jan 28, 2013 · 10 revisions

All current work on the YiiBooster happens in the branches which are named like N.N.N-wip, where Ns are numbers. So, you should not normally contribute to master branch, but only to current *-wip branch instead.

Common work process is as follows:

  1. Fork YiiBooster to your Github account. Use button "Fork" in the Github webpage, and follow instructions afterwards.

  2. Clone your own copy of YiiBooster's repo to your workstation. git clone git://

  3. Make a new branch named after the feature you're fixing/adding. git checkout -b myfeature

  4. Commit everything to this branch and not to master. Easiest way is to run git branch before commit and look if the asterisk is before the name of your desired branch.

  5. After you've done with the feature under question, open the and append the line to it in the following format: Bug #999: a description of the bug fix (Your Name) or Enh #999: a description of the enhancement (Your Name)

    Commit this change to normally. It'll be included in your PR on next step and it's good. This step is proposed first in #167 and it's definitive. Please, do it.

  6. Push this branch to your Github fork.

    git push origin myfeature

  7. After this, go to clevertech/YiiBooster, hit "Pull Request" and choose your branch at your fork as a source and desired *-wip branch as a receiver of pull request.

Please, do not forget to reference the original issue as '#'+issue-number in the description of your pull request. It's very important, it'll help admins to quickly find what issues can be closed with this pull request.

Please, I know, too, that it all is an ass-crunching hassle, however, Git along with Github forces us to work in such a way, thank you.